bootlegger oor Spaans


An illegal trader of goods, especially of alcohol.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


naamwoordm;f, masculine;feminine
illegal trader
This must have been the cabin of a soup bootlegger back in the days of soup prohibition.
Debe haber sido de un traficante de sopa en los días de la ley seca.

comerciante clandestino

illegal trader


naamwoordmasculine, feminine
The bootleggers, the white slavers, and that newspaper are tryin to scare me and Sister outta town!
Los contrabandistas, los esclavistas blancos y ese periódico intentan asustarnos para que nos vayamos.

contrabandista de licores

Is he still on ahead, this bootlegger you talked about?
¿ Crees que anda por aquí el contrabandista de licores?

traficante de licores


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The bootleggers, the white slavers, and that newspaper are tryin to scare me and Sister outta town!
Los contrabandistas, los esclavistas blancos y ese periódico intentan asustarnos para que nos vayamos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The public is beginning to look upon the bootlegger as an adventuresome hero a modern crusader who deals in bottles instead of battles.
El público empieza a considerar al expendedor clandestino como un héroe un cruzado moderno de botellas, no batallas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
My people was bootleggers before all this.
Mis antepasados fueron contrabandistas de alcohol.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“My mother took me to the last chapel in her arms, down a bootlegger’s shaft,” Cartwright said.
—Mi madre me llevó en brazos a la última capilla por un túnel de contrabandistas —dijo Cartwright—.Literature Literature
He was a bootlegger!
¡ Era un contrabandista de licor!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Can put you in touch with a very good bootlegger, the best.""
Puedo ponerte en contacto con un traficante de alcohol muy bueno, el mejor.Literature Literature
I aint nothing but a bootlegger, but he never had a better friend
No soy más que un contrabandista de licores, pero Red nunca tuvo otro amigo mejor.Literature Literature
Yet he had a cellar full of whiskey and gin he purchased from bootleggers.
Sin embargo, tenía un sótano lleno de whisky y ginebra que compraba a los contrabandistas.Literature Literature
Bootlegger operators like Rothstein, Waxy Gordon, Frank Costello, Big Bill Dwyer and Lucky Luciano were making fortunes.
Los estraperlistas como Rothstein, Waxy Gordon, Frank Costello, Big Bill Dwyer y Lucky Luciano ganaban fortunas.Literature Literature
When Prohibition began, Remus found himself defending bootleggers in a courtroom presided over by a federal judge named Kennesaw Mountain Landis.
Cuando la prohibición empezó, Remus defendió a contrabandistas en una corte presidida por un juez federal llamado Kenesaw Mountain Landis.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
palling around with bootleggers now?
mezclándote con contrabandistas ahora?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I should bother fixing myself up for a bootlegger.
No debería molestarme en arreglarme para un contrabandista.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Damone was a bootlegger, operating in Yonkers and sanctioned by no less a figure than Arnold Rothstein.
Damone era un contrabandista de alcohol, que operaba en Yonkers y estaba respaldado por la figura de Arnold Rothstein.Literature Literature
A lot of decent folks travel the highway, but robbers, bootleggers and murderers travel it, too.
Por la carretera pasa mucha gente decente, pero también pasan ladrones, asesinos y contrabandistas.Literature Literature
The three young men had spent the night making alcohol that they sold to a bootlegger in Matheson.
Los tres jóvenes acababan de pasar la noche fabricando un aguardiente que le vendían a un contrabandista de Matheson.Literature Literature
The following week I walked to the bootlegger for Dad.
A la semana siguiente fui a pie a ver al contrabandista de alcohol por encargo de papá.Literature Literature
He was a bootlegger.
Era un contrabandista.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I'm sick of nightclubs, hustlers, bootleggers, chislers and smart guys.
Estoy asqueada de nightclubs, chaperos, contrabandistas, gorrones y tipos listos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She cast a meaningful glance at Michael, who came from a dynasty of bootleggers, after all.
Lanzó una significativa mirada a Michael, que procedía de una dinastía de destiladores de whisky clandestinos.Literature Literature
And this was for bootleggers to just see who had the fastest car?
¿ Y esto fue para que los contrabandistas vieran quien tenia el auto mas rápido?opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Didn’t bootleggers carry guns?
¿Acaso no llevaban pistola los contrabandistas?Literature Literature
‘If they’re under age, or seem to be bootleggers, we confiscate it.’
Si son menores de edad, o se sospecha que trafican con él, lo confiscamos.Literature Literature
When bootleggers released the outtakes from Infidels, the song was recognized as a composition approaching the quality of such classics as "Tangled Up in Blue", "Like a Rolling Stone" and "All Along the Watchtower".
Cuando la canción fue publicada en bootlegs, fue reconocida como un clásico fácilmente comparable con "Tangled Up in Blue", "Like a Rolling Stone" y "All Along the Watchtower".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
‘They call me the “Nazi brandy bootlegger”!’
¡Me llaman «el bootlegger nazi del coñac»!Literature Literature
But I can' t overlook the fact that you' ve been paid $#, and you ain' t tellin ' me where it is.Now, I know you' re a bootlegger, so what' s there for me to work out?
Me han contado que es contrabandistaopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
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