biogenesis oor Spaans


The principle that living organisms are produced only from other living organisms

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However, our understanding of the molecular composition and biogenesis of the immunopeptidome in health and disease is poor.
Sin embargo, su composición molecular y su biogénesis en personas sanas y enfermas se conocen poco.

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organelle biogenesis


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Any of these developments would disprove the notion of biogenesis being a rare, once-in-a-Universe event.
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Accumulating evidence indicates that the underlying cause of DBA is ribosome biogenesis through heterozygous mutations in ribosomal protein (RP) genes.
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Ribosome biogenesis in anaemia
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Biogenesis has now a new phpbb powered forum.
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The 2004 finalists are: - Protecting Internet applications from attack (MAFTIA); - Better heart treatments, safer radiotherapy and a cure for age-related blindness (Local therapy); - Stopping the spread of cancer's deadly seeds (uPAR); - Molecular trees make versatile nano devices (Dendrimers); - Secrets of ageing and degenerative diseases revealed in the mitochondria (MBAD Mitochondrial Biogenesis, Ageing and Disease); - From quantum teleportation to secure communication (IST-QuComm); - Better data storage: magic magnetic materials (CSNM - computational science of novel materials); - Better, safer, breast cancer diagnosis: photons prove better than x-rays (APLOMB).
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Project members already isolated several components belonging to certain protein families associated with Fe-S biogenesis in the chloroplast using sequence analogy.
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Elucidation of the mechanisms of DNA biogenesis has prompted scientists to envisage the engineering of living systems.
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These results underscore the importance of this domain to mRNA biogenesis.
Bueno, no es genialLiterature Literature
Centriole biogenesis
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The biogenesis of membranes is thus a complex process about which much remains to be learned.
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Gram-negative type IV pili use a modified version of the type II system for their biogenesis, and in some cases certain proteins are shared between a pilus complex and type II system within a single bacterial species.
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The Biogenesis user manual, a web demonstration of the program or a gallery of the most impressing organisms are some examples of what can be found in it.
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The EU-funded HORAY (Role of autophagy and lysosomal biogenesis in hypoxia and radiation-induced cell death in normal and cancer cells) project set out to study how ionising radiation interacted with autophagy and lysosomal biogenesis.
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An in-depth study on the biogenesis and function of peroxisomes is needed in order to develop effective therapeutic strategies and prevention.
Pero ahora había un nuevo asunto que ocupaba su tiempocordis cordis
There are really three puzzles rolled into one here – the when, where and how of biogenesis.
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A European project focused on the proteins that interact with C during their biogenesis.
En las conclusiones citadas, el Consejo consideró que, dentro del próximo marco financiero de la UE, y considerando las necesidades de todos los PTU, los futuros compromisos financieros deberán orientarse hacia su nivel actual teniendo en cuenta al mismo tiempo otras circunstancias predominantes y un equilibrio justo entre los intereses de ambas partes, en particular las necesidades de desarrollo de Groenlandia y las necesidades de la Comunidad de acceso continuado, de forma sostenible, a las poblaciones de peces presentes en aguas groenlandesas, así como las contribuciones financieras procedentes de terceras partescordis cordis
With this in mind, the EU-funded 'Biogenesis of the mitochondrial respiratory chain in children with severe multiorgan disorders' project aimed to identify key genes implicated in mitochondria biogenesis.
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Among these proteins they could detect nuclear RBPs, proteins involved in ribosomal biogenesis and known RBPs involved in DDR.
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Future clinical trials with molecules targeting autophagy and lysosomal biogenesis in the field of radiation oncology and chemotherapy will improve outcome and reduce toxicity.
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The Cigarette Smoking Man is also seen, in "Biogenesis", meeting with a group of men, some in military uniforms, who are speaking about some sort of disaster and "containment" of it.
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Their results indicated that microenvironment-mediated stress such as hypoxia, glucose and glutamine deprivation regulated autophagy and lysosomal biogenesis.
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Accumulating evidence indicates that disease progression involves metabolic alteration of lipid biogenesis and homeostasis in the liver.
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Biogenesis 0.2.1 is the first version of Biogeneis that is made publicly available.
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However, nuclear DNA is also involved in the biogenesis of mitochondria but the precise role of each genome in the process is largely unknown.
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As the joint winner of the Descartes prize for outstanding cross-border research, professor Howard Trevor Jacobs, coordinator of the project MBAD (Mitochondrial Biogenesis, Ageing and Disease) said in his acceptance speech: 'The Descartes prize is unusual in a number of respects.
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205 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.