as she feels today oor Spaans

as she feels today

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como se siente hoy


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She should be feeling good by then . . . as long as she rests today.”
Debe sentirse bien para entonces... siempre y cuando descanse el día de hoy.Literature Literature
She had ridden just as hard today as yesterday, but surprisingly she didn’t feel quite so terribly exhausted.
Habían cabalgado tanto como el día anterior, pero, sorprendentemente, no estaba ni la mitad de cansada.Literature Literature
Most of all, how thankful she feels as she watches her children, who might have been dead today.
Por encima de todo, se siente agradecida al observar a sus hijos, que podrían estar muertos.Literature Literature
She pressed closer to Remy, feeling as though she had already had enough surprises today to last a lifetime.
Ella se apretó más a Remy, pensando que ese día ya había tenido sorpresas suficientes para toda la vida.Literature Literature
Her voice lifts a little as she reads them out: “‘Feeling very wicked today.
Su voz se eleva un poco mientras los lee en voz alta: —«Hoy me siento muy traviesa.Literature Literature
With tears in her eyes, one longtime sister expressed the feelings of many when she said, “Today I feel as though I am already in Paradise!”
Con lágrimas en los ojos, una hermana de experiencia hizo eco de los sentimientos de muchos cuando exclamó: “¡Siento como si ya estuviera en el Paraíso!”.jw2019 jw2019
Maxine grabs her purse, which she’s happy to feel is as heavy today as it should be.
Maxine coge el bolso, que hoy se alegra de notar tan pesado como debería.Literature Literature
As I told you today,� she said �you�re not to feel under the least pressure about it.
Como ya te he dicho —continuó ella—, no has de sentirte mínimamente obligado.Literature Literature
They feel tight today, and she’s not swimming as well as usual.
Hoy los nota rígidos y no está nadando tan bien como de costumbre.Literature Literature
As the wind whipped her body, she realized that today she was feeling decidedly unusual.
Mientras el viento azotaba su cuerpo, se dio cuenta de que ese día se sentía muy rara.Literature Literature
Anna smiled as she read it – so she wasn’t the only person who’d been feeling inspired today.
Bs Anna sonrió al leerlo; por lo visto, no era la única que se había sentido inspirada aquel día.Literature Literature
Today, as she sorted through her few clothes, Kady seemed to feel different.
Ese día, mientras revisaba sus escasas ropas, Kady se sentía diferente.Literature Literature
She was feeling strange and precious, so voluptuously hesitant and strange as if today were tomorrow.
Se sentía extraña y preciosa, tan voluptuosamente dubitativa y extraña como si hoy fuese el día de mañana.Literature Literature
And see to it she is given not five pounds, but fifty, as I am feeling unusually generous today.”
Y asegúrate de darle, no cinco, sino cincuenta libras, hoy me siento generoso.Literature Literature
But today I feel that she has never thought of us as her own
Pero hoy siento que nunca ha pensado en nosotros como en los suyosOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Today, she wondered if her friend had a similar feeling as the plane went down in Alaska.
Hoy, se preguntaba si su amiga tuvo una sensación similar mientras el avión se derrumbaba en Alaska.Literature Literature
Today, she was pulling it off, and as the condition persisted, I could feel her strain.
Hoy, estaba intentándolo y mientras la situación persistía, la sentía extraña.Literature Literature
Today, as she pedals around the reservoir for the second time, she starts to feel a little giddy.
Hoy, mientras rodea el embalse en bici por segunda vez, empieza a sentirse un poco mareada.Literature Literature
Today I can still feel her shaking hand as she caressed my cheek for the last time and begged me never to forget her.
Aun hoy día puedo sentir su temblorosa mano mientras me acariciaba la mejilla por última vez y me rogaba que nunca la olvidara.jw2019 jw2019
Today she felt a bit better, though, if feeling nothing could be counted as feeling better.
Pero hoy se encontraba algo mejor, si es que no sentir nada de nada podía considerarse estar mejor.Literature Literature
She asked Deborah to sit down on the bed as the solitary chair was “feeling out of sorts today.”
Invitó a Débora a que se sentara sobre la cama porque su única silla, desgraciadamente, estaba «enferma».Literature Literature
She continued, “Today I was at the courthouse, feeling defeated and humiliated as I stood in front of the judge and my estranged husband.
Continuó diciendo: “Hoy estaba en el juzgado, sintiéndome derrotada y humillada frente al juez y mi marido, de quien estoy separada.LDS LDS
So far, as of today, we know that she herself made up that title -- probably because she feels proud to be associated with charity.
Hasta ahora, hoy, sabemos que ella misma inventó ese título, probablemente porque se siente orgullosa de estar asociada con la caridad.ted2019 ted2019
But today she was looking so tired as she fed the baby, I thought this one dream might make her feel better.
Pero ese día se veía tan cansada mientras le daba de comer al bebé, que supuse que este sueño la haría sentirse mejor.Literature Literature
Today she has chosen you as her Iife-partner... she loves you a Iot and I am sure you reciprocate her feeling
Hoy ella Ie ha elegido como su compañero de vida... ella Ie ama mucho y estoy seguro de que sientes Io mismo para ella.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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