canada oor Spaans


geographic terms (country level)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


geographic terms (country level)
término geográfico (nivel del país)
We know the fact that she was born in Canada.
Sabemos el hecho de que ella nació en Canadá.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


/ˈkænədə/, /ˈkæn.ə.də/ naamwoord, eienaam
A country in North America; official name: Canada.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Country in North America
We know the fact that she was born in Canada.
Sabemos el hecho de que ella nació en Canadá.

el Canadá


Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

Government of Canada Privy Council Office
Oficina del Consejo Privado
Industry, Science and Technology Canada
Ministerio de Industria de Canadá
Competition Bureau Canada
Oficina de Competencia
Canada Western Extra Strong
trigo extra resistente tipo Canada Western
Composers Authors and Publishers Association of Canada
SOCAN · Sociedad Canadiense de Autores, Compositores y Editores de Música
Canada-U.S. Cross-Border Crime Forum
Foro sobre el Crimen Transfronterizo Canadá-EE. UU. · Foro sobre el Crimen Transfronterizo Canadá-Estados Unidos
Revenue Canada Taxation
Canada Emergency Measures Organization
Defensa Civil de Canadá · Oficina para la Protección de la Infraestructura Básica y la Intervención de Emergencia
Parliament of Canada
Parlamento de Canadá


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
GM Canada announced that the Sunburst's replacement would be the Passport Optima in 1989.
Poco frecuente: shock No conocidos: reacciones inmediatas de tipo alérgico (hipotensión, edema angioneurótico, broncospasmo, reacciones cutáneas generalizadas), anticuerpos anti-insulinaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Lubicon Lake Indian Nation (LLIN), recalling several United Nations decisions regarding the abuse of its rights under the ICCPR and the ICESCR, said interim measures of protection had not been taken, despite Human Rights Council decisions instructing Canada to do so.
(EL) Señor Presidente, quisiera dar las gracias a la Vicepresidenta.UN-2 UN-2
And we know that Canada willingly contributes to generous initiatives of peace and development, all over the world.
Te dije que no te
Action Canada for Population and Development stated that the Colombian court decision giving homosexual couples the same rights as heterosexual couples remained a dead letter.
¿ Ahora será él capitán?UN-2 UN-2
The Commission will continue to engage with Bulgaria, Romania and Canada, to ensure that the 1 December 2017 deadline for achieving full visa reciprocity will also be met.
Primero tienes que escoger a uno buenoeurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
The Committee engaged in a dialogue with the Special Rapporteur, in which the representatives of Italy (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the European Union), Canada, Mexico and Burkina Faso took part (see
El mismo automóvil, el mismo chóferMultiUn MultiUn
From 8 p.m. at PARQUE DE ESPAÑA there will be videos, installations and performances by different authors followed by performances by musicians from Rosario, Buenos Aires and Eslovenia. Tomorrow the electronic music show will take place on the banks of the Paraná River at MACRO, where there will also be a great dance with live music by artists from Rosario, Mendoza, Buenos Aires and from Canada, among oher countries.
Hola, nena.- ¿ Están todosbien?Common crawl Common crawl
Canada places a priority on the establishment of the Treaty’s verification system and, as such, is a leader among State signatories in contributing resources and expertise to the development of the Treaty’s International Monitoring System.
Eres un perro de verdadUN-2 UN-2
****** The Committee on Foreign Affairs calls on the Committee on International Trade, as the committee responsible, to recommend that Parliament give its consent to the draft Council decision on the conclusion of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada, of the one part, and the European Union and its Member States, of the other part.
Para grandes cosasnot-set not-set
Meyer (Canada): These are challenging times for nuclear non-proliferation arms control and disarmament, and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in particular.
Debe incorporarse al Acuerdo la Directiva #/#/CE del Consejo, de # de diciembre de #, relativa a las normas mínimas para la protección de cerdosUN-2 UN-2
Accordingly, the Commission shall report to the European Securities Committee and the European Parliament before # April # on the timetable envisaged by national accounting authorities of Canada, Japan and the United States for the convergence
Ya no haré más películas.- ¿ En serio?oj4 oj4
The Exchequer Court in Canada later considered the difference between Karnuth and McCandless, arguing that “there was no authority which stated or indicated that any distinction must be made between the members of an Indian tribe and other immigrants: the Jay Treaty of # was held to have been nullified by the War of # in respect of both categories of persons since, although Indians were wards of the Canadian Government, they were certainly within the category of citizens or subjects
¿ Qué piensan de la idea de tener la casa para ustedes solos por un dia o dos?MultiUn MultiUn
We didn’t have money for railway tickets, so Leona and I, along with two other girls, hitchhiked our way across Canada to Montreal, Quebec.
¡ Ayuda!Fui atacadajw2019 jw2019
“I didn’t know you had ever been in Canada,” I interrupted.
Pues algo es seguro, no está aquí en KansasLiterature Literature
He expressed appreciation to the Governments of Canada, Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States, as well as to GEF, World Bank and the Inuit Circumpolar Conference for their assistance in the financing of POPs-related workshops, and also thanked the countries that had hosted those workshops for their in-kind contributions and efforts
He estado ahí más de hora y mediaMultiUn MultiUn
On the State party’s reference to the conditions of detention in the Special Handling Unit, counsel submits that this is the only super-maximum facility of its kind in Canada, and that the author was subjected to “abhorrent living conditions”.
Presión barométrica, temperatura..... y, lo más importante, oxígenoUN-2 UN-2
The ITER (international thermonuclear experimental reactor) project is planning to bring together the reactor from the fusion programmes of Europe (with Canada), Japan and Russia.
Hay una cerveza en la nevera, te bajara la hinchazóncordis cordis
In Canada, for example, social workers bonded with young asylum-seekers, thus maintaining contact with them and providing a safety net for the children even after they left their jurisdiction.
Ven, mi futuro amanteUN-2 UN-2
Kayaking across Canada, cycling to Australia.
Tal vez necesites ajustarte la narizLiterature Literature
In compliance with the objectives of the Convention against Corruption of the Organization of American States (OAS), collaboration and technical assistance agreements on prevention of corruption and promotion of transparency were signed with Paraguay, Argentina and Canada.
No puedo verte másUN-2 UN-2
MEPACQ said that the implementation of the “no-fly list” programme, under which lists were merged into a single database for the whole of North America, was a violation of freedom of movement and establishment and of personal data protection in Canada.
¿ Por qué tengo que decidirme?UN-2 UN-2
Fez, if my dad finds out that we're going to Canada... uh, for beer, no less, he's gonna start killing people, okay?
Estimada señora BrawneOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ms. Girtel (Canada), speaking on behalf of the CANZ group of countries (Canada, Australia and New Zealand), said that while those delegations favoured a public information campaign to publicize the summit, they believed that it should be funded from existing resources after a review of the priorities of the Department of Public Information
No creo que tengan problema con el auto sacrificioMultiUn MultiUn
— Acer saccharum Marsh., originating in the USA and Canada,
Las reglas sobre distribución de las responsabilidades no son claras.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
At the Monterrey Conference, the Prime Minister of Canada stated that his country had increased its development assistance budget by an average of 8 per cent in recent years and would continue to increase its budget for official development assistance by at least the same percentage in the coming years.
Perfecto no puede creer que el mundo no gire sobre élUN-2 UN-2
209 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.