buying intention oor Spaans

buying intention

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intención de compra


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You’ve dropped ten points in intent to buy with females since it happened.”
Has bajado diez puntos en intención de compra por parte del mercado femenino.Literature Literature
They came here with money, intent on buying property and land in our higher provinces.
Llegaron aquí con dinero con la intención de comprar tierras y propiedades en nuestras provincias más altas.Literature Literature
“But that’s if you do it with no intention of buying, isn’t it, David?
—Pero eso será si lo haces sin intención de comprar, ¿no es así, David?Literature Literature
But these people came with the sole intent of buying the Altering Rods from us.
Pero aquella gente vino con la única intención de compramos los bastones alteradores.Literature Literature
"""I don't need to think, as I have no intention of buying more.”"
—No pensaré, ya que no tengo intenciones de comprar más.Literature Literature
She took another cake from the plate and took a generous bite, with the intention of buying time.
Tomó otro pastel de la charola y le dio una generosa mordida, con la intención de comprar tiempo.Literature Literature
Intent to buy and distribute 250 G's worth of crank.
Intento de compra y venta de 250 mil en anfetas.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We have intentions to buy
Tenemos intención de compraropensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Is it your intention to buy your life with the golden sphere?
—¿Tienes la intención de comprar tu vida con la esfera dorada?Literature Literature
You just left recorded proof of our intention to buy a car wash.
Acabas de dejar constancia de nuestra intención de comprar un lavadero de coches.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I have no intention of buying it.
No tengo intención de comprarlo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“He consented to tell me the name of the purchaser so intent on buying this house.
—Consintió en decirme el nombre del comprador que está tan empeñado en conseguir esta casa.Literature Literature
I overheard him whisper to Pietros intentions to buy their freedom with it.
Lo escuché casualmente murmurándole a Pietros sus intenciones de comprar su libertad con ella.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Walden also announces his intent to buy the house.
Walden también anuncia su intención de comprar la casa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I show people around houses they have no intention of buying most of the time.
Enseño a la gente casas que casi nunca tienen intención de comprar.Literature Literature
This scale is used to measure a respondent’s intention to buy or not buy a product.
Esta escala se usa para medir la intención de un encuestado de comprar o no comprar un producto.Literature Literature
“I’ll repeat had no intention of buying a boyfriend last weekend.
—El fin de semana pasado no tenía ninguna intención de comprarme un novio, mamá.Literature Literature
I respond to this new query by forming an intention to buy the food from a supermarket.
Respondo este nuevo interrogante fom1ándome la intención de comprar la cmnida en el supermercado.Literature Literature
I had still not mentioned my intention to buy some toys here.
Aún no había mencionado mi intención de comprar algunos juguetes allá.Literature Literature
"I have already acquired more treasure than I came with the intent to buy,"" Khardan replied."
He encontrado ya más tesoro del que tenía intención de comprar —respondió Khardan.Literature Literature
It was not in his interest to tell you of his intention to buy drugs.
No le beneficiaba explicar su intención de comprar droga.Literature Literature
Did he ever mention to you his intention of buying a car like this?
¿Alguna vez le mencionó su intención de comprarse un coche como este?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Not surprisingly to Jessie, Eastman Tolliver had no intention of buying a pig in a poke.
Jessie no se sorprendió al comprobar que Eastman Tolliver no iba a comprar algo a ciegas.Literature Literature
I went to the department store with the intent of buying a gift.
Yo fui a la tienda departamental con la intención de comprar un regalo.tatoeba tatoeba
I-I happened into my local pet shop, and I had no intention of buying anything,
Estaba en la tienda de animales, sin intención de comprar algo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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