cardigan oor Spaans


/ˈkɑːdɪɡən/ naamwoord
A type of sweater or jumper that fastens up the front with buttons or a zipper, usually machine- or hand-knitted from wool.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


type of sweater
So I'm guessing there's a temper under that cardigan.
Así que supongo que hay temperamento debajo de esa rebeca.


type of sweater
And tell her to fix her hair and wear a cardigan to court.
Y dile que se arregle el pelo y que lleve un cárdigan al juicio.

chaqueta de punto

type of sweater
It'd be nice to be with a man who wants to know what's underneath my cardigan.
Sería bueno estar con un hombre que quiere saber qué hay debajo de mi chaqueta de punto.

En 10 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

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eienaam, naamwoord
A town in Wales.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Cardigan, Ceredigion
And butchered by the chef himself, a la Cardigan.
Y el chef mismo lo mató, a la Cardigan.
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The Cardigans
The Cardigans


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
She's wearing a denim skirt, a blue cardigan...
La molesto tanto, y prometí no hacerloOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The ends of his fingers pushed up from the nubbly cardigan like a range of small mountains.
Cuando aterricemos, no enseñes mucho este botiquínLiterature Literature
A grey cardigan and a purple top.
¡ Es un viaje para mayores!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She was dressed demurely in a plain white blouse, navy-blue cardigan and jeans, and wore no jewellery or make-up.
Lo de arrancar cabelleras me fascinaLiterature Literature
The Commission was not aware of the dumping of munitions in Cardigan Bay but is aware that munitions have in the past been dumped at sea in the waters of several Member States.
Las empresas que hayan sido certificadas por el organismo regulador como empresas que cumplen las exigencias establecidas en los artículos # y #, apartado #, serán autorizadas y designadas como gestores de red independientes por los Estados miembrosEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Shall I tell you why I came to see you at Doctor Cardigan's?
El Centro continúa esforzándose, con la esperanza de haber completado la documentación para el primer semestre deLiterature Literature
Her cardigan was open and, underneath, her silky blouse clung to her with static electricity.
Siempre escondo cosas porque estoy locaLiterature Literature
She wore a long Aran cardigan, and the last of the sun lit the dark cap of her hair.
Esa licencia fue robada de un estacionamiento de aquíLiterature Literature
‘There’s someone I can’t find,’ he addressed Duffy’s cardigan, the only part of her he could see.
Hola, chicosLiterature Literature
Would Cardigan deploy the 4th Lights?
Notificación previa de una operación de concentración (Caso no COMP/M.#- Electra/Englefield/GSL)- Caso susceptible de ser tratado por procedimiento simplificadoLiterature Literature
She took off her blue cashmere cardigan and then, slowly, unbuttoned her white blouse.
Solo eres un niñoLiterature Literature
Belts, shoes, leather shoes, leather shoes with cloth inserts, shoes of cloth and nylon, shoes of rubber, boots, lace boots, half-boots, tennis shoes, gymnastic shoes, sports shoes, beach shoes, rain shoes, flip-flops, slippers, sandals, including mens' footwear, soles for footwear, heels, soles for footwear, including for mens' footwear, articles of clothing, in particular skirts, leather skirts, suits, clothing of leather, jeans, neckerchieves, jerseys, sweaters, t-shirts, cardigans and camisoles, overalls, tracksuits, cloaks, coats, overcoats, jackets, wind jackets, raincoats, socks, ankle socks, hats, headgear, scarves, gloves, neckties, swimming costumes, bathrobes, tights, sports clothing
El ensayo deberá realizarse cuando los preparados que contengan la sustancia activa se apliquen al suelo o puedan contaminarlo en las condiciones prácticas de utilizacióntmClass tmClass
‘Although perhaps people won’t recognize me if I don’t wear a cardigan.
Cada miembro de la Comisión cubrirá los gastos derivados de su participación en las reuniones de la Comisión y de sus órganos subsidiariosLiterature Literature
Bold choice of cardigan.
Eso probablemente me distrajo algunos segundos antes de llegar al medicamentoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Rainwear, cardigans
Al habla el capitán CambiotmClass tmClass
Men, women and children's apparel, namely, hats, caps, visors, wristbands, belts, socks, shoes, boxer shorts, swimming trunks, tank tops, cotton woven shirts, knit shirts, polo shirts, t-shirts, sweatshirts, crew neck sweaters, v-neck sweaters, turtleneck sweaters, cardigans, shorts, parkas, jackets, outer jackets, sneakers, sandals, shirts, knit tops, jeans, pants, aforementioned goods except for work clothes, work coats, work aprons, work gloves, safety and employment protection clothes
En el embarcadero hay barcostmClass tmClass
I grabbed a cardigan hanging on a hook and threw it around my shoulders to follow Claire out back.
Señor Presidente, si dispusiera de una hora en vez de un minuto, quizá podría tocar algunos de los puntos clave, sin embargo, en el Parlamento Europeo debemos trabajar dentro de estos límites.Literature Literature
Clothing, in particular blouses, coats, dresses, jackets, pants, suits, shirts, skirts, ties, gloves, belts, vests, cardigans, rain coats, brassieres, underwear, swimwear, tops, mufflers, scarves, suspenders, capes, headwear, footwear
Muy gracioso, chutney dangerfieldtmClass tmClass
Mathilde gives her a mother a cardigan.
¿ Estoy haciendo lo correcto?Literature Literature
SO MANY CHANCES Dorotea San Juan, a fourteen year old in a brown cardigan.
Vista la propuesta de Reglamento del Consejo (COMLiterature Literature
Hans-Georg, dressed for the occasion in fine tan slacks, a brown cardigan sweater, and a tie, opened the door.
Ya revisaron la casaLiterature Literature
Where do you think you' re going, Lord Cardigan?
El plazo para la adaptación del Derecho interno a la Directiva #/#/CΕ expiró el # de marzo deopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Coats of leather, jackets of leather, trousers of leather, skirts of leather, tops of leather, waterproof clothing of leather, long coats of leather, overcoats of leather, belts of leather, shoulder belts for clothing of leather, belts, clothing, stuff jackets, jackets, greatcoats, jumpers, trousers, jeans, skirts, dresses, coats, overcoats, cloaks, parkas, jerseys of wool, shirts, tee-shirts, blouses, cardigans, underwear, nightdresses, bath robes, bathing suits, negligees, bathing suits, dressing gowns, eveningwear, one-piece clothing, two-piece clothing, evening gowns, shawls, sashes for wear, neckties, bow ties, clothing for men, clothing for women, shirts, Hawaiian shirts, sweatshirts, underwear, polo shirts, bodysuits, blazers, shorts, sport shirts
El no puede conseguir un buen acuerdo con la fiscalía, yo sítmClass tmClass
I don't wear cardigans.
Un cuento cuyo escenario es el gran ríoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Articles of clothing, namely, sweatshirts, t-shirts, skirts, shirts, trousers, pants, lingerie, beachwear, casualwear, pyjamas, dressing gowns and robes, sports shirts, shorts, jumpers, cardigans
tomando medicamentos que diluyen la sangre para el tratamiento de emboliastmClass tmClass
208 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.