bearish oor Spaans


Resembling or likened to a bear, typically in being rough, surly, or clumsy.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


The pair has recorded much bearish behavior in the past several days.
Durante los últimos días el par registró un movimiento bajista.


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Fortunately, my bearish view comes to fruition in May, when the full extent of the country’s fiscal problems becomes clear.
Afortunadamente, mi visión pesimista se cristaliza en mayo, cuando la magnitud plena de los problemas fiscales del país se vuelve evidente.

a la baja

It announced its intention to stabilize the market – and that bearish speculators should beware.
Anunció su intención de estabilizar el mercado – y emitió una advertencia a quienes especularan a la baja.
UN term

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

bearish tendency
tendencia bajista · tendencia descendente
bearish spread
especulación diferencial a la baja
bearish market
mercado a la baja · mercado bajista


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The bearish old man that everyone feared, but loved nonetheless, had shown him a photograph.
Reglamento (CE) no #/# de la Comisión, de # de agosto de #, por el que se establecen valores globales de importación para la determinación del precio de entrada de determinadas frutas y hortalizasLiterature Literature
By Daniel M. Harrison After a deeply bearish start to the week, Asian indices ended on a high note Friday, as sentiment in Hong Kong over the US economic ...
Sí, ¿ pero es pertinente?Common crawl Common crawl
The market for minerals, ores and metals was bearish in 2014.
Hay una maleta debajo de su camaUN-2 UN-2
The massive retreat of speculative funds from the sugar futures market further reinforced the bearish sentiments.
Él dijo que no tenían almaUN-2 UN-2
The description of the bullish and bearish extreme bars, the generation of which shows the possible change in the direction of the market movement.
Para que un aditivo pueda ser incluido en la lista provisional deberá cumplir las condiciones siguientesCommon crawl Common crawl
In order for a triple divergence to occur, a regular bullish or bearish divergence first has to abort.
Pide a la Escuela, a la OLAF y a la Comisión que informen ala autoridad responsable de aprobar la gestión sobre los resultados de la investigación de la OLAF, cuanto antes y en el momento en que estén disponiblesLiterature Literature
Red dots—potential or actual bearish divergences.
¿ Qué piensas quees... bisutería?Literature Literature
Notice the bullish divergence in late 1994 and the bearish divergence in late 1995.
Esto es grandiosoLiterature Literature
When the crowd becomes highly bullish, get ready to sell, and when it becomes strongly bearish, get ready to buy.
Dios, estoy muy nerviosoLiterature Literature
Karic, a bearish man, sucked air through his teeth.
Supongo que es el aire del campoLiterature Literature
Nevertheless, while there is no need to be overly bearish about China’s short-term economic prospects, because of the slow progress in fundamental adjustment and further reform, even Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao has noted that China’s growth is ultimately unsustainable.
No quiero ser mecánicaNews commentary News commentary
This negative or bearish divergence warned of a price peak.
Es lo que te va a pasar si no confiesas que mentisteLiterature Literature
The pair has recorded much bearish behavior in the past several days.
Quieres vivir hasta morir, no?Common crawl Common crawl
"Old Paulus's bearish, bearded father had called it ""going about the business of being a Duke."""
If you are in a bearish or weak market, you may see at times, what appears to be a test.
Otra parte en el procedimiento: Comisión de las Comunidades EuropeasLiterature Literature
However, some securities are bullish in a bear market or bearish in a bull market.
Me vio y se acercó a míLiterature Literature
This bearish divergence shows that market professionals are selling into the rally.
Tal vez esta en el cuarto de baño bailar o prácticar a última horaLiterature Literature
First, I compare the sizes of bullish and bearish lists.
El primer período transitorio se extenderá desde la entrada en vigor del presente Acuerdo hasta el momento en que la UNMIK cumpla todas las condiciones establecidas en el artículo #, apartado #, del presente Protocolo, según verificación realizada por la Comunidad EuropeaLiterature Literature
Since then and over the first eight months of 2011, coal prices mainly followed a bearish trend, with an average monthly fall of 1.5 per cent, due to the combined effect of the weakening demand and the continuous recovery of Australian production following serious floods in the first quarter of 2011.
Y si este último regalo no prueba cuánto te amo, nada lo haráUN-2 UN-2
Throwing out his arms, the three-year-old did an excellent imitation of a bearish bellow.
Vera no le recogio Entonces este Andrei había aparecidoLiterature Literature
BEIJING – In recent months, bearish sentiment about the Chinese economy has surged, owing largely to three conjectures.
Puedo decirle que se suicideNews commentary News commentary
Of course she didn’t speak people-talk’ (with a sly glance at me) ‘and they didn’t speak bearish.
Amigos de Sleeptite, sólo quiero decir...... que esta demostración de armonía en nuestra fábrica...... me ha llegado hasta lo más hondoLiterature Literature
At first, only white sugar prices were affected by the bearish forecasts.
Creen que saben quién soyEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Encircling her husband’s bearish body with both arms, she told him the time had come for a new generation.
Una mosca... entró... en la cabina teleportadora la primera vezLiterature Literature
As a very successful investor once said: “The bearish argument always sounds more intelligent.”
Es un absurdo que aborte una adolescente de # añosLiterature Literature
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