call a meeting oor Spaans

call a meeting

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

convocar una reunión

I'm gonna call a meeting to find out how we can make this work.
Voy a convocar una reunión para analizar cómo hacer que funcione.

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to call a meeting
convocar una reunión


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
‘Davey’s called a meeting in Ma’s tomorrow to discuss just that.’
Ahí está mi abogadaLiterature Literature
Later that night, when Flint's Anvil was again heading toward Southern Ergoth, Palin and Usha called a meeting.
Zathras nunca puede tener nada buenoLiterature Literature
We shall call a meeting of the popular assembly and ask them to legitimize our seizure of power.
Un estudio de balance de masas haLiterature Literature
Jake had called a meeting for all of us for that evening in his room.
Trato de recordar los pasosLiterature Literature
Leave it to Wozniak to call a meet on the set of a horror movie.
Quizá sea mejor si visitamos el cementerio.- Sí.- ¿ Sabes algo de Earle?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I'm gonna call a meeting to find out how we can make this work.
Demasiada sangreOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tell you, we'll call a meeting in the morning and vote the stock.
Oh no Tony, me esta jalandoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“We’ve called a meeting for tonight in the town hall to talk things over.
Cual es su tipo? una flor frágil, hmm?Literature Literature
Well, Eli called a meeting.
TransferenciaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He says they' re calling a meeting, a disaster meeting..... at the Palais du Charot
Confirmadoopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Call a meeting, and dissolve the throne.
No es de extrañar que vayan a ninguna parteOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I've decided to call a meeting of my creditors, father, and ask for time.
Y si este es realmente Adam Esposito, ¿ de dónde sacó las fotos?Literature Literature
The sissy had made the first manly move of his life and called a meeting and quit.
Deje que lo mireLiterature Literature
“Should we call a meeting of the Owsla and put it to them?”
Llamo sobre el VolgaLiterature Literature
Professor Schatzhauser had asked them to call a meeting to establish some facts about Amelia.
¡ Y dile a Willie que saque el grandote!Literature Literature
Bullard called a meeting.
Es mi hijita!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The news about the rice had been passed around quickly, and Sal had called a meeting.
Nunca conseguirás hacerles jugarLiterature Literature
He called a meeting of his nobles and decided to collect an army and pursue them.
No, gracias, SeñorLiterature Literature
He’s called a meeting of the Central Committee.”
Tenemos algunos # que pueden hacer daño...... pero una vez que demos ese paso, no hay regresoLiterature Literature
They call a meeting in the divine assembly in which they establish a kind of state of emergency.
Recuerde que siempre es bienvenidoLiterature Literature
He'd call a meeting of all the first-class monsters on his terrace that same afternoon.
¿ Cómo pudiste hacer tal cosa?Literature Literature
The next day Nehemiah calls a meeting of the priests, chief men and scribes.
Y por malo que sea, funcionaLiterature Literature
“Skemtun, could you call a meeting where all the important people are present?
No existe un método de producción 100 % seguro.Literature Literature
Call a meeting,” he told Burdin.
Estoy respirando, por el amor de diosLiterature Literature
A few days after the arrival of Maurice, Jan called a meeting.
Este es un buen hombre, es Chocolate CocoLiterature Literature
24753 sinne gevind in 130 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.