both of them wanted to go oor Spaans

both of them wanted to go

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los dos ambos querían ir


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“Even so, I understand why both of them want to go into Amardha and try.”
—Aun así, entiendo que ambos quieran ir a Amarda a intentarlo.Literature Literature
It was still in good enough shape to take both of them where they wanted to go.
Estaba aún en la suficiente buena forma como para llevarlos a los dos donde deseaban ir.Literature Literature
They both wanted to rebel, but neither of them wanted to go to the carcer, the cold hole in the ground with the rats.
Ambas querían rebelarse pero ninguna quería ir a parar al carcer, con las ratas, en aquel frío agujero en la tierra.Literature Literature
I mean, I told both of those guys that I wanted to go with them to the top three.
Es que, quiero decir, les dije a esos dos que quería ir con ellos a los tres finalistas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I wanted to go rant at both of them, but the truth of her words penetrated through my anger.
Quería ir y ponerme a despotricar contra ellos dos, pero la verdad que había en sus palabras consiguió permear mi ira.Literature Literature
Well, then, do you want him to go and paint BOTH of them brown?
Bueno, entonces ¿querrías que él fuese y pintase a ambos de marrón?Literature Literature
Tom and Mary both wanted to go to Boston, but neither of them could get the time off.
Tom y Mary ambos querían ir a Boston, pero ninguno de ellos pudo conseguir vacaciones.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
I take it you’re going to want surveillance on both of them, or just Hunter Lloyd?”
¿Debo interpretar que quiere que vigile a ambos, o solo a Hunter Lloyd?Literature Literature
"My mother didn't go with him because both of them wanted me to grow up ""the same way they had."""
"Mi madre no fue con él porque ambos querían que yo creciera ""de la misma manera que ellos""."Literature Literature
My mother didn’t go with him because both of them wanted me to grow up “the same way they had.”
Mi madre no quería ir con él porque ambos deseaban que yo me criara «de la misma forma que ellos se habían criado».Literature Literature
My mother didn’t go with him because both of them wanted me to grow up “the same way they had.”
"Mi madre no fue con él porque ambos querían que yo creciera ""de la misma manera que ellos""."Literature Literature
“They really want to find both of us, and we’re going to help them if we can.”
—Nos quieren encontrar a las dos y tenemos que ayudarlos, si podemos.Literature Literature
There's at least two places I want to go, so we might have to eat at both of them.
Hay al menos dos sitios a los que quiero ir, así que podríamos comer en ambos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sometimes they both wanted to go up the same street, sometimes only one of them, when the other politely went along.
A veces los dos querían tomar la misma calle, a veces solo uno, y el otro lo acompañaba educadamente.Literature Literature
If they wanted more, then she was going to have to fight for it—for both of them.
Si querían más, debería luchar para conseguirlo, luchar por ambos.Literature Literature
He wanted to go to the office, and pick up some things at home, for both of them.
Quería ir al despacho y recoger algunas cosas de casa, para los dos.Literature Literature
But don’t go looking for them, as they’ve both made it clear they want nothing to do with any of us.’
Pero no vayas a buscarlas, ya que han dejado muy claro que no quieren tener nada que ver con nosotros.Literature Literature
I want you both to go inside, take off your jackets, your shoes and the rest of your clothes and put them on the porch.
Quiero que entréis ahí, os quitéis la ropa y los zapatos y lo dejéis todo en el porche.Literature Literature
We want them to go forth clean, both in thought and action, with faith in the principles of the gospel and the redeeming grace of our Lord and Savior.
Queremos que partan limpios, tanto en pensamiento como en acción, con fe en los principios del Evangelio y en la gracia redentora de nuestro Señor y Salvador.LDS LDS
So in this case we have a probability distribution over I and D, and say we want to marginalize I, which means we are going to basically sum up, we are going to throw away, I am going to restrict attention to D, and so what that does is: for example, if I want to compute the probability of D0, I'm going to add up both of the entries that have D0 associated with them, and that's the one corresponding to I0 and the one corresponding to I1.
Así que en este caso tenemos una distribución de probabilidad sobre I y D y si queremos marginalizar I significa que, básicamente, vamos a sumar vamos a eliminar, voy a restringir la atención a D. Por ejemplo si quiero computar la probabilidad de d0QED QED
Electro asks to let go, but Spider-Man remains determined to hold him until they are both saved by Silk who pulls them out of the machine and away from the explosion which failed to kill Spider-Man as Black Cat wanted and she escapes.
Electro pide que lo suelten, pero Spider-Man sigue decidido a mantenerlo hasta que ambos sean salvados por Silk quien los saca de la máquina y lejos de la explosión que no pudo matar a Spider-Man como Gata Negra quería y ella escapa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sean has agreed to his father’s request to accompany him in a pilgrimage to Lough Derg, even though, truth be told, neither of them both wants to go.
Sean aceptó la propuesta de su padre para acompañarlo en una peregrinación a Lough Derg, aunque, a decir verdad, ninguno de los dos quiere ir.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Gandhiji quickly finished the book. He saw a picture in which Shravan was carrying his parents on his shoulders, since both of them were blind, and wanted to go to all the holy places.
Gandhiji acabó rápidamente el libroy en él vio una imagen donde Shravan llevaba a sus padres en hombros ya que ambos estaban ciegos y deseaban visitar todos los lugares santos.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
So here we have, except that it doesn't have to be a probability distribution, so for example, if we have a factor here who's scope is A, B, and C. And we want to marginalize out B, to get a factor whose scope is A, C: what we're going to be doing is, again, taking both possible values of B, in this case there's on - because B is binary there's only two values, and we add them up, in order to get the entry for a1, c1: so 0. 25 plus 0. 08.
Así por ejemplo, si tenemos un factor aquí cuyo alcance es A, B y C, y queremos marginalizar B, para obtener un factor cuyo alcance es A, C, lo que vamos a estar haciendo es, nuevamente, tomar los posibles valores de B, en este caso hay solo dos porque B es binario, y los sumamos, a fin de obtener la entrada para a1, c1: 0, 25 más 0, 08.QED QED
But still, he wanted this to work, and he knew Derek wanted it to work, so it was probably going to be extremely stressful for both of them.
Pero aun así, quería que esto funcionara, y sabía que Derek quería que funcionara, por lo que probablemente iba a ser extremadamente estresante para ambos.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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