attend oor Spaans


/əˈtend/ werkwoord
(archaic, transitive) To listen to (something or someone). [from 15th c.]

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


to be present at
Whatever she may say, I will not attend the meeting.
A pesar de lo que ella pueda decir, no asistiré a la reunión.


to turn one's consideration to, deal with
Ah, unfortunately there is a small matter I need to attend to so I'll take my leave now.
Ah, desafortunadamente hay un pequeño asunto que necesito atender, así que haré mi salida ahora.


Education fees for students attending specialized high schools are fully subsidized.
Las tasas académicas para los alumnos que frecuentan escuelas altamente especializadas están totalmente subvencionadas.

En 34 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

ocupar · cuidar · participar · servir · acudir · visitar · curar · ir · cursar · acompañar · seguir · asistir a · ir a · poner atención · medicar · oír · escoltar · atender a · cuidar de · ocuparse de · comparecer · presenciar · encargarse · presentarse · tratar · cortejar · campana · advertir · escuchar atentamente · hacer acto de presencia · prestar atención · prestar atención a · prestar oído · ser útil

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Soortgelyke frases

petrol pump attendant
lobby attendant
attendant console
almacén · asiduidad · asistencia · atención · cargo · comparecencia · compañía · concurrencia · departamento · depósito · empleo · entrada · entradas · función · gobierno · la asistencia · la concurrencia · la guardia · la lista · mando · oficio · posición · presencia · prestación · puesto · público · sección · servicio · servicio de mesa · subdivisión · séquito · vigilancia
you're not obliged to attend
attended station
compulsory attendance hours
dining-room attendant


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Where, however, the comparative examination shows a substantial difference, the host Member State shall give the beneficiary the opportunity to demonstrate that he has acquired the knowledge and skills which were lacking by, at the choice of the host Member State, attending an adaptation period or taking an aptitude test by analogy with Directives 89/48/EEC and 92/51/EEC.
de Margot Keßler (PSE) a la ComisiónEurLex-2 EurLex-2
“One of the perks of being upper-level management is I get to attend this event every year.”
Hola.- ¿ Eres nuestro enfermero?Literature Literature
Add to that the fine association you’ll enjoy there, and you can easily see why regular meeting attendance is so vital to the feeding of your faith in God and his Son.
Whatever fear Herod had once felt regarding Jesus, whom he had superstitiously thought to be the reincarnation of his murdered victim, John the Baptist, was replaced by amused interest when he saw the far-famed Prophet of Galilee in bonds before him, attended by a Roman guard, and accompanied by ecclesiastical officials.
Ya te he encontradoLDS LDS
It is accredited to the Department of Public Information and attends weekly briefings and the annual DPI/NGO conferences.
A tal fin, el Presidente transmitirá a los miembros de la Comisión Técnica el texto que ha de adoptarseUN-2 UN-2
remarked Polletti, when the attendant reached him.
En segundo lugar, las ventas en los mercados de exportación pudieron efectuarse a precios más elevados, y por ello el hecho de que la empresa no vendiera más en la Comunidad, en contraposición a lo ocurrido fuera de ésta, podría ser explicado por otros factores como, por ejemplo, los propios esfuerzos de la empresa para maximizar los rendimientos de los mercados de exportación que eran más rentables que el mercado comunitarioLiterature Literature
These include attendance at job fairs and the development of a network of over 500 governmental and non-governmental organizations, professional associations and alumni, to which generic job openings are disseminated frequently.
Hablo en serioUN-2 UN-2
Furthermore, the Directorate-General of School Education and the interministerial task force on accommodation and access to housing (DIHAL) provide daily reports on school attendance and drop-out. Their work has made it possible for children living in camps to be enrolled in school without delay and for prompt action to be taken in response to urgent problems.
Está bien.Es seguro que no se trata de un tubo de gas agujereadoUN-2 UN-2
An attendant piled a towel, a washrag and a blanket into her outstretched arms and steered her to the women’s wing.
No llevaré panqueques a BerlínLiterature Literature
The forum was attended by representatives of government institutions and of the different areas and branch offices of the STPS, employers' and workers' organizations, universities, the Congress of the Union, international organizations and organizations of civil society
¿ Qué has hecho?MultiUn MultiUn
Furthermore, as your company has done in the past, I assume you will be sending a significant number of people to attend our Professional Developers Conference in Denver October 11 – October 15, 1998.
Éste es un atracoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
On March 27 of that year the first Church meeting in Cambodia was held at a hotel, with a total of six members and nine investigators in attendance.
Amigo...... la chica cayó de un boteLDS LDS
In that context, UN-SPIDER staff attended the meeting of the CEOS working group on information systems and services held in May 2009 and the CEOS and the GEO plenary meetings held in November 2009.
Tenemos que empezar a cuidarnos un poco másUN-2 UN-2
‘For early in 1995 a meeting was called, outside the VFIG, for the purpose of approving minimum prices. [...a senior representative of AGA] attended, and the meeting became his first of several meetings, in a more restricted group, at Breda.
Que Dios bendiga a Richard NixonEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Concern is also expressed at the shortage of trained teachers, insufficient school infrastructure and equipment, and gender disparities in school attendance.
Un mercado único europeo debe ser considerado como una oportunidad más bien que como una amenaza.UN-2 UN-2
Flight Attendants, do we have the signaI for departure?
Estaba perdiendo mucha sangreopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
In addition, organized groupings in Nimba County have held violent protests, demanding that the National Commission for Disarmament, Demobilization, Rehabilitation and Reintegration pay fees to schools that they had been attending but that had not been authorized by the National Commission to enrol ex-combatants
Digo... que me preguntes lo que quieras en rusoMultiUn MultiUn
When I was called to serve a mission in an area where I would not be able to attend the temple, I was afraid that I would be without that feeling for two years.
Will es un hombre fuerte.Va a sobrevivirLDS LDS
Representatives of around forty five (45) member States of the Conference on Disarmament (CD) and around ten (10) observer States attended the event, as did representatives of the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR).
¿ por qué la gente viaja? ¿ tú lo sabes?UN-2 UN-2
However, the applicants establish convincingly that, contrary to Nedri’s unsubstantiated assertion, Austria Draht’s representative cannot have been present in Düsseldorf in order to attend that meeting, since he was in Salzburg (Austria) on that date (Annex A.7 to the application, p. 46 and pp. 815 and 816).
Los chicos tambiénEurLex-2 EurLex-2
They attended school in the mornings, and during the afternoons, Franz encouraged them to learn practical skills.
Mi novia... no sabe la verdad sobre quién soy realmenteLiterature Literature
But they had attended school only briefly, and many were still barely literate. 5.
La princesa llega en el Bote de la BondadLiterature Literature
A representative of FRA shall be invited to attend meetings of the management board where points relevant to the protection of fundamental rights are on the agenda.
por el que se establece un derecho antidumping provisional sobre las importaciones de ácido tricloroisocianúrico originarias de la República Popular China y de los Estados Unidos de Américanot-set not-set
The dialogue was attended by ministers and vice ministers of trade from 32 governments, as well as representatives of international organizations, and resulted in a number of concrete proposals for action.
Emily.- ¿ Emily?- ¿ Está bien?UN-2 UN-2
During the reporting period, the External Relations and Strategic Planning Section held its annual seminar attended by the Collectif des ligues et associations de défense des droits de l'homme au Rwanda (CLADHO
Con ese fin, las señales procedentes de la medición continua del caudal se utilizan para corregir, según se requiera, el caudal de muestra que atraviesa los filtros de partículas del sistema de toma de muestras de partículas (figuras # yMultiUn MultiUn
207 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.