beads of sweat oor Spaans

beads of sweat

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

gotas de sudor

There were beads of sweat on his forehead.
Había gotas de sudor en su frente.

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bead of sweat
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There were beads of sweat running down his face and soaking into the collar of his shirt.
Las gotas de sudor le corrían por la cara y le empapaban el cuello de la camisa.Literature Literature
A few beads of sweat dotted Mike’s forehead, and his arms shook.
Unas cuantas gotas de sudor recorrieron la frente de Mike y los brazos le empezaron a temblar.Literature Literature
Worsaw still said nothing, but beads of sweat had broken out on his freckled face.
Worsaw siguió callado, pero había gotas de sudor en su cara pecosaLiterature Literature
It was the first time Thomas had really seen him flustered, beads of sweat covering his forehead.
Era la primera vez que lo había visto realmente agitado, tenía la frente cubierta de gotas de sudor.Literature Literature
Beads of sweat would burst out on him, even on the chilliest of days.
Le caían de repente gotas de sudor, incluso en los días más fríos.Literature Literature
I waited, beads of sweat cooling my skin as my breath echoed back from inside the bowl.
Gotas de sudor me enfriaban la piel mientras mi respiración resonaba dentro de la pila.Literature Literature
Beads of sweat were forming on his forehead beneath his red curls.
—Se le estaban formando gotas de sudor en la frente, bajo sus rizos pelirrojos—.Literature Literature
with a bead of sweat runnin'down his face, man?
con sudor corriendo por su cara?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Beads of sweat trickled from a limp forelock down an ivory face, but there was no reply.
Gruesas gotas de sudor se deslizaban desde su frente debilitada por el rostro marfileño, pero no hubo respuesta.Literature Literature
There were beads of sweat on his wrecked face and that studied cool he’d had was on vacation.
Había gotas de sudor en su cara maltrecha y su frialdad habitual parecía haberse ido de permiso.Literature Literature
A bead of sweat trickled down Cas’s forehead, but he didn’t dare move to wipe it away.
Una gota de sudor bajó por la frente de Cas, pero no se atrevió a moverse para secarla.Literature Literature
“Come on, you bitch,” he muttered, blinking away a bead of sweat that trickled into his left eye.
—Vamos, puta —murmuró mientras pestañeaba para librarse de la gota de sudor que le había caído en el ojos izquierdo—.Literature Literature
Beads of sweat covered Lin Yiyu’s forehead.
Unas perlas de sudor cubrían la frente de Lin Yiyu.Literature Literature
The beads of sweat on his forehead matched those on his sweaty glass of scotch.
Las gotas de sudor de su frente eran similares a las de su vaso de whisky.Literature Literature
Perhaps a bead of sweat from the attack.
Quizá una gota de sudor de la agresión.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She looked at Samm and saw him swaying, a bead of sweat rolling slowly down his brow.
Miró a Samm y lo vio tambalearse; una gota de sudor le caía lentamente por la frente.Literature Literature
By then small beads of sweat had begun to appear on Bucky Rohrbacker’s forehead.
Para entonces ya habían comenzado a aparecer gotitas de sudor en la frente de Bucky Rohrbacker.Literature Literature
A cold beading of sweat broke out on my forehead: it was another cliché forced into life.
Unas perlas de sudor aparecieron en mi frente: otro cliché forzado.Literature Literature
The heat seemed oven-like, and the beads of sweat turned to rivers.
El calor parecía el de un horno, y las gotas de sudor se convertían en ríos.Literature Literature
A few beads of sweat came out on Segura’s forehead and he cleared his throat after drinking.
Aparecieron unas gotas de sudor en la frente de Segura y se aclaró la garganta después de beber.Literature Literature
Fine beads of sweat sprung up along my upper lip as I thought about what he had done.
Me brotaron en el labio superior finas gotitas de sudor al pensar en lo que había hecho Scott.Literature Literature
A second bead of sweat made its way from Altaïr’s temple as he replied, ‘Dead.’
Una segunda gota de sudor resbaló por la sien de Altaïr mientras contestaba: —Muertos.Literature Literature
A second wave of heat brought beads of sweat out on his face and back.
Una segunda ola de calor empapó de sudor su cara y su espalda.Literature Literature
She says something about the beads of sweat that are popping out on my forehead.
Dice algo respecto a las gotas de sudor que me perlan la frente.Literature Literature
A tiny bead of sweat began to run down Gondra’s forehead.
Una gota de sudor empezó a deslizarse por la frente de Gondra.Literature Literature
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