askance oor Spaans


/əˈskæns/, /əˈskɑːns/ adjektief, bywoord
(of a look or glance) With disapproval, skepticism, or suspicion.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

de reojo

sideways, obliquely
She looked askance at him.
Ella le miró de reojo.

con recelo

of look: with disapproval
We should not look askance at such a policy because of its potential shortfalls.
No deberíamos mirar con recelo semejante política por sus posibles fallos.



En 8 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

de soslayo · desconfiado · receloso · suspicaz · interrogante · sesgo · con escepticismo · por el rabillo del ojo

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look askance at
desaprobar · devolver · rechazar · rehusar · repeler · reprobar · repujar · suspender
look askance
bizquear · ser bizca · ser bizco · torcer la vista


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Now, five hundred comrades were looking at me askance.
Ahora eran quinientos camaradas los que me miraban con recelo.Literature Literature
“His name is Javi, I met him in the library.” he looks at me askance “He is...
—Se llama Javi, le conocí en la biblioteca —me mira de reojo—.Literature Literature
Max looked askance at a pair of plastic bags containing writhing creatures that looked like black pasta.
Max miró con desconfianza un par de bolsas de plástico que contenían seres que se retorcían y parecían fideos negrosLiterature Literature
Kingo looked at him askance, but Solly rose to the occasion with his usual social grace.
Kingo le miró con aire interrogador, pero Solly se apresuró a intervenir con su acostumbrada gracia social.Literature Literature
Seems we were both right to view him askance.”
Parece que ambos teníamos razón al verlo de reojo.Literature Literature
Jimmy took his glass, looking askance at Rose, wondering just how she was feeling.
Jimmy tomó un vaso, mirando de reojo a Rose, preguntándose qué es lo que ella sentiría.Literature Literature
It’s quite simple, really: Light in the kitchen goes askance.
Es muy sencillo, de verdad: en la cocina la luz se tuerce.Literature Literature
"""And why its priestess must live there,"" he had whispered, looking askance at Kenton."
Y sé por qué debe vivir allí su sacerdotisa —susurró, como pidiendo su parecer a Kenton.Literature Literature
But the new scarcity seems to have made people look askance at this extravagance.
Pero la nueva escasez al parecer hacía que la gente mirase con recelo tal extravagancia.Literature Literature
Some of his former associates in his House may have looked askance at him.
Algunos de sus antiguos amigos de residencia tal vez lo mirasen con cara rara.Literature Literature
Joph looked askance at a particularly dodgy bit of patchwork near one of the main vents.
Joph miraba con recelo un parche particularmente mal hecho y próximo a uno de los principales conductos de ventilación.Literature Literature
Taking the book, Hannah looked askance at the children.
—Tomando el libro, Hannah miró de reojo a los niños—.Literature Literature
But every other measure she played the wrong notes on purpose and eyed Miss Grant askance.
Pero cada dos compases se equivocaba de nota a propósito y miraba a la señorita Grant con recelo.Literature Literature
he asked, looking at her defensively askance.
—preguntó él, mirándola de reojo, a la defensiva.Literature Literature
It took two more knocks before someone answered, a sleepy servant who eyed me askance.
Tuve que llamar dos veces más antes de que viniera alguien: un criado somnoliento que me miró con recelo.Literature Literature
said Mityushin absently, glancing askance at the chessboard, over which Gnushke’s hand hung, its fingers wriggling.
—dijo Mityushin distraído, mirando de reojo al tablero de ajedrez, que amenazaba la mano de Gnushke, meneando los dedos.Literature Literature
People look at a man askance When it’s his wife at home who wears the pants.
-Ya es demasiado que se burlen del hombre cuando, en su propia casa, es su mujer la que lleva los pantalones.Literature Literature
The castle servants looked at him askance, keeping a wise silence.
Los sirvientes del castillo lo observaban intrigados, guardando prudente silencio.Literature Literature
She knew Charlotte was staring askance at her, but refused to look her in the eye.
Sabía que Charlotte la miraba con sospecha, pero se negaba a mirarla en ese momento.Literature Literature
“If we do,” Freyja said, eyeing her sister-in-law askance, “I am going to be quite out of sorts, Judith.
—Si lo hacemos —intervino Freyja mirando a su cuñada de soslayo—, me pondrás de mal humor, Judith.Literature Literature
Surprised, the Rajah of Mahmudabad looks askance at Jai Lal: why such harshness?
Sorprendido, el rajá de Mahmudabad lanza una mirada a Jai Lal: ¿por qué tanta rudeza?Literature Literature
When Elliania looked askance at Dutiful, she looked askance at the entire Kingdom of the Six Duchies.
Cuando Elliania miró con recelo a Dedicado, miró con recelo a todo el reino de los Seis Ducados.Literature Literature
Accordingly, Olivier le Mauvais remained motionless, sulking at the king, and glancing askance at Jacques Coictier.
Olivier el Malo permaneció inmóvil, poniéndole mala cara al rey y mirando de soslayo a Jacques Coictier.Literature Literature
She looked askance at him, startled but happy with his open attitude about their affair.
Ella lo miró de reojo, sorprendida pero contenta con la actitud abierta con que encaraba su relación.Literature Literature
"""Remember, I can spot a faulty line of programming across a frigging room,"" he said, looking at him askance."
– Recuerda que puedo detectar una línea de código defectuosa a la legua -le dijo, mirándolo con recelo-.Literature Literature
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