business end oor Spaans

business end

(idiomatic) The part of a tool or other similar item, that is physically used for its operation, rather than the part which is held.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


He got bopped over the head with the business end of a pipe wrench.
Le golpearon en la cabeza con una llave inglesa.


noun interjectionmanlike
Died on the business end of a pig sticker in Tallahassee a year back.
Murió bajo el filo de una navaja en Tallahassee hace un año.

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Christmas Eve, you met the business end of a semi on the 205.
En Nochebuena, un camión te chocó de frente en la 205.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I had a little incident with the business end of a turkey.
Tuve un incidente con el lado peligroso del pavo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I cannot hide from you that I want this business ended quickly.
No puedo ocultaros que tengo prisa por ver terminada esta negociación.Literature Literature
My business ends here and the Dr Willises' begins.
Aquí termina mi jurisdicción y empieza la de los doctores Willis.Literature Literature
The Riverdale Rapist met the business end of a baseball bat.
El Violador de Riverdale se encontró con un bate de béisbol.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Both of them were being certain to stay clear of what was clearly the gun’s business end.
Ambos se aseguraban de mantenerse apartados de lo que a todas luces era el extremo disparador del arma.Literature Literature
If he dies, his “businessends forever.
Si se muere, su «negocio» se acaba para siempre.Literature Literature
Instead I ground to a halt, face-to-face with the business end of a sawed-off shotgun.
En lugar de eso, me detuve de golpe al encontrarme cara a cara con el cañón de una escopeta recortada.Literature Literature
You interrupt me again, I use the business end.
Si me vuelves a interrumpir. Lo usaré de verdad.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Last person who stuck his nose in carnival business ended up face down in a ditch.
La última persona que metió sus narices en la feria, terminó en una zanja.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But first, the business end needed to be sorted.
Pero primero, tenía que arreglar el asunto que había acordado.Literature Literature
“We all thought it was Enric’s business, end of story.
Todos pensábamos que eran cosas de Enric, y basta.Literature Literature
This business ends tonight, fucking...
Este asunto se acaba esta noche, joder...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Doctor Müss had a busy end of his day, with the ordinary visits to the dispensary.
El doctor Müss no paró de atender visitas ordinarias en el dispensario hasta el final de la jornada.Literature Literature
I cracked the door slowly to find myself staring at the business end of the machete.
Yo entreabrí la puerta lentamente para encontrarme mirando la punta de un machete.Literature Literature
Nobody knows more about cows than you, Monty, or Jeff about the business end.
Nadie conoce mejor las reses que tú, Monty, y nadie sabe más de negocios que Jeff.Literature Literature
This business ended well for us, but Tokinobu has been banished from the Court.
Este asunto ha terminado bien para nosotros, pero Tokinobu ha sido expulsado de la corte.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nick examined it, making sure that what appeared to be the business end was pointed away from him.
Nick lo examinó, asegurándose de que lo que parecía ser el extremo importante estuviese apuntando lejos de él.Literature Literature
His attention, like the business end of the pistol, was focused on the landing above.
Su atención, como el cañón de la pistola, estaba centrada en el rellano de arriba.Literature Literature
Both men were beaten, probably with the business end of an automatic.
Los hombres fueron golpeados, quizá con la culata de una automática.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Another trooper entered, pushing her manacled uncle with the business end of a blast rifle.
Entró otro soldado de asalto, que empujó a su tío esposado con el extremo de su rifle.Literature Literature
Family business, end of story.
Negocios familiares, fin de la historia.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
This is the Baixa, the business end of town.
Esto es la Baixa, la parte comercial de la ciudad.Literature Literature
The business end of “creativity” tends to be equated with “success.”
El fin empresarial de la «creatividad» suele equipararse con el «éxito».Literature Literature
“Turn it around, and slip the business end between your index and middle fingers,” the captain said quietly.
—Dale la vuelta, y pasa la punta entre los dedos índice y corazón —dijo suavemente el capitán.Literature Literature
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