career soldier oor Spaans

career soldier

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

militar de carrera

The officer asking these questions was a hard-bitten career soldier.
Esto me lo preguntaba un aguerrido militar de carrera.

soldado de carrera

person with a longer career in the military, as apart from conscripted soldiers
Listen, a good friend of mine from high school, a career soldier, just bought it over there.
Escucha, un buen amigo mío, de secundaria, un soldado de carrera, acaba de comprarlo.

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A career soldier who had dedicated his life to war and who had never fought a battle.
Un soldado profesional que había dedicado su vida a la guerra y que nunca había tomado parte en una batalla.Literature Literature
Centurions lead from the front, but they are career soldiers.
Los centuriones encabezan el frente, pero ellos son soldados de carrera.Literature Literature
But to the majority, neither jocks nor career soldiers, it was a bore.
Pero para la inmensa mayoría de los hombres, que no eran atletas ni soldados de carrera, era un aburrimiento.Literature Literature
I won’t tell you what happened, but even some of the career soldiers backed away from him afterward.
No puedo contarle lo que sucedió, pero incluso algunos soldados profesionales retrocedían ante él después de verlo.Literature Literature
vir militaris, viri militates The vir militaris was what might be called a career soldier.
El vir militaris era lo que podría llamarse un soldado de carrera.Literature Literature
Guymar was one of Enguerran’s men, a career soldier, polished and professional.
Guymar era uno de los hombres de Enguerran, un soldado de carrera, educado y profesional.Literature Literature
Of course, I cannot agree with him as I am a career soldier.
Por supuesto, no puedo concordar con él, puesto que el ejército es mi carrera.jw2019 jw2019
He was a career soldier.
Era militar de carrera.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Then again, his father had not been a career soldier.
Aunque, por otra parte, su padre no había sido militar de carrera.Literature Literature
Lord John Grey, Major in His Majesty’s army, is a career soldier.
Lord John Grey, mayor del ejército de su majestad, es un soldado profesional.Literature Literature
"""You've given it much more thought than I would have expected from a career soldier."""
-Lo has considerado mucho más de lo que habría esperado de un soldado de carrera.Literature Literature
It meant operating as a free agent, without standing orders—something unthinkable to a career soldier like Clark.
Significaría operar como agente libre, sin reglas, algo impensable para un soldado de carrera como Clark.Literature Literature
I knew from experience that Negro career soldiers looked down on their uneducated brothers.
Sabía por experiencia que los soldados de carrera negros miran por encima del hombro a sus hermanos poco educados.Literature Literature
No career soldier then, but he’s not short of courage.
«No es soldado de carrera, entonces, pero no le falta valor.Literature Literature
A career soldier and loyal follower of Caesar, Brutus was courageous and likeable.
Soldado de profesión y fiel seguidor de César, Brutus era valiente y agradable.Literature Literature
A career soldier would never be satisfied with domestic bliss.
A un militar de carrera nunca lo llenarían las alegrías domésticas.Literature Literature
Should a career soldier cry in public?
¿Puede un militar de carrera llorar en público?Literature Literature
And frequently career soldiers were not married.
Y muy a menudo los militares de carrera no estaban casados—.Literature Literature
Gonzalez was fifty-something and burly, with the clear-eyed fatalism of the career soldier.
González era un cincuentón robusto, con el habitual fatalismo lúcido de los militares de carrera.Literature Literature
They were career soldiers in the Military Police, straight as their standard-issue neckties.
Eran soldados que habían hecho carrera en la policía militar y que eran tan rígidos como sus corbatas reglamentarias.Literature Literature
He was a career soldier
Era militar de carreraopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Her name was Yvette and her father was a career soldier.
Se llamaba Yvette y su padre era militar de carrera.Literature Literature
This guy's not a career soldier.
No es soldado profesional.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I had witnessed what countless career soldiers would have happily died to witness.
Había sido testigo por lo que un sinnúmero de militares de carrera habría muerto felices por presenciar.Literature Literature
A career soldier, a man of experience, he had the ear of many influential figures.
Militar de carrera, hombre de experiencia, numerosos notables le escuchaban.Literature Literature
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