be found out oor Spaans

be found out

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

ser descubierto

You were cooking the books and sooner or later you knew you'd be found out.
Usted alteraba los libros de contables y tarde o temprano usted sabía que sería descubierto.

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Soortgelyke frases

to be found out
ser descubierto
I was afraid of being found out
tenía miedo de que me descubrieran
he said nothing for fear that he might be found out
no dijo nada por miedo a que lo descubrieran
for fear of being found out
por miedo a ser descubierto


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"""If we wait, we risk being found out."
“Si esperamos, nos arriesgamos a que nos encuentren.Literature Literature
She was worried she'd be found out.
Empezaba a temer que se descubriese.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The way he said it told me there was more to be found out.
Su manera de decirlo me indicó que había algo más por descubrir.Literature Literature
Lived in fear of being found out.
He vivido con el temor de ser descubierta.Literature Literature
The traitor would be found out immediately and die a horrible death.”
Atraparían al traidor de inmediato y le darían una muerte horripilante.Literature Literature
At least, if there was any chance of being found out.
Al menos si había la más mínima posibilidad de ser descubierto.Literature Literature
Guilt can rack a cheater who is in danger of being found out.
La culpa puede atormentar a un tramposo que corre el riesgo de ser descubierto.Literature Literature
She, too, is terrified that something should go wrong and we will be found out.
A ella también le aterroriza que salga algo mal y seamos descubiertas.Literature Literature
If anyone decided to count the cards before drawing lots, I’d be found out there and then.
Porque si antes de empezar el sorteo le daba a alguien por contar las cartas, me descubrirían al instante.Literature Literature
You may say something, do something... and you will be found out.
Puede que digas o hagas algo... y te descubrirán.Literature Literature
Each lives in genial terror of being found out and exposed as a fraud.
Cada uno convive con el terror de que lo descubran y se revele que es un fraude.Literature Literature
Warden sighed and pretended to be found out.
Warden suspiró y simuló haber sido descubierto.Literature Literature
You're afraid of being found out.
Teméis que se descubra.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
What better way to hide a traitor than to have that traitor be found out?
-¿Qué mejor manera de esconder a un traidor que descubrir a ese traidor?Literature Literature
I was exceedingly vague, too, as you may recall, lest I be found out.
También era sumamente vaga, como recordarás, por miedo a que me descubrieran.Literature Literature
They were both looking for other aliens; they were both too experienced to be found out.
Los dos buscaban a otros alienígenas; los dos tenían demasiada experiencia para dejarse descubrir.Literature Literature
It is afraid of being found out.
Tiene miedo de que lo descubran.Literature Literature
I saw there was no need to stop myself from hurtling forward for fear of being found out.
Comprendí que no tenía ninguna necesidad de ser comedido por temor a que me descubriera.Literature Literature
She rang for her secretary and said my father's address must be found out.
Mandó llamar a su secretaria y le indicó que era preciso que le consiguiera la dirección de mi padre cuanto antes.Literature Literature
Hhune will most likely be found out, but he is expendable.
Lo más probable es que Hhune sea descubierto, pero es una pieza prescindible.Literature Literature
Or perhaps just the shock of being found out.
O tal vez solo el shock de ser atrapadoLiterature Literature
I liked being found out and enjoyed the naughty evasion that was really no evasion at all.
Me gustó que me hubiera sorprendido, me gustó la evasiva traviesa que en realidad no era ninguna evasiva.Literature Literature
She pondered the possibility of stealing one of his pillows, but knew she’d be found out.
Consideró la posibilidad de robarle una de las almohadas, pero sabía que él lo descubriría.Literature Literature
“Most definitely, but I don’t intend to be found out.”
—Con toda seguridad, pero no pretendo ser descubierto.Literature Literature
His anger consisted of a most unpleasant feeling of being found out!
Su rabia consistía en una más que desagradable sensación... de haber sido descubiertoopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
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