bane oor Spaans


werkwoord, naamwoord
A cause of misery or death; an affliction or curse

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


source of harm or ruin; affliction
Air travel, it's the bane of my life.
Viajar en avión es una desgracia.


source of harm or ruin; affliction
The regional arms race is the bane of development.
La carrera de armamentos al nivel regional es la maldición del desarrollo.


source of harm or ruin; affliction
The Myrddin Wylt obscured a Shadow's bane. "
Myrddin Wylt ocultó la ruina de la sombra ".

En 12 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

perdición · intoxicar · maldecir · envenenar · la pesadilla · la ruina · pesadilla · arruinar · plaga · veneno · muerte · destrucción

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Bane (god)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Bane (comics)
Bane (cómic)
Luke was created by the Bane to absorb human brain patterns.
Luke fue creado por los Bane para absorver los patrones del cerebro humano.
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Soortgelyke frases

wolf's bane
acónito · tabaco de montaña · árnica
Albert Baning
Albert Baning
leopard's bane
tabaco de montaña · árnica
Oslo T-bane
Metro de Oslo
Darth Bane
Darth Bane
destructivo · funesto · letal · mortal · nefasto · nocivo · perniciosa · pernicioso · ponzoñoso · siniestro · virulento


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Towering over my friends was the bane of my adolescence.
No obstante, los criadores, suministradores y usuarios de primates no humanos serán inspeccionados una vez al añoLDS LDS
Led by Bane and Tsarmina, the joint forces hit swiftly.
Bob Craven lo notó.SíLiterature Literature
Otherwise, Bane's gonna wanna see three bodies, our bodies.
Una llave y un cartel de " No molestar "OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Damion Bane was there, as well,” Rafe says.
Es sólo un avisoLiterature Literature
Here again we see the baneful effects of the search for certainty.
Una Llama Mini Max. # Super Auto, semiautomáticaLiterature Literature
Within the first few passes Bane knew he couldn’t win.
Nuestros padres acaban...... ¿ de morir?Literature Literature
�You are my Bane,� he said, saying the words quickly before prudence could stay the fool-sounding pronouncement.
¡ Despejen, ordenen todo!Literature Literature
The Makurth was gone, but Bane was still here.
¿ J?Frank. Fuiste el mejor compañero que un Remoolian jamás pudo haber tenidoLiterature Literature
The absence of resilient national systems and capacity has been the bane of Liberian society in the past and the opportunity offered to make amends for past acts of omissions and commissions should not be missed.
Le di al señor Chang un...... al señor Weng una oportunidadUN-2 UN-2
“Actually, Bane says they had tracked the human to that location.”
Pretensiones de las partes demandantesLiterature Literature
In 1878, she is the lover of Magnus Bane.
El Consejo de administración efectuará, de común acuerdo con la Comisión, un mandato específico, una vez consultadas las partes implicadasWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
If he failed to kill Bane, not only his honor was forfeit, but his life as well.
Y cada tarea que debas hacer se vuelve fácilLiterature Literature
Here he had married Sarah Bane (1783–1870), a native of Bristol.
A este respecto, y tal como se señala en los considerandos # y # del Reglamento provisional, se consideró que las cantidades importadas procedentes de la empresa vinculada hacia la RPC eran modestas y solo se hacían para mantener clientes a nivel mundialLiterature Literature
I want my money, Bane
El arrecife afecta la forma de la ola.- ¿ En serio?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Luke was created by the Bane to absorb human brain patterns
Estábamos todos muy alegresopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Bane bent down and sniffed the earth around each hole, while Tsarmina stood watching.
Llegué lo más pronto posibleLiterature Literature
During his years in prison, Bane carried a teddy bear he called Osito ("Little bear" in Spanish), whom he considered his only friend.
Te pagaré un tragoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The last of Bane’s minions that Cyric faced in Sembia were Astolpho and his wife.
Los bienes incluidos en el presente anexo pueden ser nuevos o usadosLiterature Literature
Kaagh appears again in Enemy of the Bane.
Cool quiere decir estupendoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Bane's army is ready to invade the world above and there is nothing I can do to stop it. BATMAN ".
No lo sé, BillieOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“You saw a Sith named Lord Bane?”
Y toma las olas grandes como se deben tomar.- ¿ Sí?Literature Literature
That girl could be the bane of your life, a blight, a poison on everything you do.
¿ Qué te parece?Literature Literature
Ty and Bane separated, making a triangle around the group.
Ustedes bailan acá en la tierra patria, verdad?Literature Literature
Apparently Bane had kidnapped her from Zion multiple times—who’d ultimately kidnapped her right back.
Todo el mundo debería comer asíLiterature Literature
You killed the Bane but I made it possible.
Eso te excluye, NellyLiterature Literature
208 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.