attempt to murder oor Spaans

attempt to murder

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attempt to commit murder
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He says it is a deliberate attempt to murder the—I beg your pardon.
Dice que es un intento deliberado para asesinar al... Le ruego que me perdone.Literature Literature
‘No, Monsieur, only after he had attempted to murder the turnkey who brought him his food.’
—No, señor, sino después de haber querido matar al carcelero encargado de llevarle la comida.Literature Literature
I'm charging Frank and Jesse James with assault with attempt to murder.
Acuso Frank y Jesse de agresión e intento de homicidio.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Attempt to murder
Tentativa de asesinatoUN-2 UN-2
He will not attempt to murder us or tear us limb from limb.
No intentará asesinarnos ni arrancarnos los miembros.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
If I attempted to murder McCafferty, he'd be dead.
Si hubiera intentado matar a McCafferty, estaría muerto.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Bin drained subsequent operative Magda attempted to murder drown under hands devil Tony.
La cuba ha sido vaciada después de que la agente Magda intentara asesinar por ahogamiento bajo sus manos al diablo Tony.Literature Literature
I tried to make him understand that someone had attempted to murder his mother.
Intenté hacerle comprender que alguien había intentado asesinar a su madre.Literature Literature
It implicates you in the attempt to murder the Queen.
Os implica en el intento de asesinato de la reina.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The killer will attempt to murder Jarred Garland on Saturday whoever is babysitting him.
El asesino intentará matar a Jarred Garland el sábado, sin importarle a quién tenga de niñera.Literature Literature
I did enjoy your attempt to murder Lancelot, by the way, a pity you didn't finish the job.
Por cierto, mucho me regocijó cuando intentaste matar a Lanzarote, lástima que no terminaras el trabajo.Literature Literature
Samuel was charged in the 2nd slaying, while Earl was charged with attempting to murder the lieutenant.
Samuel fue acusado de matar al sargento mientras que Earl lo fue de intentar matar al teniente.Literature Literature
Men came to the house looking for Major Inwing, whom they attempted to murder.’
Vinieron hombres a la casa en busca del mayor Inwing, al que intentaban asesinar.Literature Literature
My tale begins after I had once again attempted to murder Bart.
Mi historia comienza después de mi ultimo intento de matar a Bart.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Fisk should decide to attempt to murder you again?”
—¿Y qué pasará si el señor Fisk decide intentar asesinarte otra vez?Literature Literature
You're being questioned as the criminal attempting to murder the Queen, do you understand?
Esta siendo interrogada como la criminal intentando asesinar a la Reina. ¿entiende?QED QED
“Are you perfectly sure that this so-called attempt to murder you really occurred?”
—¿Está usted segura de que ese pretendido atentado contra su vida ocurrió realmente?Literature Literature
She and Killer Croc unsuccessfully attempt to murder Damian Wayne.
Ella y el Killer Croc intentan, sin éxito, asesinar a Damian Wayne.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Even Wendell Hayes’s attempt to murder Jon.
Incluso el hecho de que Wendell Hayes intentara asesinar a Jon.Literature Literature
The Restoricks have failed at their first attempt to murder Andrew.
Los Restorick fracasaron en su primer intento de asesinar a Andrés.Literature Literature
He's killed two people from Carmen's apartment building and failed in his attempt to murder a third.
Ha asesinado a dos vecinos de Carmen e intentó, sin suerte, matar a otro.Literature Literature
Certainly, he had helped in the attempt to murder and bury her, but he seemed peripheral.
Era cierto que él había contribuido a matarla y enterrarla, pero le parecía un personaje secundario.Literature Literature
Attempt to murder.
Intento de asesinato.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She killed the man who attempted to murder her.
Había matado al hombre que había intentado asesinarla.Literature Literature
“You never attempted to murder your own cousin?”
—¿Usted no ha intentado nunca asesinar a su primo?Literature Literature
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