cheesecloth oor Spaans


A loosely woven cotton gauze. Originally used to wrap cheese but now used for many tasks including in cooking used to strain liquids or make sachets and by farmers to shade crops and keep birds off.

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You try straining it through cheesecloth, but it doesn’t do much good.
Intentas filtrarla usando una gasa, pero no parece dar demasiado resultado.

tela de gasa



A loosewoven cotton cloth used in cheese making.
Pieza de tela de algodón tejido utilizada en la elaboración de queso.
A settling container, although the cheesecloth can be used, making the finished product ball-shaped.
Un escurridor, aunque se puede usar la estopilla, de modo que el producto final tenga una forma redonda.

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The use of acidification moulds or any other mould or corset to hold the cheese during the drying period is forbidden in order to preserve the use of the cheesecloth traditionally used in farm production.
¡ Concéntrate, Hipo!EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Cheese shaped in a cheesecloth is hung on a hook and later placed on a shelf that is designed in such a way as to allow whey to drain off,
Es bueno y sale barato, amaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
"I said, ""Next week when I come I will bring you more cheesecloth."""
Estaba siendo maleducado y tratándote comoLiterature Literature
— External appearance: uniform blocks, with a smooth surface, without a rind; cheesecloth marks may be visible;
¡ Bueno, ha sido un placer!Eurlex2019 Eurlex2019
Puree guanabana pulp by putting it through a colander, forcing it through a sieve, or squeezing it through cheesecloth.
¿ Te viene bien el miércoles?jw2019 jw2019
If low in moisture content because it is old or has not been vacuum sealed, then put it in a cheesecloth bag, submerge it in water, drain and hang up in a cool cellar for at least 24 hours before popping.
Nos vendrá bien vivir en el campojw2019 jw2019
Curious, Maria pulled up one corner of the cheesecloth and found Miss Hayes‘s chocolate torte.
Una sirvienta desaparecida por un lado y un asesinato a sangre fría por el otroLiterature Literature
The curd-filled cheesecloth was hung on a cleat, where it was left for the whey to drain off
¿ Sabes leer?- ¿ Sé leer?oj4 oj4
These moulds help shape the products and replace the cheesecloth without altering the intrinsic characteristics of the product.
Con el fin de garantizar una coherencia global de las actividades de las organizaciones profesionales autorizadas del sector oleícola, es necesario precisar los tipos de actuaciones subvencionables y no subvencionablesEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Clothing, headwear and footwear made from cotton, silk, linen, wool, leather, PVC, lace, rubber, cheesecloth, fur, artificial fur, imitation leather, wool and man-made fibres
No queremos que sepan todos que tiene el períodotmClass tmClass
It was so humid the air clung to my skin like wet cheesecloth.
Sin embargo, dicho anexo establece un nivel máximo para el arsénico inorgánico en aquellos casos para los cuales las autoridades competentes solicitan un análisis del contenido de esta sustanciaLiterature Literature
She had wrapped crushed cuasia in a cheesecloth, then soaked it in the hot water from the hanging pot.
¿ Qué?- Nos van a disparar a todosLiterature Literature
Cheese shaped in a cheesecloth is hung on a hook and later placed on a shelf that is designed in such a way as to allow whey to drain off.
Soy Jane Winslett-RichardsonEurLex-2 EurLex-2
The cheesecloth dress she’d originally chosen would have looked so much more appropriate.
Apuesto que el comandante hizo muchas de esas cortadas...... cuando la GSE no era tan floja como para dejar uno de los suyosLiterature Literature
I wish the meat wrapped in cheesecloth so that the flies will not spoil it.
El hambre es su armaLiterature Literature
the settled curds are compressed by hand after about 10 minutes and worked into a lump with the aid of a cheesecloth,
El Ministerio de Transporte y Comunicaciones se reserva el derecho a modificar la obligación de servicio público como consecuencia de una posible variación de las condiciones necesarias en materia de autorización de aeropuertosEurLex-2 EurLex-2
Our cheesecloth gauntlets neat and sweet
Cuando se haya utilizado más de una base de valoración al elaborar los estados financieros, por ejemplo si se han revalorizado sólo ciertas clases de activos, será suficiente con suministrar una indicación respecto a las categorías de activos y pasivos a los que se les haya aplicado cada base de valoraciónopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
(A) Remove from heat and pour into pressing cloth (cheesecloth) in colander placed in other cooking pot.
Oye Auto, ¿ qué es ese botón que parpadea?jw2019 jw2019
• When the extraction is done, carefully pour off the stock and strain through a fine strainer or cheesecloth.
Mira, necesito que me recetes algo, por favorLiterature Literature
Bill Gavery was putting out fresh loaves of bread under cheesecloth in front of the bakery.
A nosotros nos gusta muchoLiterature Literature
From her vantage point, Lottie noted that the clothing was made from cheesecloth.
Quizá le esté pidiendo demasiadoLiterature Literature
He pulled the cheesecloth away from the second barrel, dipped in a clean bowl, and handed it to me.
Vista Nueva vista superiorLiterature Literature
If you have transferred the soaked seeds to a shallow plate, gently pour water over the cheesecloth, and drain it by putting the dish on an incline.
Ahora que se han dado cuenta que no hay nada que temer...... y que lo único que queremos es amarlos y protegerlos...... deberían encontrar una manera de unirse a nosotrosjw2019 jw2019
They also make it possible to keep the cheese longer in this ‘cheesecloth’ stage and allow for better control of the drainage, more regular-shaped cheeses and have beneficial effects on the development of the cheese rind.
Pastas alimenticias sin cocer, rellenar ni preparar de otra formaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
“No, long, flowing robe sort of things, with sleeves you can hide tambourines and cheesecloth and things in.
No, quería darte las gracias por míLiterature Literature
208 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.