at that time of day oor Spaans

at that time of day

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

a esa hora

Usually at that time of day I would still be upstairs, but this day I was reading a newspaper.
Por lo general a esa hora del día yo estaría en el piso de arriba, pero ese día estaba leyendo un periódico.

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“Good Lord, are the animals even awake at that time of day?”
–Dios santo... ¿Los animales están despiertos a esas horas?Literature Literature
There are a lot of them on 75th at that time of day.
Circulan muchos por la calle Setenta y cinco a esas horas.Literature Literature
If they were far out enough, at that time of day no one would see.”
Si estaba suficientemente lejos, a esa hora nadie los vería.Literature Literature
Men were relaxed at that time of day.
Los hombres estaban relajados a esa hora del día.Literature Literature
Not many good things happen at that time of day and being arrested certainly isn’t one of them.
A esa hora no suele suceder nada bueno, y ser detenido es algo bastante desagradable.Literature Literature
Father told him to tell me that priests do not hear confessions at that time of day.
El Padre le ordenó decirme que a esa hora los Padres no confesaban.Literature Literature
The place was almost empty, as could be expected at that time of day.
No había casi nadie, como era de esperar a esas horas.Literature Literature
Kitty Broderick and Kealy came too, Mass at that time of day being convenient for them.
Kitty Broderick y Kealy también, ya que en ese momento del día les venía bien ir a misa.Literature Literature
Subhash supposed he worked at an office at that time of day.
Subhash supuso que a esa hora estaría trabajando en algún despacho.Literature Literature
He skirted the cultivated terraces or anywhere someone might be working even at that time of day.
Evitó los bancales sembrados o cualquier otro lugar en el que alguien pudiera estar trabajando incluso a aquella hora.Literature Literature
“But is it your custom to walk along the river at that time of day?”
—¿Pero es tu costumbre pasear por el río a esa hora del día?Literature Literature
At that time of day there was usually no one about.
A esa hora, por lo general, no hay nadie en la calle.LDS LDS
No goats, no camels, not even snakes or scorpions move at that time of day.
Ni las cabras, ni los camellos, ni siquiera las serpientes o escorpiones se mueven a esa hora.Literature Literature
Maybe just for the one person he could nail at that time of day without attracting attention.”
También puede ser que esperara a la única persona a la que podía robar a esa hora del día sin llamar la atención.Literature Literature
And it would be an El Al jet — the only one due at that time of day.
Y sería un aparato de El Al, el único previsto a aquellas horas.Literature Literature
At that time of day, the Why Not!
A aquellas horas no había nadie en el Why Not!.Literature Literature
At that time of day the atmosphere was hushed, almost reverential.
A esa hora del día el ambiente era silencioso, casi reverencial.Literature Literature
It was a strange place for her to be at that time of day, but there she was.
Era raro encontrarla allí a aquella hora, pero allí estaba.Literature Literature
Crossing town on 34th Street can be a crawl, but not at that time of day.
Cruzando la ciudad, siguiendo la Calle 34, puede encontrarse una muchedumbre, pero no a aquella hora del día.Literature Literature
My mind isn't very receptive at that time of day.
Mi mente no estaba muy receptiva a esa hora del día.Literature Literature
Cars at that time of day are rare, and their noise is musical.
Los automóviles allí a estas horas no son muy frecuentes; son, sí, musicales.Literature Literature
No one could have known that I’d be coming south on I-15 at that time of day.”
Nadie podía saber que yo iba a dirigirme hacia el sur por la 1-15 justo en aquel momento del día.Literature Literature
At that time of day, the city was already busy.
A esas horas la ciudad ya estaba en pleno movimiento.Literature Literature
I’d never watched TV at that time of day.
Nunca había visto la televisión a esas horas.Literature Literature
It should be quiet at that time of day and pitch dark.
Estaría tranquilo a esa hora del día, y muy oscuro.Literature Literature
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