balefully oor Spaans


In a baleful manner.

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I see Saturn glaring balefully at you.
Veo a Saturno mirándolos torvamente.

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Both men looked balefully at their animals.
Los dos hombres miraban con mala cara a sus animales.Literature Literature
There’s no wifi, David tells us balefully, promising it will be operational in the morning.
No hay wifi, nos dice David en un tono siniestro, con la promesa de que funcionará por la mañana.Literature Literature
Lorna glanced balefully at Jens and decided in this case offense was the best defense.
Lorna miró a Jens cariacontecida, y decidió que, en este caso, la mejor defensa era un buen ataque.Literature Literature
Zhu Ying approached Mingyao, and when she was in front of him she asked him balefully, “Third Brother, you’ve returned?”
Zhu Ying caminó hacia Mingyao y cuando lo tuvo delante le dijo apenada: —Has vuelto.Literature Literature
Then the boat zips away, J.R. looking back at Lucy balefully.
Luego el bote se va y J.R. le dirige una mirada amenazante a Lucy.Literature Literature
His large plum-shaped eyes looked balefully at Abady who was sitting behind his desk.
Sin embargo, sus enormes globos oculares miraban preocupados a Abády, que estaba sentado detrás del escritorioLiterature Literature
She’s always ill,’ Alexa says, balefully.
Siempre está enferma —dice Alexa, con aire siniestro.Literature Literature
Another Derry memory came shooting up from his subconscious like a balefully fizzing firework.
Otro recuerdo de Derry se disparó desde el subconsciente como un funesto fuego de artificio.Literature Literature
It’s been carved open with some weapon, and now it stares balefully at me like a weary eye.
La han reventado con algún arma, y ahora me observa ominosamente como un ojo exhausto.Literature Literature
A winged angel statue at the bottom of the curling stairs looked down at him balefully.
El ángel alado que estaba en la base de las escaleras serpenteantes lo miró torvamente.Literature Literature
He glared at me balefully, and the waves of hatred pulsing out from him washed over me in greeting.
Me fulminó con su mirada abrasadora y las oleadas de odio que emanaban de él me bañaron a modo de saludo.Literature Literature
The six stone statues guarding the Scaean Gate watched him balefully.
Las seis estatuas de piedra que guardaban las puertas Esceas lo observaban torvas.Literature Literature
A woman nursing a child watched them balefully.
Una mujer que amamantaba a un bebé les dirigió una mirada torva.Literature Literature
Kate, looking balefully at the desserts, pushed back her chair.
Kate, mirando los postres con rencor, empujó su silla.Literature Literature
Before she could do more than glare balefully at her ward, a soft furry object fluttered across her face.
Antes de que pudiera hacer nada más que lanzar una torva mirada a su pupila, un suave objeto peludo le rozó la cara.Literature Literature
And below the sea the eye on the pyramid glares balefully upward.
Y debajo del mar, el ojo en la pirámideobserva fijamente hacia arriba.Literature Literature
He stared balefully up at Farouz, who stood just inside the door.
Miró torvamente a Faruz, que se hallaba delante mismo de la puerta.Literature Literature
Xar halted outside, glared balefully at the Sartan runes, and considered this latest difficulty.
Xar se detuvo a la entrada, observó con recelo las runas sartán y analizó aquella última dificultad.Literature Literature
And Edilio stared down balefully at the thing...the person...the body...that would be like a dagger in Sam’s heart.
Él miro lleno de espanto a la cosa... la persona... el cuerpo... que sería como un puñal en el corazón de Sam.Literature Literature
The head of Poseidon rose above the water, watching them balefully with blank golden eyes.
La cabeza de Poseidón asomaba por encima del agua, y los miraba con unos ojos dorados y siniestros.Literature Literature
Siward was eyeing balefully the surrounding Knights, and Avila seemed taken aback, almost disgruntled.
Siward contemplaba con desconfianza a los Militantes que los rodeaban, y Avila parecía incómodo, casi malhumorado.Literature Literature
"""The things I do for family,"" he muttered balefully, and resigned himself to an evening of dubious pleasure."
—Las cosas que hay que hacer por la familia —suspiró Grey torvamente, y se resignó a una noche de dudoso placer.Literature Literature
He stood beside the bed in his pajamas, looking balefully at the toy train that had been bought at K-Mart, mute.
Se quedó de pie, mudo junto a la cama, en pijama, mirando torvamente el tren de juguete que habían comprado en K-Mart.Literature Literature
I see Saturn glaring balefully at you
Veo a Saturno mirándolos torvamenteopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Paradine regarded his wife balefully and crossed his long legs.
Paradine observó sombríamente a su esposa y se cruzó las piernas.Literature Literature
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