chancellorship oor Spaans


the status of being a chancellor

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Perhaps this is the beginning of the end of Angela Merkel's chancellorship.
Tal vez este sea el principio del fin de la cancillería de Angela Merkel.

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A lukewarm election campaign is burbling boringly through the Berlin autumn. Politicians in deep sleep, inveighs the indignant German press, which is looking in vain for a chancellorship duel with some political substance.
En todos los idiomas europeos, expresiones como "cambio climático", "comercio justo" y "mortalidad infantil" se han convertido en parte del vocabulario cotidiano.Common crawl Common crawl
A Hitler Chancellorship still seemed a remote possibility.
La ascensión de Hitler a la Cancillería todavía parecía una posibilidad remota.Literature Literature
‘Your brother,’ he said, ‘is determined to oust Henry Beaufort from the Chancellorship.’
—Vuestro hermano —dijo— está decidido a que Henry Beaufort deje de ser canciller.Literature Literature
He resigns the chancellorship after a year, to run a commune for dissident youth.
Al cabo de un año renuncia al rectorado para administrar una comuna para la juventud disidente.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Unless Hitler were to be given extensive power, meaning the Chancellorship, he would have to refuse office.
A menos que se confirieran a Hitler amplios poderes, es decir, la cancillería, tendría que rechazar el cargo.Literature Literature
In 1998 the APPD ran in the Bundestag election with Karl Nagel as its candidate for the chancellorship, and using slogans like "Work sucks" ("Arbeit ist Scheiße") and "Drinking, drinking, every day just drinking" ("Saufen!
En 1998, el APPD postuló a las elecciones federales con Karl Nagel como su candidato a la cancillería, y con el uso de consignas como "el trabajo es mierda" y "Beber, beber, todos los días sólo beber".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Weller, after a short meditation, 'this is a case for that 'ere confidential pal o' the Chancellorship's.
Weller al cabo de una breve meditación-; éste es un caso para el amigo confidencial del canciller.Literature Literature
Either the Chancellorship or power ministries.
O la cancillería o los ministerios del poder.Literature Literature
Instead, he proposed his terms for accepting the Chancellorship.
En vez de eso, exponía sus condiciones para aceptar la cancillería.Literature Literature
I suspect he’s also the one behind Palpatine’s campaign for the chancellorship.
Sospecho que también es quien está detrás de la campaña de Palpatine para el puesto de Canciller.Literature Literature
You showed him no favour after Edward took away my uncle’s chancellorship and gave it to him.
No lo favorecisteis después de que Eduardo le arrebató la cancillería a mi tío y se la adjudicó a él.Literature Literature
During his chancellorship, real incomes in Germany tripled.
Durante su gestión como canciller, los ingresos reales de Alemania se triplicaron.Literature Literature
And the chancellorship of Oxford.
Y la cancillería de Oxford.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
While this need not matter to her too much as long as she retains the chancellorship, in Sigmar Gabriel, the SPD’s leader, she faces – for the first time – an opponent whom she would underestimate at her peril.
Si bien no tiene eso por qué preocuparle demasiado, mientras siga siendo Canciller, en Sigmar Gabriel, el dirigente del SPD, afronta –por primera vez– a un oponente al que haría mal en subestimar.News commentary News commentary
At that moment, he would have promised her the vice chancellorship.
En ese momento le hubiera prometido la vicecancillería.Literature Literature
The Chancellorship is the second most powerful position in the land, why would he offer it to you?
La Cancillería es el segundo cargo más poderoso, por que ofrecerselo a Ud.?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Such a treasure was granted to the German Archbishop for his aid and chancellorship in service to the current Emperor.
Se adjudicó el tesoro al arzobispo alemán por sus servicios al monarca al frente de la cancillería.Literature Literature
Chancellorship is a thankless job, Your Excellency.
La Cancillería es un cargo ingrato, Su excelencia.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
After his talk with Hindenburg, he now thought a Hitler Chancellorship a possibility.231
Después de su charla con Hindenburg, consideraba ya una posibilidad una cancillería de Hitler[2390].Literature Literature
The Vice- Chancellorship is the third most- powerful position in Germany
La Vice Cancillería es la tercera posición mas poderosa en Alemaniaopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
At the start of his chancellorship, Hitler acted predictably enough.
Al comienzo de la cancillería, Hitler actuó de manera bastante previsible.Literature Literature
We’ll put one of our own into the chancellorship.
Pondremos a uno de los nuestros en la cancillería.Literature Literature
I can see you taking it into your head to leave, just for the sake of the damned chancellorship.”
Veo que se te ha metido en la cabeza marcharte, y únicamente por la maldita cancillería.Literature Literature
But, nonetheless, now he too began to consider the possibility of a Hitler chancellorship.
Pero, aun así, empezaba a plantearse la posibilidad de que ocupara la cancillería.Literature Literature
Jesus and Hitler were persecuted, but whereas Jesus was crucified, Hitler was elevated to the chancellorship. . . .
Jesús y Hitler fueron perseguidos, pero mientras que Jesús fue crucificado, Hitler fue elevado a la cancillería [...].jw2019 jw2019
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