become a widow oor Spaans

become a widow

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It's good to be married when you become a widower.
La vida de casado es buena cuando uno enviuda.
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quedarse viudo

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become a widower
enviudar · quedarse viudo
to die or become a widow
morir o quedar viuda


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It's good to be married when you become a widower.
La vida de casado es buena cuando uno enviuda.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And now she had become a widow.
Y ahora se había quedado viuda.Literature Literature
Give me a gun, I want to become a widower!
Dadme una pistola, ¡ quiero quedar viudo!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It appeared that Mistress Galloway had become a widow and had been left in straitened circumstances.
Al parecer, la señora Galloway se había quedado viuda y en circunstancias de estrechez económica.Literature Literature
She deserved a better life than waiting to become a widow.
Ella se merecía una vida mejor que esperar convertirse en viuda.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I shall know how to take care of myself if I should become a widow.”
Me sabré cuidar si me convierto en viuda.Literature Literature
She has become a widow; she has lost her natural protector.
La prima se ha quedado viuda, ha perdido a su protector natural.Literature Literature
I don't want to become a widower within a year of marriage.
No quiero convertirme en viudo al año de casarnos.QED QED
Do what I told you if you don't want her to become a widow.
iHaga lo que estoy mandando!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Before becoming a widow, she had been and optimistic and carefree woman.
Antes de quedar viuda era una mujer optimista y despreocupada.Literature Literature
done their part, and Pen would not become a widow this day.
Ya habían cumplido, y Pen no quedaría viuda aquel día.Literature Literature
With his death, she becomes a widow.
Habiendo muerto él, ella se convierte en viuda.Literature Literature
I have no desire to become a widow again.
No tengo ganas de convertirme en viuda otra vez.Literature Literature
If anyone can save Mrs Lipwig from becoming a widow, it's Pump 19.
Si alguien puede evitar que la señora Lipwig enviude, ese es Bomba 19.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
On the thirteenth to become a widow
En día trece a convertirme en viuda.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
At some time prior to 1881, Eliza Gold had become a widow.
En algún momento anterior a 1881, Eliza Gold se había quedado viuda.Literature Literature
When did you become a widow?
¿Cuándo enviudaste?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Since he had become a widower, his mother had paraded troops of women before him.
Desde que era viudo, su madre había hecho desfilar a cantidad de mujeres delante de él.Literature Literature
The man’s just become a widower - he’s not interested in getting laid,’ Dennis retorted.
El hombre acaba de quedarse viudo; no creo que le preocupe mucho acostarse con nadie —intervino Dennis—.Literature Literature
I'm not even married to Cassie Wright and already I'm about to become a widower.
Ni siquiera estoy casado con Cassie Wright y ya estoy a punto de ser viudo.Literature Literature
Presumably you wish to marry Lady Thornleigh when she becomes a widow.
Es de suponer que desea casarse con lady Thornleigh cuando esta sea viuda.Literature Literature
When one becomes a widow, old relationships can take a turn.
Cuando una enviuda, las viejas relaciones pueden dar un giro.Literature Literature
That’s just more common than becoming a widow at twenty-five.”
Es más habitual que quedarse viuda con veinticinco años.Literature Literature
You will receive him on a day when I will become a widower.
También puedo dároslo, tío, el día en que sea viudoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She seems a young woman about to become a widow.
Parece una mujer joven a punto de quedarse viuda.Literature Literature
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