cardamon oor Spaans


Alternative spelling of cardamom.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


A pungent aromatic spice made of dried seeds of the cardamom plant. Widely used in Scandinavian and East Indian cooking.
Especia aromática acre que es un miembro de la familia del jengibre. Ampliamente utilizado en la cocina escandinava e india del este.
Dried spices with the exception of cardamon and smoked Capsicum spp.
Especias secas, excepto el cardamomo y el Capsicum spp. ahumado

Elattaria cardamomum


pimienta malagueta

UN term

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

cardamon tincture
tintura de cardamomo


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It seems that even Prof. Cardamone had his way with his daughter in law.
Parece ser que incluso el Profesor Cardamone, el padre, ha mojado pan con la nuera.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He tucks the bead into the inner curl of his lower lip as if it’s a cardamon seed.
Se mete la esmeralda detrás del labio inferior como si fuera una semilla de cardamomo.Literature Literature
Cardamon extract
Extracto de cardamomoEurLex-2 EurLex-2
It was past midnight, but they stopped at Zu Tony Cardamone’s house.
Era ya más de medianoche, pero se detuvieron en casa de zu Tony Cardamone.Literature Literature
“There is a club in Calcutta, the Cardamon Club, in a little alley behind the Grand Hotel.
Hay un club en Calcuta, el Cardamon Club, en un pequeño callejón detrás del Grand Hotel.Literature Literature
Spices and seasonings, namely appalam, asafoetida, cardamon, tumeric, cumin, pepper and salt
Especias y sazonamientos, en concreto appalam, asafétida, cardamomo, cúrcuma, comino, pimienta y saltmClass tmClass
For centuries it was recommended that people chew a bit of one of the things that goes best with garlic -parsley- although coffee grains and are good, as are a few seeds of cardamon.
Durante siglos, se ha recomendado masticar unas ramitas de uno de sus mejores compañeros: el perejil, aunque también dan buenos resultados los granos de café o chupar unos granos de cardamomo.Common crawl Common crawl
Tony Cardamone was the younger brother of Assunta’s sister-in-law Violetta.
Tony Cardamone era el hermano menor de la cuñada de Assunta, Violetta.Literature Literature
Dried spices with the exception of cardamon and smoked Capsicum spp.
Especias secas, excepto el cardamomo y el Capsicum spp. ahumadoEuroParl2021 EuroParl2021
He faced Cardamone twice more and lost both fights.
Ha luchado dos veces contra Omegamon, y las dos veces ha sobrevivido.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tony Cardamone was passing through New York on his way home to his wife in Hartford.
Tony Cardamone pasaba por Nueva York de camino a Hartford, donde vivía con su mujer.Literature Literature
Of course. If his plan works, even Cardamone is in his hands.
Si la escenificación funcionaba, tendría a Cardamone en sus manos.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Then go to Zito and get him to write down everything he knows about Giacomo Cardamone and his family.
Luego vas a Rete Libera y que Zito te haga un informe... de la vida y milagros de Giacomo Cardamone y familia.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Peony root, cardamon, gum ammoniacum, bryony, cinquefoil, and squill: at least the latest remedy smelled nice.
Raíz de peonía, cardamomo, resina de amoníaco, nueza, cincoenrama y cebolla albarrana: el remedio, al menos, olía bien.Literature Literature
Whose is the signature, next to that of Prof. Cardamone?
Diga, ¿de quién es esta firma, junto a la del Sr. Cardamone?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
0908 || Nutmeg, mace and cardamons
0908 || Nuez moscada, macis, amomos y cardamomosEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Instead, surprise: Rizzo stands up and proposes Cardamone.
Pero, en su lugar, se produce un golpe de efecto: se levanta Rizzo y propone a Cardamone.Literature Literature
MontaIbano, I'm sending you the note you wanted about Cardamone.
Querido Montalbano, te mando el informe que me has pedido... sobre Giacomo Cardamone y familia.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Maharani opened it and took out a handful of cardamon seeds and began chewing them.
La maharaní lo abrió, y extrayendo un puñado de semillas de cardamomo, se puso a masticarlas.Literature Literature
186 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.