assault oor Spaans


/əˈsɔːlt/ werkwoord, naamwoord
A violent onset or attack with physical means, as blows, weapons, etc.; an onslaught; the rush or charge of an attacking force; onset; as, to make assault upon a man, a house, or a town.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


a violent onset or attack
Tom asked Mary if she knew where he could buy an assault rifle.
Tom le preguntó a Mary si acaso sabía en dónde podría comprar un rifle de asalto.


to attack, threaten or harass
Tom asked Mary if she knew where he could buy an assault rifle.
Tom le preguntó a Mary si acaso sabía en dónde podría comprar un rifle de asalto.


to attack, threaten or harass
Can you describe the man that assaulted you?
Díganos, Glenda, ¿puede describir al hombre que la atacó?

En 38 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

ataque · agresión · agredir · acometer · atentado · acometida · acometimiento · violencia · violación · atentar · ofensiva · violar · amenaza · violentar · agredir sexualmente · agresión sexual · atraco · el asalto · el ataque · intento de violación · la agresión · embestida · arremetida · acceso · embestir · salteo · saltear · entrada · paliza · forzar · atracar · amenazar · cargar · golpiza · estupro · asalter · agresión ilegítima · atentado contra la incolumidad personal

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thoroughbred that won the triple crown in 1946

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

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Soortgelyke frases

Special Assault Team
Equipo Especial de Asalto
Nuclear Assault
Nuclear Assault
assault group
equipo de asalto · grupo de asalto · grupo de ataque
assault position
posición de asalto
assault troops
tropa de asalto · tropas de asalto
assault team
equipo de asalto · grupo de asalto · grupo de ataque
assault ship
buque de asalto
scissor assault bridge
puente de armadura de tijeras
to assault


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
All three girls offered pleasant greetings to Victoria, and without further ado, the twins launched their assault.
Y creo en tu pollaLiterature Literature
They are prone to sexual harassment, rapes, assaults and dowry-related murders.
Si te apeteceUN-2 UN-2
The result of the examination may possibly support his report of assault and torture.” The State party maintains that the complainant has failed to substantiate his claim about past abuse
Um, bueno, he visto muy mal a Justin toda la semanaMultiUn MultiUn
Notes Though originally conceived as an infantry support weapon, the Sturmgeschütz series of assault guns proved very successful, particularly after the vehicle was given a high-velocity 75 mm StuK 40 L/43 main gun.
Pero tienes un gancho de niñaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Measures to protect the foetus from physical violence are established in articles 315 and 316 of the Code, which prescribe penalties for beating or assaulting a woman knowing her to be pregnant and thereby causing her to miscarry or for giving a pregnant woman drugs or using any other means to induce an abortion.
Y lo más grave: intento de asesinatoUN-2 UN-2
Using tanks, bulldozers and fighter planes, the Israeli occupying forces launched assaults primarily on the northern town of Beit Hanoun, whose civilian population has repeatedly suffered from the occupying Power’s violent onslaughts.
La Insalata di Lusia es apreciada por el consumidor debido a la ligereza de la mata, su buena conservación, la ausencia de fibras (está compuesta en gran parte de agua), la textura crujiente de las hojas jóvenes, que son frescas y turgentes, y su sabor, que se debe a su sapidez naturalUN-2 UN-2
The man who appeared to be assaulting Vanessa was merely trying to bring her home to her aunt.
Vehículos con suspensión no convencional, en los que el motor debe estar en funcionamientoLiterature Literature
He was assaulted by stabs of cold on hot days.
Es un pedazo de mierdaLiterature Literature
Scobie definitely assaulted Diana the second time.
Es un anillo de bodasOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
His actions and policies as General Commander of the Bolivarian National Guard, including the Bolivarian National Guard assaulting members of the democratically elected National Assembly and intimidating journalists reporting on the fraudulent elections for the illegitimate Constituent Assembly, have undermined democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela.
Yo no veo nada fuera de lo ordinario aquíEurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Roderic was in the far distant north when the first major assault occurred.
Olvídalo.- ¿ Por qué no?Literature Literature
The humanitarian crisis in the Horn of Africa, ecological disasters such as Fukushima, political developments like the Arab Spring and terrorist attacks such as the assault on the United Nations building in Abuja last August require concerted action by the United Nations and its Member States.
Los hirogen tomaron todas las armasUN-2 UN-2
A sick, sweet smell assaulted Nicholas's senses, and suddenly he knew he was smelling burnt flesh.
Debo mantener las publicaciones autorizadas por la escuela... dentro de un estándar de decenciaLiterature Literature
Well, it looks like according to his records, that's around the same time that Brad was hit with that assault charge.
Esto es demasiada información para digerirOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
At Cortuosa there was no fighting, the garrison were surprised and the place was carried at the very first assault.
Si sólo tienes una estrategia en Survivor... tus opciones para llegar hasta la final se reducenLiterature Literature
He enquired whether an assessment of the system for reporting abuse between prisoners and assaults on prison warders had been conducted.
¿ Qué está diciendo?UN-2 UN-2
But in Colombia, Israeli Military Industries didn't merely set up a munitions factory to make bullets; they set up an entire Galil assault rifle factory in Bogotá.
Es la primera vez que ve este tipo de cosas?Common crawl Common crawl
Senior journalist Farzana Rupa said that she received a death threat from a person identifying himself as the deputy chief of an Islamic militant organisation minutes after Ekattor TV broadcast her report on 18 April about the assaults.
Había muchasglobalvoices globalvoices
My brain was assaulted by images of falling, of a midair battle, of a terrible destination.
Esa voz es la de él.- ¡ La luz de las estrellas espera!Literature Literature
The other reported offences included cases of aggravated assault (3), assault (4) and ethnic agitation (6).
Aunque, te la regresaré, en cuanto te dejen salirUN-2 UN-2
They're saying aggravated assault, intimidating a witness.
¿ Y cuales son tus planes aquí?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Similarly, the Gardaí deal with reported incidents of rape and sexual assault as serious crimes
After fighting off both the enemy soldiers and more of Alma's assaults, he eventually reunites with the remainder of the squad underneath Still Island and heads for the ATC facility.
Con este calor, todo el mundo bebe agua, tiene un ventilador, o aire acondicionadoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Werner moved to a blackboard and sketched out the assault plan in as much detail as he could.
Deja de poner palabras en mi bocaLiterature Literature
He would make such a romantic assault on her, she would be begging him to come back to her bed.
El objetivo sistemático de la Comisión ha sido garantizar que se elaboren y se entreguen a tiempo las auditorías solicitadas por el ParlamentoLiterature Literature
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