attempts oor Spaans


werkwoord, naamwoord
Plural form of attempt.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


naamwoordmasculine, plural
In an attempt of escape, the bandit did away with the life of four hostages.
En un intento de fuga, el bandido acabó con la vida de cuatro rehenes.

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Soortgelyke frases

she sneered at my attempts
escape attempt
intento de fuga
in an attempt
en un intento
the window resisted all attempts to open it
access attempt
intento de acceso
standstill attempt
attempt to commit murder
intento de asesinato · tentativa de asesinato
heroic attempt
intento heroico
an attempt to reintegrate these patients into the community
un intento de reintegrar a estos pacientes a o en la comunidad


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
In order to prevent inter-prisoner violence, prison officials attempted to separate vulnerable prisoners from potentially dangerous prisoners, but this was not always possible in light of inadequate prison capacity.
Sam, ¿ podemos hablar?- SupongoUN-2 UN-2
A person is deemed to be in flagrante delicto when he is found at the moment of attempting to commit an offence or immediately thereafter or when he is found in possession of objects or articles with which he has committed an offence or when he is being pursued by the authorities or private individuals.
Producción agraria que incluye productos animales y vegetalesUN-2 UN-2
They attempted in vain to bribe the witness.
Los hombres sufren en sus manosTatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Pan Systems Pyongyang has been designated by the Union for assisting in the evasion of sanctions imposed by the United Nations Security Council through the attempted sale of arms and related materiel to Eritrea.
Sólo me preocupa...... la forma que tomeeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
Attempted infiltration from Lebanese territory into Syrian territory in the Jadidat al-‘Asi sector; border guards fired upon
El Continental Algo que tû entiendesUN-2 UN-2
In the late 1840s, Argentina attempted to regulate traffic on the Paraná and Uruguay rivers, which impacted upon Anglo-French trade with the landlocked Paraguay.
Sí, te esforzaste mucho para conseguirlo, ¿ no?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Among others, the University of Houston TPV Radioisotope Power Conversion Technology development effort is attempting to combine a thermophotovoltaic cell with thermocouples to provide a 3 to 4-fold improvement in system efficiency over current radioisotope thermoelectric generators.
Dos por # dólaresWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
BAREY openly attempts to thwart the AMIS mission through intimidation; for example he threatened to shoot down African Union (AU) helicopters in the Jebel Moon area in November 2005.
Sí, mi pequeña... dice que quiere ser doctora, yo que séEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Bhagirath smiled at Nandi’s attempt at humour on his elephantine girth.
Resolución del Parlamento Europeo, de # de junio de #, sobre la próxima Cumbre UE-EE.UULiterature Literature
“She knew about Elissa’s attempt to escape and warned her against it, but Elissa wouldna listen.
Por favor, síganmeLiterature Literature
In their efforts to raise public awareness of the harmful effect of cartels, the KPPU attempted to calculate damages in major cartel cases, including the cooking palm oil case.
Mis hijos tienen que ser alguien en esta vida, papáUN-2 UN-2
We are only at the beginning of the journey, and it is hardly reasonable to attempt to prejudge the final result of the Corfu Process or to drive it into a nominal framework in terms of structure and theme.
Tolero tus obsesiones, hasta las aliento, por un motivo, salvan
It was like fighting myself, and I knew he set no limits to what he would do in an attempt to injure me.
Todo lo de anoche lo cansó muchoLiterature Literature
The programme of work presented to the Council/Forum attempts to rise to the challenge of implementation posed by the Summit
Todo lo que mi maestro hace... es por una buena razónMultiUn MultiUn
Parliamentarians have appealed for inputs from all Afghan political stakeholders in an attempt to harmonize views on contentious issues such as the electoral system.
¡ No sé nadar!UN-2 UN-2
Natural and man made materials are used, and Trompe d'oeil pleats and textures are created to emphasize the idea o f the real/fiction. We are attempting to redesign reality.
Mi amigo, he estudiado este lugar...... para una ocasión como éstaCommon crawl Common crawl
Conrad had sent the tickets in an attempt to pay penance for his actions the previous week.
Hubiese sido una lástima tener que rastrearloOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The woman whom both X and Nick were very suspicious of and whose file had been blocked when X attempted to check on her.
Deberíamos haber ayudadoLiterature Literature
Naig was attempting to pull the noose free of his neck, but Lockhart slapped his hands down.
Bien, dejame corregir, donde está el arma?Literature Literature
Cuba notes the danger that the Security Council could usurp issues that clearly fall under the purview of the functions and powers of the other principal organs of the United Nations and its subsidiary organs, particularly the attempts of the Security Council to concern itself with issues relating to the establishment of norms and definitions concerning the General Assembly
¡ No me obligues a perseguirte!MultiUn MultiUn
Alvirah had observed Cynthia's return but did not attempt to contact her.
Los fantasmas pueden manipular los aparatos electrónicosLiterature Literature
(Nature has been smart about attempted abortion for a long, long time.)
Pero, Maxine, hay algo profundo aquíLiterature Literature
he author states that, although the public prosecutor had demanded that the author be sentenced to # years' imprisonment, on # pril # the court found him guilty of the murder of Mr. Kroutovertsev and Mr. Kot and of the attempted murder of Mrs. Kroutovertseva, and sentenced him to death
Quizá te aceptenMultiUn MultiUn
The Council also addressed the issue of impunity and called for the creation of an international commission of inquiry into events in the country since August 2008, when Rear Admiral Bubo Na Tchuto allegedly carried out a coup attempt.
Permítame ayudarleUN-2 UN-2
CERD also expressed deep concern about numerous reports of ill-treatment, use of excessive force and extrajudicial killings as well as arbitrary arrests and detentions by law enforcement officials in attempts to quell incidents of intercommunal, inter-ethnic and interreligious violence
Espero que síMultiUn MultiUn
207 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.