as she was feeling oor Spaans

as she was feeling

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It was her first drink since the accident and she needed it, as she was feeling very depressed.
Era su primera copa desde el accidente, y la necesitaba, puesto que estaba muy deprimida.Literature Literature
How many other foolish women had felt as she was feeling right now?
¿Cuántas otras infelices se habrían sentido como se sentía ella en aquellos instantes?Literature Literature
He looked as stunned as she was feeling, maybe more so.
Parecía tan perplejo como ella se sentía, o quizá más.Literature Literature
Two women beside Nina, both of Asian appearance, looked as angry as she was feeling.
Dos mujeres de rasgos orientales que estaban cerca de Nina parecieron enfadarse tanto como ella.Literature Literature
No one had ever made her feel quite as naked as she was feeling at the moment.
Nunca nadie la había hecho sentirse tan desnuda como se sentía en ese momento.Literature Literature
As she was feeling for it she touched something metallic and realized it was Milo’s skull.
Sin querer, tocó algo metálico y comprendió que era la calavera de Milo.Literature Literature
The kiss had made her feel just as she was feeling now.
Aquel beso le había hecho sentir lo mismo que estaba sintiendo en aquel instante.Literature Literature
Strong as she was feeling, she was afraid of breaking his neck.
Fuerte como se sentía, tenía miedo de romperle el cuello.Literature Literature
As let down as she was feeling, this small, affectionate gesture lifted her spirits a bit.
Con lo frustrada que estaba, este pequeño gesto de afecto la animó un pocoLiterature Literature
She thought it might be somewhat healing as she was feeling horribly depressed.
Ella pensó que podría ser algo sanación como ella se sentía terriblemente deprimido.Literature Literature
At seven she made herself go downstairs and have some dinner, as she was feeling faint.
A las siete había bajado a cenar, porque se sentía débil.Literature Literature
I wanted to tell them not to visit my mother-in-law again, as she was feeling disoriented.
Quería decirles que ya no visitaran a mi suegra, pues ella estaba desorientada.jw2019 jw2019
The soft carpet comforted her as she was feeling increasingly strange and incoherent.
La suavidad de la alfombra la reconfortaba, pero tenía una creciente sensación de extrañeza e incoherencia.Literature Literature
As vulnerable as she was feeling, she didn’t want to do this alone.
Tan vulnerable como se sentía, no quería hacer esto sola.Literature Literature
he said with as much frustration and anxiety as she was feeling.
—dijo con tanta frustración y ansiedad como las que sentía ella—.Literature Literature
Hannah confirmed that, just as she was feeling better, he suddenly stopped coming to see her.
Hannah me confirmó que, justo cuando ella empezaba a sentirse mejor, él dejó de pronto de ir a verla.Literature Literature
He would never know what it was to love, to feel acute sorrow such as she was feeling now.
Nunca sabría lo que era amar ni sentir el profundo dolor que ella sentía ahora.Literature Literature
Paris asked, trying to put some life in her voice, so she didn't sound as dead as she was feeling.
—preguntó Paris, intentando insuflar algo de ánimo a su voz para no sonar tan hundida como se sentía.Literature Literature
As if she was as accustomed to feeling glum as she was to the sun rising every day.
Como si estuviera tan habituada a su melancolía como a que el sol saliera cada mañana.Literature Literature
As soon as she was feeling better, and able to move around the hotel again, they seemed to be everywhere she went.
Tan pronto como se sintió mejor y pudo volver a moverse por el edificio, se dio cuenta de que estaban por todas partes.Literature Literature
He decided that just as soon as she was feeling better, he would find a way to help her get over this fear.
Decidió que tan pronto como Frances Catherine se sintiera mejor encontraría una manera de ayudarla a superar ese temor.Literature Literature
David had to be as tired of hearing about how bored she was as she was of feeling it.
David tenía que estar tan harto de oírle comentar lo aburrida que estaba como lo estaba ella de su aburrimiento.Literature Literature
She was as used to being different as she was to feeling alone.
Estaba tan acostumbrada a ser distinta como lo estaba a sentirse sola.Literature Literature
She was relieved to find as she drew closer to DC that she was not feeling as if she was betraying Michael.
Le aliviaba descubrir mientras se acercaba a Washington que no se sentía como si estuviera traicionando a Michael.Literature Literature
She looked over at Juanita, who looked as if she was feeling a little bit uneasy.
Ella miró a Juanita, que parecía como si ella se sentía un poco intranquilo.Literature Literature
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