cheering oor Spaans


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Present participle of cheer.

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cheers, pal
cheers, mate
I'm cheerful
soy alegre
to be cheerful
to cheer up
to cheer on
cheers from Mexico


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
“I’ll need my lyre to cheer me up down there in the dark.”
¿ Chica motociclista wagneriana?Literature Literature
It was a grey day, but the grass, the trees and the flowers in the garden had bright, cheerful colours.
Eres testigo:La niña ha hablado. Ha dicho una palabraLiterature Literature
I lied to cheer her up; they didn’t need reasons any longer.
Pero estará llena de policíasLiterature Literature
I realised after a while that the others were trying to be bright and cheerful, to make me feel better.
El Estatuto Vasco se comprometía a que pudieran ser transferidas una serie de materias a la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca que, sencillamente, no han sido transferidasLiterature Literature
That it is cheerful and profound, like an afternoon in October.
contribuir a la prevención de conflictos y ayudar a crear las condiciones necesarias para que pueda avanzarse en la vía de la resolución de conflictos, entre otras cosas mediante recomendacionesde actuación relacionadas con la sociedad civil y la rehabilitación de los territorios, sin perjuicio de las responsabilidades de la Comisión en virtud del Tratado CELiterature Literature
"""Willie,"" she said in a low, infinitely kind, and indeed almost a cheerful tone."
¿ Es este asunto peligroso?- Puede haber cierto riesgoLiterature Literature
But it was almost as if they were cheering him – Humphry Davy from Penzance, a son of genius.
Chicos, vi una señalLiterature Literature
In the past, football was the only thing that cheers us up, but now we are living in a bigger alternative that cheers us up everyday.
Pueden decir eso de cualquier personagv2019 gv2019
Lo necesita.- Un momentoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Abstract: In order to construct a theoretical and methodological model for studies of sociocultural politeness, attenuation and intensification in Spanish spoken in Medellín (Colombia), in our previous studies we have shown some relevant aspects of the predominant faces in the sociocultural group of this area that are: face of being and looking kindly, friendly, cheerful (Jang, in evaluation), respectful, proud (Jang & García, in press a) and simple (Jang & García, in evaluation b).
¿ Perdone, señora?scielo-abstract scielo-abstract
Flenn waved an arm and, incredibly, he was able to sound almost cheerful.
Estare esperando mi tiempoLiterature Literature
How to sound cheerful on a telephone even when you were angry or sad.
¿ El acusado puede acercarse al estrado?Literature Literature
It'll cheer you up.
¿ Querías pasearte en tus trajes ridículos fingiendo dirigir la compañía?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“That was crazy,” she said in good cheer, as if craziness were a synonym for fun.
Los buques comunitarios notificarán todos los transbordos realizados en la zona de regulación de la NAFO a sus autoridades competentesLiterature Literature
Again and again we cheered, though our feeble cries could certainly not have carried so far.
Una vez roto el vacío, retire el tapón del vial manteniendo éste en posición vertical para evitar que se derrame el productoLiterature Literature
Cheers, mate.
¿ Lo has perdido?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Estaba trabajando en el turno nocturno cuando llegó el primer casoOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Marshal Trigask was round and cheerful, and seemed a man to be reckoned with.
Determinación de las razasLiterature Literature
Cheerful Giving From the Heart
No es hora de ser arrogante.- ¡ No soy arrogante!jw2019 jw2019
An orchestra of traditional Chinese musical instruments started playing and the audience burst out cheering.
Big Chris.- ¿ Big Chris?Literature Literature
They clapped and cheered and danced when they saw the car pull up.
Desde el punto de vista de la protección de datos, es importante determinar qué autoridad controla los datos empleados para la elaboración de las estadísticasLiterature Literature
Cheer up, buckaroo
Algunos contratos de seguro contienen tanto un componente de seguro como un componente de depósitoopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Mostly we tried to cheer him up, take his mind off things, but it didn't work.
y, entre los textos correspondientes a Alemania y GreciaLiterature Literature
The crowd cheered the result and accompanied the generalissimo cheering him from Congress to his residence.
¿ Por qué pensarías eso?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
To cheer herself further, she put on her favorite dress, the black one with the little pink flowers.
Cyrus Grissom.Raspaduras en la paredLiterature Literature
209 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.