buddle oor Spaans


/ˈbəd.əl/ werkwoord, naamwoord
An apparatus on which crushed ore is washed.

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Edson Buddle
Edson Buddle


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Adam Buddle (1662–1715) was an English cleric and botanist.
Adam Buddle (1662 - 1715) fue un clérigo y botánico aficionado inglés.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
We must wait till Mrs Buddle has worn out her old stock of petticoats, before we begin — eh?
Debemos esperar a que Buddle haya gastado su vieja reserva de enaguas, antes de comenzar, ¿eh?Literature Literature
Buddle wondered if a different kind of gas could be pumped down to neutralise the fire-damp.
Buddle se preguntaba si se podía bombear a las minas otro tipo de gas que neutralizase el grisú.Literature Literature
“My dear, if Buddle holds up his nose you may depend upon it he is right!
—¡Querido, si Buddle arruga la nariz, ten por seguro que lleva razón!Literature Literature
Buddle undertook to send samples of the re-damp to London as soon as it could be safely gathered and bottled.
Buddle envió muestras de grisú a Londres en cuanto pudo recogerlas y embotellarlas sin peligro.Literature Literature
Mavis Buddling, for one, kept him busy with tales of a heroic husband I knew she’d never had.
Mavis Buddling, por ejemplo, se entretuvo con cuentos sobre un ficticio esposo heroico.Literature Literature
Appointed Reader at Gray's Inn chapel, Buddle died there in 1715 and was buried at the church of St Andrew, Holborn.
Concursado Lector en la Capilla Gray's Inn, Buddle fallece allí en 1715, siendo sepultado en Andrew's, Holborn.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Now Buddle has let him in, so it must be him, you having given orders you was not at home to visitors!”
Buddle le ha dejado entrar, así que tiene que ser él, porque usted dijo que no estaba en casa para las visitas.Literature Literature
In a voice of deep disapproval, Buddle said: ‘Mr Trevor, ma’am!’
En un tono de profunda desaprobación, Buddle anunció: —¡El señor Trevor, señora!Literature Literature
Buddle was commemorated by Linnaeus, who named the genus Buddleja in his honour.
Buddle fue conmemorado por el genial Linneo, quien nombró al género Buddleja en su honor.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I’ll hire a footman, and he can take the place of the maid who at present helps Buddle.”
Contrataré a un lacayo para que ocupe el puesto de la criada que está ayudando a Buddle.Literature Literature
‘To present a respectable appearance, as Buddle says!
—¡Para dar una imagen respetable, como dice Buddle!Literature Literature
Buddle compiled a new English Flora, completed in 1708, but it was never published; the original manuscript is preserved as part of the Sloane collection at the Natural History Museum, London.
Realizó una compilación de la "English Flora", completándola en 1708, aunque nunca se publicó; el manuscrito original se preserva en el Museo de Historia Natural de Londres.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
said Mrs Buddle, ‘she can’t get her dresses ready in that time!’
—¡Señor —dijo Buddle—, ella no podrá conseguir el vestido en tan poco tiempo!Literature Literature
You came with Wax Buddle and pushed me off the courts.
Tú llegaste con Wax Buddle y me expulsaste del patio.Literature Literature
Trevor will find a suitable man, and send him to see Buddle.’
El señor Trevor encontrará a la persona idónea y la enviará a ver a Buddle.Literature Literature
By 1845 Jamaican-born chemist John Buddle Blyth and German chemist August Wilhelm von Hofmann showed that the same transformation of styrol took place in the absence of oxygen.
En 1845, el químico nacido en Jamaica, John Buddle Blyth y el químico alemán August Wilhelm von Hofmann mostraron que la misma transformación del estireno se llevaba a cabo en ausencia de oxígeno.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A patient with an obstructive neurosarcoid was scheduled for this afternoon, but buddle's coming off an all-nighter, and I need someone.
Un paciente con un neurosarcoma obstructivo tiene cita esta tarde pero Buddle acaba de hacer turno de noche, y necesito a alguien.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
If your errand to Harry is important, may I suggest that you charge Buddle with a message for him?
Si lo que tienes que decir a Harry es importante, te recomiendo que le dejes el mensaje a Buddle.Literature Literature
Buddle's on his way.
Buddle está en camino.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He said it would be a challenge for me, and that's what life is all about." After netting nine goals in 31 appearances in just under a year with German second division outfit FC Ingolstadt, Buddle recently returned to former club Los Angeles Galaxy, where he had previously spent three years between 2007 and 2010: "I'm pleased that the chance arose to return to an MLS club which has been so important to my career."
Era un desafío para mí. Pero la vida se trata de eso, de asumir desafíos", dice. Después de cerca de un año jugando para el equipo de la segunda división germana FC Ingolstadt (31 partidos, 9 goles), el delantero regresó a su antigua casa, el Los Ángeles Galaxy, donde cumplió contrato del 2007 al 2010.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Packaging Details: buddle,bulk, WOODEN CASE for galvanized steel pipe
Paquete: buddle, a granel, CAJA DE MADERA para el tubo de acero galvanizadoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The buddle where an old woman even did the laundry once a week, the winding path through the trees, the direct pipeline to the Catholic Monarchs Hostal (an almost archeological discovery), everything seemed to us like emotional passages, dreams around water.
El lavadero donde una anciana aún hacía la colada una vez por semana, el cauce serpenteante entre los árboles, la tubería directa hasta el Hostal Reyes Católicos, (un descubrimiento casi arqueológico), todo nos parecían pasajes emotivos, sueños en torno al agua.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Presented by 90'+ BUDDLE (USA) commits a foul.
Presentado por 90'+ BUDDLE (EEUU) comete una falta.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Washing Machine and Buddle
Lavadora y LavaderoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
44 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.