caregiving oor Spaans


The provision of healthcare services

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noun interjection verbmanlike
Establish mechanisms to provide special protection and assistance to children without primary caregivers.
Establecer mecanismos para proporcionar protección y asistencia especiales a los niños que no tengan quién los cuide.

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formal caregiver
cuidador formal · cuidador profesional · cuidador remunerado
informal caregiver
cuidador informal
family caregiver
cuidador familiar
natural caregiver
cuidador informal
ayudante familiar residente
substitute caregiver
cuidador informal
Encargado de enfermo o dependiente · asistente · cuidador · cuidador de niños · cuidador infantil · cuidadora de niños · cuidadora infantil · el cuidador · el niñero · la cuidadora · la niñera · padre sustituto · persona que atiende a otras · prestador de cuidados · proveedor de cuidados · proveedora de cuidados · puericultor
live-in caregiver
ayudante familiar residente


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Using these funds to consolidate existing community support services, it has established 16 District Support Centres for Persons with Disabilities to provide one-stop community support services for persons with disabilities and their families and caregivers.
No dejaré abandonado el sueño de mi padreUN-2 UN-2
A pleasant Guatemalan woman - the temporary caregiver sat in the corner, knitting a yellow-and-red shawl.
Sólo payaseaba, amigoLiterature Literature
Only Declan and the caregiver live here, so whose stuff is this?
Los oficiales veteranos le tienen un nombre a esto, ¿ no?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
There needs to be a better understanding of the role of women in development, moving beyond their roles as caregivers and labourers.
La Agencia ejercerá también en Suiza las facultades que le confieren las disposiciones del ReglamentoUN-2 UN-2
An innovative project by Africare in Zimbabwe trained 120 men aged 20 to 65 as volunteer caregivers to increase men’s participation in home-based care and HIV/AIDS education (E/CN.6/2009/2).
¿ Qué está haciendo aquí?UN-2 UN-2
Intervention in informal caregivers of Patients with dementia in Colombia: a review
Quizá no supieron arreglarlo o les dio igual, pero ésta es mi teoría:El Bela de cuatro patas pertenece a un guión antiguo, en el que Larry, en su imaginación o en la realidad, se transforma en un lobo de cuatro patasscielo-title scielo-title
My guides showed me representations of caregivers I knew.
Soy Jane Winslett-RichardsonLiterature Literature
Cooperative Care in rural Wisconsin was formed by caregivers and provides independent living support for their clients.22
¿ Te molesta si reviso mi correo?UN-2 UN-2
Clinical and Demographic Variables Associated Coping and the Burden of Caregivers of Schizophrenia Patients
Si van a operarte hoy, necesitas descansarscielo-title scielo-title
Addressing care as a human rights issue is particularly imperative at this time when, owing to several factors and trends, caregiving arrangements are under great pressure.
Entonces, no por el mercadoUN-2 UN-2
Children also have the right to be directed and guided in the exercise of their rights by caregivers, parents and community members, in line with children’s evolving capacities (art.
La casa y # % de los bienesUN-2 UN-2
She had always thought of herself as her mother’s unfortunate daughter, or her husband’s wife and caregiver.
Sería la mejor pelea de la historiaLiterature Literature
The equal sharing of responsibilities between women and men, including caregiving in the context of HIV/AIDS;
¿ Qué podemos hacer?UN-2 UN-2
Persons with disabilities often find themselves in such situations, for instance when they are deprived of their liberty in prisons or other places, or when they are under the control of their caregivers or legal guardians
¿ Disfrutas tu paseo, M. A.?MultiUn MultiUn
Several country programmes of cooperation continue to focus on the capacity of service providers, with less attention given to strengthening the capacity of communities and caregivers themselves.
Mientras que yo soy fiel.- Se puede ser fiel a nadaUN-2 UN-2
Additional visits will depend on the skill and comfort of the patient or caregiver in administering the feedings.
Siempre soy el chivo expiatorioLiterature Literature
Calls upon all States to give support and rehabilitation to children and their families affected by HIV/AIDS and to involve children and their caregivers, as well as the private sector, to ensure the effective prevention of HIV infections through correct information and access to affordable, voluntary and confidential care, treatment and testing, giving due importance to the prevention of mother‐to‐child transmission of the virus;
La elección es una ilusión creada entre quienes tienen poderUN-2 UN-2
The Children’s Act and other laws oblige all organs of state and caregivers to make decisions in consultation with children and by taking into account their best interests.
Bien, Malone, esperamos una animada sesión esta noche.- los estudiantes están fuera para soliviantar con preguntas molestas al viejo ChallengerUN-2 UN-2
The primary objective of the training programme was to provide professionals and caregivers with skills and tools to become more effective in providing care and support and understanding how to manage not only medical and physical conditions, but also social and emotional needs of older persons.
Yasukawa, policía del distritoUN-2 UN-2
Parents and other caregivers, as well as community and government leaders, must value and respect each child; protect and promote the well-being of both boys and girls; and encourage non-violence and gender-sensitive behaviour
¡ Estudió el Zohar reb en Cracovia!MultiUn MultiUn
Governments need to address this with better policies responding to the challenges of balancing familial and caregiver obligations including providing day-care centres and paid maternity and paternity leave
No es divertidoMultiUn MultiUn
Methods: The study had a Quasi-experimental method with an experimental group (family caregivers that took the Program Caring for the caregivers and a control group.
¡ Lo siento dentro de mí!scielo-abstract scielo-abstract
They were mostly from the low and middle socioeconomic strata. These caregivers were permanently dedicated to the care of their children. Both groups had similar results in the characterization, and the results are in agreement with those reported in other studies of family caregivers as regards gender, age, occupation, and dedication to care.
¡ No puedo moverme!scielo-abstract scielo-abstract
Nevertheless, the Committee is concerned that professionals working with and for children and in particular the general public, including children and their parents and other caregivers, are not provided with sufficient information and systematic training in international human rights standards, including the rights of the child.
Asunto: Medidas compensatorias del espacio natural por las obras de profundización en el Escalda occidentalUN-2 UN-2
States should distribute relevant information material tailored specifically to children, and tailored to specific age-groups, as well as to parents and other caregivers, and all professionals working with or for children, and seek close cooperation with civil society in the organization and implementation of awareness-raising programmes.
Tú vas a encontrarme en México con el dineroUN-2 UN-2
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