bottle out oor Spaans

bottle out

(idiomatic) ( UK ) To fail to perform a promised or planned action due to lack of courage.

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don't drink out of the bottle
no bebas de la botella


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They took the bottle out to the front porch and watched the light fade from the elm trees.
Se llevaron la botella al porche delantero y estuvieron contemplando cómo la luz desaparecía entre los olmos.Literature Literature
Stone went to the back of the rental and took three large Camelback bottles out of his holdall.
Stone fue hacia la parte trasera del vehículo de renta y sacó tres botellas grandes CamelBak de su bolsa.Literature Literature
Connor pulled two long-necked bottles out of the refrigerator.
Connor sacó dos botellas de cuello largo del refrigerador.Literature Literature
“We have limited time, Grzegorz,” Wiedzma muttered, pulling a small blue bottle out of her pocket.
—No tenemos mucho tiempo, Grzegorz —farfulló Wiedzma y sacó una botellita azul del bolsillo.Literature Literature
We found the wine bottle out in the alley.
Encontramos la botella de vino en el callejón.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I took the bottle out of the fridge and my head out of the sand.
Saqué la botella de la nevera y la cabeza de la arena.Literature Literature
He put the confectionery in antique plates and took the bottles out of their wrappers.
Puso los dulces en platos antiguos y sacó las botellas de sus envolturas.Literature Literature
''Quick, someone, get two of those vaccine bottles out of my pack.
Rápido, que alguien saque dos de esas vacunas de mi mochila.Literature Literature
See, she pulled a bottle out of her fur!
¡Está borracha de sí misma, ha sacado una botella de su piel!Literature Literature
Have you ever taken a bottle out of a baby's mouth that was still hungry?
¿Le ha quitado la mamadera a la boca de un bebé que aún estaba hambrienta?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Snatching at it, Davina found a towel, took the bottle out, dried it, tested it — still too cold.
Al tiempo que se la arrebataba, Davina cogió un paño, sacó el biberón, lo secó, lo probó: seguía muy fría.Literature Literature
Tony threw the bottle out the window.
Tony tiró la botella por la ventanilla.Literature Literature
And you really can't have glass bottles out here.
Y no puedes tener botellas de vidrio aquí afuera.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She rubbed baby oil over her shoulders, then held the bottle out toward Father Leo.
Se frotó el aceite por los hombros, y luego le tendió el frasco al padre Leo.Literature Literature
In his room Koman took the bottle out of the fold in his mundu.
Una vez en su habitación, Koman sacó la botella que llevaba escondida entre los pliegues de su mundu.Literature Literature
"""Never mind,"" I said, pulling the bottle out of the paper bag."
—No tiene importancia —dije, sacando la botella de su bolsa de papel—.Literature Literature
Chester reluctantly held the bottle out to Rebecca, who took it and studied the label.
A regañadientes, Chester se lo mostró a Rebecca, que lo tomó y examinó la etiqueta.Literature Literature
Tell Yardman to bring a bottle out next time.”
Dile a Marinero que traiga un frasco la próxima vez.Literature Literature
We had to take the bottles out of the cases just so they would fit.
Tuvimos que sacar las botellas de las cajas para que cupieran todas en el coche.Literature Literature
She took the harpoons from Gravell, and he took a bottle out of his jacket.
Tomó los arpones de Gravell y sacó una botella de su abrigo.Literature Literature
I managed to get the third bottle out, and gulped that, too, as I fought toward freedom.
Conseguí sacar el tercer frasco, que ingerí al tiempo que luchaba por lograr la libertad.Literature Literature
Dump the juice into some other containers and rinse the juice bottles out.
Coloque el jugo en otros contenedores y enjuague las botellas.Literature Literature
I'd leave the bottle out because I could hurt myself..... and leave traces of blood.
Descarto la botella porque podría herirme y dejar rastros de sangre.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He pulled the bottle out and rotated it until he could see the label.
Sacó esta última y la fue girando hasta que pudo ver la etiqueta.Literature Literature
I held the bottle out to her and she averted her face, her mouth working furiously.
Yo le mostré el frasco, y ella apartó la cara, furiosa.Literature Literature
12143 sinne gevind in 64 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.