brief introduction oor Spaans

brief introduction

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Use the information in the first and last paragraphs for a brief introduction and conclusion.
Ahora mismo, no tengo ningunajw2019 jw2019
4 Or after a brief introduction, you could say something like this:
Para lograrlo usó íconosjw2019 jw2019
A brief introduction explained that the Third Insight brings a transformed understanding of the physical universe.
Guardar imagen en archivoLiterature Literature
Already my presentation has been called: ‘Dame Neep’s Brief Introduction to Eschatology.’
Se reunirá una sociedad selectaLiterature Literature
Section Opener Each section in a chapter begins with a brief introduction and section objectives.
Lo que quieres decir es que no sabes la causaLiterature Literature
This has been a brief introduction of the binary number system and its relation to the decimal system.
No se molesteLiterature Literature
He ascended to a stand overlooking the Esplanade, and after a brief introduction by Milburn, began to speak.
¿ Es eso lo que la dijiste después del ballet?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A brief introduction may provide an overview of the economic structure and the general potential of the country
Chicos, cállense o seremos un grupo autodestructivoMultiUn MultiUn
I compliment Nasheed on the lecture and remind him of our brief introduction after the underwater cabinet meeting.
que parece que así es,... pero ¿ realmente conoce a estos otros muchachos?Literature Literature
” — After brief introductions, the younger man was dispatched to the housekeeper.
En relación con esto, es muy importante recordar que hasta enero de # una gran parte del producto afectado estaba sujeto a restricciones cuantitativasLiterature Literature
below), it also provides a brief introduction to the responsibilities of pharmaceutical companies (see sect. B, paras
Esto es una locuraMultiUn MultiUn
This section provides a brief introduction to business intelligence.
Mi hija tiene un partido de fûtbolLiterature Literature
Following brief introduction, chairman could review Thursday and Friday program highlights.
Pero me tocó ver unos lugares maravillososjw2019 jw2019
This section provides a brief introduction to the topics and objectives of the lesson.
Lo absurdo del deseo en ciernes... impotencia en florecer,: para cumplir... su destinoLDS LDS
Section 2.8 gives a brief introduction to organic compounds.
Tenemos que protestar contra las repercusiones de la pobreza que se dejan sentir mucho más entre las mujeres.Literature Literature
Beyond the brief introduction to the company, you must avoid being descriptive; instead, you must be analytical. 2.
Igual a ese.YoLiterature Literature
And these brief introductions always, on some level, seem to fall short of true justice.
Mira esto, ¡ Ves!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The present section serves as a brief introduction to the full report
Brenda, esperaMultiUn MultiUn
‘Twice if you count the brief introduction in the hotel.
Valdiva, $ # la caja.Con esto, te doy una botella extraLiterature Literature
The President gave a brief introduction.
Vista la recomendación para la segunda lectura de la Comisión de Cultura y Educación (AEurLex-2 EurLex-2
He prepared a brief introduction that was printed, but died before he could see his complete work published.
Lleva ropa europeaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
(See chapter 22 for a brief introduction to factor analysis and Comrey [1992] for more coverage.)
Lee lo que hacenLiterature Literature
This brief introduction has staked out some of the overly ambitious ground that this book seeks to cover.
Trato de salvarle la vidaLiterature Literature
But before we get to the program, we provide brief introductions for the two new constructs.
Eres nuevo por eso te salen ampollasLiterature Literature
Brief introductions were made.
¿ Qué apartamento?Literature Literature
4516 sinne gevind in 17 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.