atlatl oor Spaans


A spear thrower: a wooden stick with a thong or perpendicularly protruding hook on the rear end that grips a grove or socket on the butt of its accompanying spear (or dart); intended to steady the spear immediately prior to throwing, to increase its potential range when thrown, and to increase its force of penetration of the target.

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According to the researchers, the tissues style is very similar to baskets fabrication, but lack of stone tools artifacts such as the atlatl makes difficult the identification of Cueva de la Candelaria occupants.
La Directiva #/#/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de # de junio de #, relativa a la aproximación de las disposiciones legales, reglamentarias y administrativas de los Estados miembros relativas a embarcaciones de recreo, en su versión modificada por la Directiva #/#/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de # de junio de #, no se opone a una normativa nacional que por razones de protección del medio ambiente prohíbe el uso de motos acuáticas fuera de las vías designadasWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
One thing could never be justified: that was the deliberate shooting of an atlatl spear into the body of a fellow man.
No lo dejaré salirLiterature Literature
After that, the hunting technology saw the replacement of atlatls with bows and arrows.
¿ Quién lo llevaba?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In his right hand he carried the atlatl, a supple stick a little longer than his forearm.
Gracias, DreLiterature Literature
Underwood's hypothesis was that the existing samples of the bâton percé were in poor shape, and may have been missing a hook, such as that found on the Inuit spear thrower and the atlatl.
Son Isildur y Anarion, mis antepasadosWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Thunderbird Atlatl.
Hablo de matar a un loboWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mexicas had weapons like spears and lances, called Atlatl, weapon that Mexicas warriors could throw with a great precision and strength.
¿ Qué estás viendo?Common crawl Common crawl
Two young Teblor women stood on the other side of the avenue, each calmly readying another javelin in her atlatl.
Compuestos con función aminaLiterature Literature
The atlatl itself acted as an extension of the arm.
¡ Y ese, es nuestro pobre cofre, amigos!Literature Literature
A dart thrower, on the order of an atlatl, was tested, but accuracy was so poor that it was discarded.
¿ Qué le pasa?- ¡ Sal de ahí!Literature Literature
Together, we’ve got four atlatls against how many Red Hand?
Te ayudaré con esoLiterature Literature
I can throw a dart pretty well, but it takes too long for me to nock another dart in the atlatl.
¿ Qué me dices de las baterías?Literature Literature
When they first told him to throw a beam of light at a target, he had made as if to throw a javelin with the atlatl.
Si, muy bien, entrenador.!Literature Literature
Though what the word ‘atlatl’ had to do with water I’m not sure.”
La necesidad de una gestión adicional del riesgo puede considerarse de la mejor manera según la Directiva #/#/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo y la Directiva #/#/CE, utilizando los datos del informe completo de evaluación del riesgoLiterature Literature
The secret societies made tools from it with which to carve pipes, atlatls, or mica effigies.
Ponte aquí, FrankLiterature Literature
And if it does come to a fight, Wave Dancer is large enough to provide a stable shooting platform for the atlatls.”
¿ Hay algo que usted...?Literature Literature
His grip tightened on his atlatl, the only weapon he had left.
para Salónica- Fiumicino, la diferencia es de # euros comparando el precio de Alitalia, SC incluido, con el de Olympic Airlines que propone un vuelo de ida a # euros, es decir, # euros I/V. Esta observación sólo es válida para las salidas desde Grecia, ya que el vuelo con salida desde Italia es más costoso con Alitalia a causa del SC, que genera un coste supletorio de # euros en el vuelo de AlitaliaLiterature Literature
This was an imitation of how a warrior received his atlatl darts and shield.
Como si pudieras tumbar a una amazona, flacuchoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
‘Why don’t they just annihilate us with atlatl darts and get it done with?’
La Comisión publicará en el Diario Oficial de las Comunidades Europeas la lista de las autoridades competentes y los cambios que en ella se introduzcanLiterature Literature
Militiagungs typically carry cestas, atlatls, or arbalests, with some using electropoles.
Ni siquiera su padre pudo tomarloLiterature Literature
For instance, the feathers at the butt end of a dart (of the type cast using an atlatl) are very similar in purpose and construction to those used in arrows.
¿ Puedes creerlo?- ¿ Y todos lo están firmando?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He was a man now, a hunter, an artist, one of the best marksmen with the atlatl.
“So does ‘atlatl’ have any link to a European language?”
Productos empleados para la protección de la madera, desde la fase del aserradero inclusive, o los productos derivados de la madera, mediante el control de los organismos que destruyen o alteran la maderaLiterature Literature
The atlatl acted as an extension of the arm to increase the power of a cast dart by as much as two hundred percent.
Se puso un poquito en el auto, jugandoLiterature Literature
I share that harmony with my atlatl, and with the darts I have labored so long to perfect.
Ven, déjame limpiarteLiterature Literature
91 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.