before dining oor Spaans

before dining

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

antes de cenar

My first thought, even before dining, Is for you.
Lo primero que pienso, aún antes de cenar, es en ti.

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He contemplated another cup of wine before dining, but decided against it.
Consideró tomar otra copa de vino antes de comer, pero decidió abstenerse.Literature Literature
He went home to relax for a while before dining and getting ready for the evening’s ball.
Regresó a casa para relajarse un poco antes de cenar y prepararse para el baile de esa noche.Literature Literature
“The pike does not ask the frog’s permission before dining,” as she remembered Lini saying.
«El lucio no pide permiso a la rana antes de merendársela», recordó que solía decir Lini.Literature Literature
He and Lord Feverstone and Mark were all drinking sherry before dining with Curry.
Él, lord Feverstone y Mark estaban bebiendo jerez antes de cenar con Curry.Literature Literature
“Now, if you’ll excuse me a moment, I’ll spare you the sight of blood and needles before dining.”
"""Ahora, si me perdonas un momento, te ahorraré la vista de sangre y agujas antes de cenar."""Literature Literature
She applied her makeup carefully that evening, in the bedroom, before dining with Archie.
Esa noche, en su habitación, se esmeró en maquillarse antes de bajar a cenar con Archie.Literature Literature
Thereafter, seeing him listless, I suggested a turn in the village to stretch our limbs before dining.
Luego al verle indiferente le propuse dar una vuelta por el pueblo para estirar las piernas antes de comer.Literature Literature
"""The pike does not ask the frog’s permission before dining,""as she remembered Lini saying."
«El lucio no pide permiso a la rana antes de merendársela», recordó que solía decir Lini.Literature Literature
All before dining on pizza and Rice Krispie Treats in the shape of Christmas trees.
Todo eso antes de comer una pizza y cereal con forma de árboles de Navidad.Literature Literature
You will play games before dining.
Juegos aperitivo antes de ir a cenar .Common crawl Common crawl
Give us a kiss... before dining!
Dame un beso antes de la cena.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He refused to shake hands, and he carefully wiped plate and glass before dining.
Se negaba a estrechar manos y limpiaba cuidadosamente plato y vaso antes de cenar.Literature Literature
Evenings, just before dining, were his favorite time of the day.
Las tardes, justo antes de cenar, eran su momento favorito del día.Literature Literature
They agreed to go for a walk down the bustling streets of Shinsaibashi before dining there.
Decidieron pasear por las bulliciosas calles de Shinsaibashi antes de cenar.Literature Literature
"""The pike does not ask the frog's permission before dining,"" as she remembered Lini saying."
«El lucio no pide permiso a la rana antes de merendársela», recordó que solía decir Lini.Literature Literature
Besides, it was good for her to rest before dining out again in the evening.
Además, la convenía descanso antes de salir otra vez por la noche a comer fuera.Literature Literature
'I've finished what work I had and decided to relax a little before dining. .
—He acabado el trabajo que tenía y he decidido relajarme un poco antes de cenar.Literature Literature
‘From four o’clock till eight, when they socialize in their parlours, before dining.
—Entre las cuatro y las ocho, mientras hacen vida social en sus salones, antes de la cena.Literature Literature
The couches were then covered with fine rugs and cushions before dining tables were laid out before them.
Después se cubrieron los asientos con finas telas y cojines, antes de disponer las mesas delante de éstos.Literature Literature
We waited long for her before dining.
La esperábamos todo el tiempo antes de ponernos a la mesa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In all his travels, Leslie Slote had never before dined with Jews who wore caps at table.
Leslie Slote jamás había comido con judíos que llevaran casquete en la mesa.Literature Literature
"The pike does not ask the frogs permission before dining,"" as she remembered Lini saying."
«El lucio no pide permiso a la rana antes de merendársela», recordó que solía decir Lini.Literature Literature
Nice place to spruce up a bit yourself, too—before dining with a lady.
También es buen sitio para asearse un poco antes de cenar con una señora.Literature Literature
“I will come to their quarters before dining.
Me dirigiré a sus aposentos antes de comer.Literature Literature
“Would you gentlemen like to have a drink before dining?”
¿Os apetece una copa, señores, antes de cenar?Literature Literature
1790 sinne gevind in 36 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.