chastity oor Spaans


The state of abstaining from sexual intercourse before or outside of marriage; avoidance of sexual sins; the quality of being chaste; moral purity.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


abstaining from sexual intercourse outside of marriage
Consecrated chastity thus appears as a joyful and liberating experience.
La castidad consagrada aparece de este modo como una experiencia de alegría y de libertad.


Love and female chastity are now so rare.
Me gusta el pudor en la mujer, y es raro encontrarlo hoy en dia.
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Murder is indivisible.I' m finding that out, like chastity
El homicidio es algo indivisible, como la virginidad

En 6 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

pureza · la castidad · virtud · honra · recato · moral sexual

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(rare) A female given name from the virtue chastity.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

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vow of chastity
voto de castidad
to vow chastity
hacer voto de castidad
Chastity Bono
Chastity Bono
chastity belt
Cinturón de castidad · cinturón de castidad


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
“True, virginity is good, but it has been shown that chastity after childbirth is great.”
Y una manguera que corría a lo largo de su mangaLiterature Literature
He could not have Chastity’s brother angry or disappointed with her.
Separada de tierra firme por una masa de aguaLiterature Literature
That may be, Chastity, but it came back up.
¿ Nos da un nivel?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
That you will live in chastity, without personal property?
El Imperio Klingon no permitirá este tipo de mentirasLiterature Literature
Another distinctive characteristic of the gospel is the adherence to the Lord’s law of chastity.
Un tiro más de los dados Y se acabó el asuntoLDS LDS
Paul warned first-century Christians of a corrupting of true religion, saying: “But I am afraid that somehow, as the serpent seduced Eve by its cunning, your minds might be corrupted away from the sincerity and the chastity that are due the Christ.”
El Continental Algo que tû entiendesjw2019 jw2019
“My mother’s dog was sick, Chastity.
Véase también la nota # del presente capítuloLiterature Literature
Besides, we both long for Penhallow—and there will be Chastity’s wedding to organize.
Corrección de errores del Reglamento (CE) no #/# del Consejo, de # de abril de #, por el que se modifica, y se adapta con motivo de la adhesión de la República Checa, de Estonia, de Chipre, de Letonia, de Lituania, de Hungría, de Malta, de Polonia, de Eslovenia y de Eslovaquia a la Unión Europea, el Reglamento (CE) no #/# por el que se establecen disposiciones comunes aplicables a los regímenes de ayuda directa en el marco de la política agrícola común y se instauran determinados regímenes de ayuda a los agricultores (DO L # deLiterature Literature
Virtues: kindness, diligence, patience, charity, temperance, humility, chastity.
¿ Quién las pidió?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Since their betrothal, Lady Mansfield had taken to the role of mother not only for Chastity but Prudence, as well.
De modo que por fin me presento frente al juezLiterature Literature
Consecrated chastity thus appears as a joyful and liberating experience.
¿ Dónde está el sentido?
“I’m glad we’re together, Chastity.”
Sigue este camino, por tus dulcesLiterature Literature
Listen, Chastity, as long as you're insisting on stealing my song, maybe we should just sing it together.
Y aquí está ellaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Uh, Chastity's the favorite, but people are saying that new blond chick might make this interesting.
No te preocupesOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Instead, he held his head high, his grip on Chastity never wavering as they took to the dance floor.
Elegí ignorarlaLiterature Literature
I forgot to tell you about my chastity belt. lt" s an Everlast
experiencia de trabajo en sistemas de producción en relación con la producción animal, vegetal o alimentaria (enfoque global), de preferencia en el ámbito de la producción ecológicaOpenSubtitles OpenSubtitles
Chastity thought she could detect just a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
Especifica además que el régimen debe limitarse a la cadena de transformación entre el sector de la silvicultura y el de la transformación mecánica de la madera pero debe también incluirse el suministro de materia prima a la industria de transformación de la madera (por ejemplo mejorar la calidad, la precisión y la estabilidad de las entregasLiterature Literature
Poor Actaeon, condemned by his own ill-luck to witness the fierce chastity of Diana in her nakedness.
Esta es su tierra, ¿ verdad?Literature Literature
Jacob denounces the love of riches, pride, and unchastity—Men may seek riches to help their fellowmen—The Lord commands that no man among the Nephites may have more than one wife—The Lord delights in the chastity of women.
¿ Qué buscas?LDS LDS
This chastity is a metaphor for power, freedom, and audacity.
Créeme, chicoLiterature Literature
Mozi is known by children throughout Chinese culture by way of the Thousand Character Classic, which records that he was saddened when he saw dyeing of pure white silk, which embodied his conception of austerity (simplicity, chastity).
Se permite utilizar uno de los términos siguentes en lugar de la denominación técnicaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Of the greatest importance for formation for chastity in celibacy are the bishop's concern and fraternal life among priests.
¿ Qué flores son esas?
A chastity belt would have been nice, but he hadn’t included that item in my new wardrobe.
Espera aquí, LarryLiterature Literature
As for the young men who generously respond to God’s call to the priesthood, I again affirm that they must receive your every assistance as they strive for a life of simplicity, chastity and humble service, in imitation of Christ, the Eternal High Priest, of whom they are to become living icons (cf.
¿ Es que no ha visto nada?
If we don't, Chastity will, and then we'll have to move to Bolivia.
Espera aquíOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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