carefully worked oor Spaans

carefully worked

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


adjective verb
You cannot just put everything that was so carefully worked out in Parliament on ice!
No se puede guardar, sin más, en el refrigerador lo que con tanto trabajo ha sido elaborado en el Parlamento.

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she works carefully
trabaja con cuidado · trabaja cuidadosamente


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Such intricate manoeuvres had to be carefully worked out by specialists, including astronauts.
Unas maniobras tan intrincadas debían ser calculadas cuidadosamente por especialistas, incluidos astronautas.Literature Literature
Peter carefully worked each muscle group in his legs, stretched his back, neck, and finally his shoulders.
Peter trabajó a conciencia cada uno de los músculos de las piernas e hizo estiramiento de espalda, cuello y hombros.Literature Literature
That plan has been carefully worked out.
Ese plan ha sido cuidadosamente elaborado.Literature Literature
He had no carefully worked out reason for thinking the money supply figures would be low.
No tenía ninguna razón sólida para pensar que hubiese disminuido el dinero en circulación.Literature Literature
After listening carefully, work with them to develop a plan for success.
Después de escuchar con atención, trabaja con ellos para desarrollar un plan exitoso.Literature Literature
Hari envisioned chaos tearing great holes in his carefully worked-out Plan.
Hari imaginó al caos abriendo grandes agujeros en su Plan, tan cuidadosamente establecido.Literature Literature
I carefully worked around my numbers so that only one mark remains . . . number five.
Me he encargado con cautela de todos los números para que solo quede uno... el cinco.Literature Literature
There we got hold of him and carefully worked him down the ladder at the other end.
Allí lo sostuvimos y con cuidado lo ayudamos a bajar por la escalerilla al otro extremo.Literature Literature
It substitutes for a great deal that would otherwise have to be carefully worked out.
Suple un montón de cosas que de otro modo habría que trabajar a fondo para resolver.Literature Literature
The carefully worked-out technique in doing this has been used many times since: 1.
La técnica, cuidadosamente estructurada, para hacer esto, se ha utilizado a menudo desde entonces: 1.Literature Literature
Plan the task carefully, work out the plans and procedures in advance of arrival at the destruction site;
Planifique la tarea cuidadosamente, y especifique los planes y procedimientos antes de llegar al sitio de destrucción;UN-2 UN-2
‘The murder was premeditated and very carefully worked out.
—El asesinato fué premeditado y ejecutado cuidadosamente.Literature Literature
Closely and carefully working in analysis and development design is the key to formulating solid strategies and goals.
El análisis y la organización de medidas sirven generalmente siempre para la implementación prevista de metas y de medidas concretas.Common crawl Common crawl
Like every one else I had a carefully worked out formula for taking risks.
Como todos los demás, yo tenía una fórmula personal para aceptar los riesgos.Literature Literature
He opened the appropriate volume and turned up his carefully worked muster list.
Abrió el volumen apropiado y comprobó su lista de hombres, cuidadosamente manuscrita.Literature Literature
This is evidently an elaborate, carefully worked-out plan... to discredit an American citizen.
Éste es claramente un plan muy cuidadoso y elaborado para desacreditar a una ciudadana norteamericana.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The programme was carefully worked out.
El programa estaba cuidadosamente elaborado.Literature Literature
Carefully, working as noiselessly as possible, he edged the board across the open gap.
Cuidadosamente, trabajando con tan poco ruido como era posible, puso el tablero por la abertura ya abierta.Literature Literature
It's all Rinkey Butler's plot, carefully worked out by him and each of us with his part assigned.
Es un plan que Rinkey llevará cuidadosamente a término y en el cual cada uno de nosotros tiene asignado un papel.Literature Literature
The farmer carefully worked his land.
El granjero cultivó acuradamente la siembra.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Delegates further noted that modalities of involving non-United Nations actors needed to be carefully worked out
Los delegados señalaron además que era necesario elaborar cuidadosamente las modalidades de participación de agentes no pertenecientes a las Naciones UnidasMultiUn MultiUn
Delegates further noted that modalities of involving non-United Nations actors needed to be carefully worked out.
Los delegados señalaron además que era necesario elaborar cuidadosamente las modalidades de participación de agentes no pertenecientes a las Naciones Unidas.UN-2 UN-2
It threatens to undermine our carefully worked out style of life.
Amenaza con socavar nuestro estilo de vida, esmeradamente construido.Literature Literature
It’s very carefully worked up – two glasses smeared with lipstick, the dregs of a bottle of champagne.
Está trabajando con notable cuidado: dos copas manchadas con lápiz de labios, los restos de una botella de champaña.Literature Literature
After much arguing, the leaders of the group had carefully worked out who would do what.
Después de mucho discutir, los líderes del grupo habían decidido la estrategia que iban a seguir.Literature Literature
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