as soon as he told me oor Spaans

as soon as he told me

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en cuanto me lo dijo


tan pronto como me lo dijo


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I was thinking foreign diseases as soon as he told me about his wife.”
Pensé en enfermedades extranjeras en cuanto él nos habló de su esposaLiterature Literature
As soon as he told me that, I knew he wasn’t some hardened criminal.
En cuanto me contó aquello, entendí que no era un criminal curtido.Literature Literature
As soon as he told me what you had sent him to say, we went in search of Euan Forse.
En seguida contestó: —Tan pronto como me comunicó el mensaje que me enviabas, fuimos en busca de Euan Forse.Literature Literature
As soon as he told me I was reminded of those rumors you asked me to listen out for among the sergeants.
Tan pronto como habló conmigo recordé aquellos rumores entre los sargentos que te interesaba investigar.Literature Literature
“I bought it from Antoine-Marie as soon as he told me it was going to be extraordinary,” he said with amusement.
—Se lo compré a Antoine-Marie en cuanto me dijo que iba a ser extraordinario —explicó divertido.Literature Literature
As soon as he told me that, I picked up my hat and wanted to leave, but he noticed this and stopped me.
En cuanto escuché esas palabras, cogí mi sombrero e hice intención de marcharme, pero él se dio cuenta y me detuvo.Literature Literature
As soon as he told me that, I was sure he was going to ask me for money up front, some kind of fee.
En cuanto me lo dijo, no me cupo duda de que me iba a pedir un adelanto, alguna clase de honorarios.Literature Literature
He had known, I thought, as soon as he told me to take his small dagger and defend myself, and I did as he bid me.
Lo supo, pensé, en el momento en que me dijo que cogiera su pequeña daga para defenderme y yo hice como me ordenó.Literature Literature
As soon as he had told me all about the Wells, I told him all about the House.
No bien me hubo informado de todo lo que pasaba en los Wells, le conté yo todo lo que sabía de la casa.Literature Literature
“He left as soon as we arrived,” he told me, eyeing the dozen vamps, luggage in hand, who were waiting by an elevator.
—Se marchó en cuanto llegamos —me explicó, mirando a la docena de vampiros, maleta en mano, que esperaban el ascensor.Literature Literature
“They’re going to call me back as soon as they have the information,” he told me as he hung up.
Me llamarán en cuanto tengan la información —me dijo al colgar.Literature Literature
He said he’d call again as soon as he could and told me not to worry.”
Dice que volverá a llamar en cuanto pueda y que no me preocupe.Literature Literature
And as soon as we returned, he told me:
Tan pronto como regresamos, me dijo:QED QED
‘She’ll need feeding as soon as you can,’ he told me, making his offering.
Necesitará alimento tan pronto como puedas dárselo —me dijo, al tiempo que me entregaba su ofrenda.Literature Literature
“As soon as Norm arrived he told me to go home.
—Al llegar Norm me aconsejó volver a casa.Literature Literature
He told me as soon as he knew.
Tu padre me lo dijo tan pronto como se enteró.Literature Literature
He told me as soon as he knew she’d left the farm, he tried to find her.
Me dijo que en cuanto supo que ella se había marchado de la granja había tratado de encontrarla.Literature Literature
As I sipped, he told me, ‘As soon as mass is over, tell your chaperone you need to confess.’
Mientras bebía, me susurró: —Cuando acabe la misa, decidle a vuestra carabina que tenéis que confesaros.Literature Literature
As soon as I did, he told me to turn around and then violently pressed a pad soaked with chloroform over my face.
En cuanto salí del coche me mandó darme la vuelta y, de repente, con fuerza, me puso en la cara un trapo con cloroformo.Literature Literature
He told me that as soon as he pays off his debts, he'll get me there.
Me dijo que tan pronto que pague sus deudas que me va a llevar allí.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
AS SOON AS Girumuhatse told me he was a killer, he stopped sweating.
Tan pronto como Girumuhatse me dijo que era un asesino, dejó de sudar.Literature Literature
As soon as he saw me he told me: ‘I followed your advice and it went very well.
Enseguida que me vio me dijo: «Seguí tus consejos y me va muy bien.Literature Literature
As soon as Susan told me he came by the house.
En cuando Susan me dijo que había ido a casa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It’s only an idea, but as soon as Benny told me he had found the necklace I thought of her.
Es solamente una idea pero en cuanto Benny me dijo que había encontrado el collar, pensé en ella.Literature Literature
One of them was a man I had a relationship with, and as soon as I told him he left me.
Uno de ellos era un hombre con el que tuve una relación y en cuanto se lo conté me abandonó.Literature Literature
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