boarded up oor Spaans

boarded up

Simple past tense and past participle of board up.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Their place is all fenced and boarded up, but I got a security guard to let me in.
Está vallado y tapiado pero un guardia de seguridad me dejó entrar.

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Soortgelyke frases

stand up paddle boarding
surf con remo
board up
cerrar con tablas · entablar
paste up board
tablero de composición


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Layers of dust and grime covered every surface, and the windows were boarded up.
Las capas de polvo y suciedad cubrían cada superficie y las ventanas estaban tapadas.Literature Literature
Then I considered the boarded-up windows of Andropov’s apartment, shaking from the noise behind them.
Entonces recordé las ventanas tapadas con tablas del piso de Andropov, que temblaban por culpa del ruido.Literature Literature
We boarded up these windows.
Tapiamos estas ventanas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Are boarded up, because there is no neo-Nazis.
Están tapiadas, porque ya no hay neo-nazis.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They sit in the darkness, looking at the ugly, boarded-up building.
Se quedan sentados a oscuras, mirando el feo edificio entablado.Literature Literature
It started with the erection of a huge Christmas tree between the bar and the boarded-up church.
Se empezó levantando un árbol de Navidad enorme entre el bar y la iglesia.Literature Literature
Many of the shops had been boarded up, and even the occupied apartments looked empty.
Muchas de esas tiendas estaban cerradas con tablas, e incluso los apartamentos ocupados parecían vacíos.Literature Literature
man, the yard boarded up.
Macho, el patio entablado.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The windows were boarded up, but the door was open.
Las ventanas habían sido tapiadas, pero la puerta estaba abierta.Literature Literature
Larry, Tom, Lance, board up all the windows.
Larry, Tom, Lance, pongan tablas sobre todas la ventanas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
No, just the usual Irish board-up crew, but here's the thing.
No, sólo el grupo usual de irlandeses, pero la cosa es.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I’ve had more to do today than to go round boarding up my windows.”
Hoy he tenido cosas más importantes que hacer que andar clavando las ventanas.Literature Literature
He crept into Santa Maria through the boarded-up doorway and headed for the ambulatory.
Entró con sigilo en Santa María por el hueco de la puerta y se dirigió hacia el deambulatorio.Literature Literature
It looks like a door that's been boarded up.
Parece una puerta que ha sido tapiada.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
They're boarding up the windows.
Están tapiando las ventanas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But then, walking up to the front doors, they saw that the doors were all boarded up.
Pero al llegar a la puerta del frente, vio que las puertas estaban todas entabladas.Literature Literature
At the same moment, Laker shot at the man boarding up over the side.
En el mismo momento, Laker disparó al hombre que se estaba aupando por la borda.Literature Literature
Half the houses are boarded up, only one tiendita is open, and that just barely.
La mitad de las casas están tapiadas con tablones de madera y solo hay una tiendita abierta, y muy de vez en cuando.Literature Literature
The room wasjng with several windows, half of which were boarded up.
La habitación era alargada y tenía varias ventanas, la mitad de ellas entabladas.Literature Literature
The front appears to be a boarded-up old theatre.
La parte frontal parece ser un teatro viejo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“The houses are boarded up, and they’re all close to the road.
—Las casas están tapiadas y se encuentran muy cerca del camino.Literature Literature
Although it had been hastily boarded up, some fruit bushes had died.
Aunque los habían reparado rápidamente con cartones, algunos arbustos frutales se habían congelado.Literature Literature
The blond brigand led them to a boarded-up warehouse at the far end of the street.
El rubio salteador los condujo a un almacén vallado situado al final de la calle.Literature Literature
There were two windows in the room, one of which was boarded up because the glass was broken.
La habitación tenía dos ventanas, una de ellas tapada con tablones clavados, porque el cristal estaba roto.Literature Literature
The Hotel Mark Twain was boarded up.
El Hotel Mark Twain estaba cerrado a cal y canto.Literature Literature
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