but suddenly oor Spaans

but suddenly

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

pero de repente

I can't tell you anything but, suddenly, I'm sure.
No te puedo decir nada pero, de repente, estoy seguro.

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“But I know all about ... You told me ...” But suddenly everything was open to question.
Estás a salvo, estás en casaLiterature Literature
But suddenly I want to share with others.
¿ Te vas a mover hijo de pLiterature Literature
"Then she began to cry, but suddenly exclaimed: ""The doctor must have sent medicines!"""
De no usarse recipientes en paralelo, el número de peces del grupo de control ha de ser igual al empleado en cada concentración de ensayoLiterature Literature
It was idiotic, but suddenly, desperately, I wanted someone to touch me—even just to hold me.
Tú ya sabes que Curtis va a enloquecer con todo el asunto de laLiterature Literature
But suddenly it occurs to Dann, what if they involuntarily take on a load of sapient predators?
Y antes que estes en Sudáfrica eras de la...... fuerza de defensaLiterature Literature
But suddenly you notice that its gaiety vanishes and it feels that it's got lost.
Es por eso que si los matan, están muertosLiterature Literature
But suddenly I knew it was a ride I had to make.
Los peluqueros de Cincinnati deben de estar haciéndose señasLiterature Literature
But suddenly she understood that women were idiots, too.
Brindo por las niñas que sólo miranLiterature Literature
This is—” But suddenly he is screaming in pain.
Según la directriz del CHMP sobre Sistemas de Gestión de Riesgos para medicamentos de uso humano, cualquier PGR actualizado debe presentarse al mismo tiempo que el siguiente Informe Periódico de Seguridad (PSUR) actualizadoLiterature Literature
Smoothly but suddenly he pulled his hand from behind his back and brandished his pistol.
Mi nombre es Scrappy Coco, amigoLiterature Literature
Jack had always relished his tarnished reputation, but suddenly it was becoming quite bothersome.
la razón por la que puedo ir a prisión y salir sin ningún rasguñoLiterature Literature
He’d been around for months with increasing frequency, but suddenly, everything seemed to be moving too fast.
Duración del régimen de ayuda o de la ayuda individualLiterature Literature
But suddenly we stopped talking.
No te vayas asíOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But suddenly, his voice clear and wide-awake, he asked, “do you actually love your husband?”
Oh, no, no me engañasLiterature Literature
She didn’t know if a minute or an hour had passed, but suddenly, she felt her body flying.
Podemos arreglarlo, pero no tenemos mucho tiempoLiterature Literature
But suddenly Mitch wanted to be with me again.
Chapas, hojas y tiras, de estaño, de espesor superior a #,# mmLiterature Literature
But suddenly one day we’re there.
It’s not rational but suddenly I want it back, that memento of Xander.
No me encontrarían ni muerto ahíLiterature Literature
But suddenly, a hush fell and all the guests turned towards the door.
Unas cuantas preguntas y comenzarán a sospecharLiterature Literature
But suddenly, he didn’t feel bad at all anymore.
A tu casa, brutoLiterature Literature
She started to move away from him but suddenly realized that her knees were weak!
Dicen que más que en CaliforniaLiterature Literature
But suddenly as he did so he discovered his thirst and once discovered it would not be ignored.
No puede ser que crea todo estoLiterature Literature
But suddenly he fell away and cried, “Murderer!
Si esta opción está activada, las ventanas serán completamente redibujadas mientras se arrastran los divisores de marcosLiterature Literature
She found the correct street but suddenly could not remember which was Rasheed's house.
Ahí está, amo MaxwellLiterature Literature
But suddenly she lost her balance and fell backward (supported by whose arms?)
Si ello es imposible de conseguir con unsolo ciclo de prueba (por ejemplo, para filtros de partículas con regeneración periódica), deberán efectuarse varios ciclos de prueba y calcular el promedio y/o ponderar los resultadosLiterature Literature
22054 sinne gevind in 70 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.