bolshy oor Spaans


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Alternative spelling of bolshie.

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You always were a bit of a bolshie.
Siempre has sido un poco rebelde.

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For what it's worth, Mr Foyle, I'm not a Bolshie.
Por si sirve de algo, Sr. Foyle, no soy un bolche.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He says he has been informed that you’ve been spreading bolshie propaganda among the firemen out there.
Dice que se le ha informado de que habías estado repartiendo propaganda bolchevique entre los bomberos, en aquella zona.Literature Literature
“Well, now, I hope these Bolshies will be stripped of their Series medals.
—Pues espero que a esos bolcheviques les retiren las medallas de campeones de la Serie.Literature Literature
Whole family are Bolshies!
¡ Familia de mandones!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Russians—still in those days, Punch Bolshies—were at the back of it.
Los rusos —en aquellos tiempos todavía bolcheviques del Sun[11]— estaban detrás de todo.Literature Literature
I can never remember his name, but he’s one of the old Bolshies who’d survived in exile—a White Russian.”
Nunca recuerdo su nombre, pero es uno de los viejos rojos que han sobrevivido en el exilio, un bielorruso.Literature Literature
Till the Bolshies take the country over.”
Hasta que los bolcheviques tomen el poder.Literature Literature
Joey thought it was his birthday, especially as Lubbe turned out to be a Bolshie.
Pepe pensó que era su cumpleaños, y más cuando resultó que Lubbe era comunista.Literature Literature
“You think the Bolshie gunman killed Thirkie too?”
—¿Cree que el pistolero bolchevique mató también a Thirkie?Literature Literature
Bunch of Bolshie agitators came down and stirred up trouble.
Una pandilla de agitadores bolcheviques vino a provocar líos.Literature Literature
Higgs, sit at that desk and look bolshie.
Higgs, siéntese en esa silla y tome aspecto de bolchevique.Literature Literature
She thinks she's gonna get out in time to hang paint with her bolshie friends.
Cree que va a llegar a colgar sus dibujitos con sus tontos amigos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“My God,” he said, “a Bolshie in the house!
«¡Dios mío —dijo—, un bolchevique en casa!Literature Literature
This bolshie in Russia, Lenin, he has ordered the schools to teach chess to everybody.
Éste bolche, en Rusia, Lenin, ordenó que todas las escuelas enseñaran ajedrez.Literature Literature
No one had an inferiority complex like the Bolshies.
Nadie tenía un complejo de inferioridad mayor que los bolcheviques.Literature Literature
The women were typical Bolshies: fat, ugly, and in need of a good wash.
Las mujeres eran las típicas bolcheviques: gordas y feas, y necesitaban un buen baño.Literature Literature
She’s telling me about the Bolshies.
Me está contando cosas sobre los bolcheviques.Literature Literature
I mean Viola is just so brave and bolshie.
Quiero decir que Viola es tan valiente y rebelde...Literature Literature
‘He loathes the Bolshies, but he disapproves of Mosley.
—Aborrece a los bolcheviques, pero reprueba a Mosley.Literature Literature
“It seems you were something of a Bolshie.”
Al parecer era usted un poco bolchevique.Literature Literature
He was a good-natured man, but Flory’s Bolshie ideas sometimes annoyed him.
Era un buen hombre, pero las ideas socialistas de Flory le sacaban de quicio algunas veces.Literature Literature
Come on, you miserable lord, you ... Bolshy-wigg.’
Ven, conde miserable, tú, bol-che-vique.»Literature Literature
I was fifteen and quite bolshy.
Yo tenía quince años y era bastante rebelde.Literature Literature
He says he has been informed that you've been spreading bolshie propaganda among the firemen out there.
Dice que se le ha informado de que habías estado repartiendo propaganda bolchevique entre los bomberos, en aquella zona.Literature Literature
Not that a bolshie spliff sniffer like you could fly it.
pero una comunista adicta como tú no podría volarlo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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