cheeriness oor Spaans


the state of being cheery

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


At 55 I've learned how to fake cheeriness, but there are not many opportunities for work anymore.
A los 55 aprendí a fingir alegría, pero ya no hay muchas oportunidades de trabajo.


Surrounded by a cheery group of young people, I keep a young and happy outlook.
Rodeada de la jovialidad de los muchachos, mantengo una actitud juvenil y feliz.

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cheery disposition
fondo jovial
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Her expression, her posture, lost all its cheeriness.
Su cara, su postura, perdió toda su alegría—.Literature Literature
She asked in a cheery voice, “Would anyone care for more wine?”
Preguntó con voz jovial: —¿A alguien le apetece más vino?Literature Literature
Her voice no longer had such a cheery disposition, but a scornful tone.
Su voz ya no tenía un tono alegre, sino uno desdeñoso.Literature Literature
As much as Conner had wanted to accommodate his hostess, Brie Valenzuela, it had been hard to be cheery.
Aunque Conner no quería quedar mal con su anfitriona, Brie Valenzuela, le resultaba difícil mostrarse alegre.Literature Literature
She gave me an infinitely cheery greeting.
Ella me saludó con una efusividad infinita.Literature Literature
Paul would be content with a cheery wave.
Paul no estaría satisfecho con un alegre apretón de manos.Literature Literature
But with Owen—and I don’t know why—I didn’t give a flying fuck so, cheery as anything, I called.
Pero con Owen —e ignoro por qué— me traía sin cuidado, así que toda animada, le llamé.Literature Literature
He padded across the courtyard, past the pool with a cheery wave at Lydia's mother, and proceeded down to the beach.
Cruzó el patio, pasó junto a la piscina saludando a la madre de Lydia y se dirigió a la playa.Literature Literature
In those three words, I saw a whole imaginary future, cheery, tinged with pink, unfurling in his imagination.
En aquellas tres palabras vi desplegarse en su imaginación todo un futuro ilusorio, jovial y teñido de rosa.Literature Literature
„You’re just full of cheery tidings, aren’t you?
Siempre cargado de noticias alegres, ¿eh?Literature Literature
He made a grab for Mikhail, but the prince was already out the door with a cheery little wave.
Hizo ademán de agarrar a Mikhail, pero el príncipe ya estaba saliendo por la puerta con un alegre saludito.Literature Literature
“Just take a break, Hannan,” Caspar called out with his stupid over-cheeriness.
—Tómate un descanso, Hannan —dijo Caspar con su estúpido y forzado entusiasmo.Literature Literature
“I’m so glad I caught you in a cheery mood,” I said.
—Y yo me alegro de haberte pillado de tan buen humor —le dije.Literature Literature
I wish I could offer something more cheery, but I can’t.
Me gustaría poder deciros algo más alegre, pero no puedo.Literature Literature
Open this cheery gift box to find a lovely translucent porcelain tealight holder that doubles as a coffee mug.
Abre esta alegre caja de regalo para encontrar un encantador portacandelitas de porcelana translúcida que también puedes usar como taza de café.Common crawl Common crawl
The cheery presenter in the clip begins:
La alegre presentadora del video empieza:gv2019 gv2019
"""Well, come on,"" he said with his awful fake cheeriness, ""you have to do what your mother says."""
—Bien, vamos —dijo éste con su horrorosa alegría falsa—, tenéis que obedecer a vuestra madre.Literature Literature
"Pack die Badehose ein" (Pack your swimsuit") is a cheery tune about a group of children going swimming on a hot summer's day at Wannsee.
"Pack die Badehose ein" ("Empaca tu traje de baño") una tonada alegre sobre un grupo de niños yendo a nadar un día caluroso de verano en Wannsee.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Jem was in camp on Salisbury Plain and was writing gay, cheery letters home in spite of the mud.
El campamento de Jem quedaba en Salisbury Plain y, a pesar del barro, el muchacho escribía cartas alegres y optimistas.Literature Literature
It was a woman's voice, cheery and encouraging.
Era una voz de mujer, jovial y alentadora.Literature Literature
Janet Maslin of The New York Times notes "Even if Clueless runs out of gas before it's over, most of it is as eye-catching and cheery as its star."
Janet Maslin de The New York Times declaró: «Aunque se queda sin combustible antes de llegar al final, la mayor parte de Clueless es tan animada y atractiva como su estrella.»WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But in the picture they'd been cheery little creatures with long pointy hoods.
Pero en la imagen eran pequeñas criaturas alegres con largas capuchas puntiagudas.Literature Literature
A cheery lot, the Gabonis.
Simpáticos, los gabonis.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Morton asked, as alien with his sallow face in that cheery sunlight as his uncle.
—preguntó Morton, quien con su cara macilenta parecía tan ajeno como su tío a la alegría que proporcionaba el sol.Literature Literature
A bawdy tavern song would be a cheery alternative to “The Lord is my shepherd.”
Una salaz canción tabernaria resultaba más alegre que recitar «El Señor es mi pastor».Literature Literature
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