at a bend in the road oor Spaans

at a bend in the road

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en un recodo del camino


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Soon, the course of the world will freeze at a bend in the road.
Pronto el devenir del mundo va a coagularse en una curva.Literature Literature
Then we saw him at a bend in the road.
Entonces lo vimos en una curva junto al camino.Literature Literature
Martin was waiting at a bend in the road.
Martin los esperaba en una curva del camino.Literature Literature
At a bend in the road there was a wayside seat, already partially occupied by a young couple.
En un recodo del camino había un banco, ocupado ya, en parte, por una parejita.Literature Literature
At a bend in the road, they saw a light shining through the trees.
Al pasar un recodo del camino vieron brillar una luz en medio de los árboles.Literature Literature
I always waited for her at a bend in the road.
Yo la esperaba en una vuelta del camino.Literature Literature
At a bend in the road, through the spectators, we could make out a multicolored mass.
En una curva de la carretera, pudimos divisar entre los espectadores una masa multicolor.jw2019 jw2019
At a bend in the road an army jeep full of foreign officers appears.
En la esquina de la calle aparece un jeep militar con unos oficiales extranjeros.Literature Literature
She stopped at a bend in the road.
Se detuvo en una curva del camino.Literature Literature
I pointed at a bend in the road ahead where a small wall jutted out.
Señalé hacia un recodo en la calle justo enfrente, donde sobresalía un pequeño muro, y el jefe asintió.Literature Literature
They had taken cover from the samurai arrows behind an outcropping of rock at a bend in the road.
Se habían resguardado de las flechas de los samuráis detrás de una roca en un recodo del camino.Literature Literature
A half-kilometer later, Saul smelled gasoline and veered toward an observation point at a bend in the road.
Al cabo de medio kilómetro, Saúl olió a gasolina y desvió el coche hacia un mirador situado en una curva del camino.Literature Literature
The coachman, in his haste, had rammed a wheel against a stone wall at a bend in the road.
El cochero, con las prisas, había estrellado una rueda contra un muro de piedra en un recodo del camino.Literature Literature
Once, just once, shivering now in the cold, at a bend in the road he turned back to look.
Una vez, solo una vez, tiritando de frío, desde un recodo de la carretera, se volvió para mirar atrás.Literature Literature
Despite everything, at a bend in the road, when he could see back down the line, Maximinus was not displeased.
A pesar de todo, en un recodo del sendero donde pudo ver la extensión de la columna, Maximino no se contrarió.Literature Literature
He hasn’t managed to get that far ahead of her, but still she loses him at a bend in the road.
Él no logra sacarle demasiada ventaja; aun así, en una curva, ella lo pierde de vista.Literature Literature
Finally, one day, at a bend in the road, he had taken a step forward, raised his whip and discovered his own strength!
Por fin, un día, en la curva de un camino, avanza, levanta la fusta ¡y descubre su fuerza!Literature Literature
''There is one thing I think I should tell you,' he said some time later, slowing down at a bend in the road.
—Tengo que decirle una cosa —dijo al cabo de un rato, deteniéndose en una curva de la carretera.Literature Literature
Battista had spoken to her, but she had not answered; and, at a bend in the road, she had fallen on top of him.
Battista le había hablado, pero ella no contestaba: al tomar una curva cayó encima de él.Literature Literature
As the truck in which he was riding slowed down at a bend in the road, Mackay jumped off and tried to make his escape.
Cuando el camión en que iba redujo la marcha en un recodo de la carretera, Mackay saltó e intentó huir.Literature Literature
There, at a bend in the road just short of the National Monument, keep your eyes open for the sign that says “Jiihōvah Yádahalne’í bi Kingdom Hall” and “Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses.”
Pues bien, fíjese con cuidado y verá en una curva, a poca distancia del monumento nacional, un letrero que dice “Jiihōvah Yádahalne’í bi Kingdom Hall” y “Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses”.jw2019 jw2019
When at last a bend in the road took them out of sight, I pulled Myblack to a halt.
Cuando por fin un recodo del camino hizo que la perdiéramos de vista, detuve a Mibruna.Literature Literature
Zamo pulled over at a wide bend in the road, and Brenner suggested we get out and look down into the city.
Zamo se detuvo en una amplia vuelta del camino, y Brenner nos sugirió salir y contemplar la ciudad.Literature Literature
At the bend in the road a wooden cross has been stuck into the ground.
En la curva del camino había una cruz de madera clavada en el suelo.Literature Literature
The creaking melody cut through the silence and a moment later the man appeared at the bend in the road.
Los chirridos cortaban el silencio y, en un instante, apareció el hombre por el recodo del camino.Literature Literature
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