cherry wood oor Spaans

cherry wood

Alternative spelling of cherrywood.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


We have seven varieties from aged to cherry wood.
Tenemos siete variedades de edad de madera de cerezo.

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He led her into a cherry-wood panelled corridor.
La llevó hasta un corredor tapizado en madera de cerezo.Literature Literature
In one corner stood the dining table, also made of cherry wood, with four chairs.
En un rincón del salón había una mesa grande, también de cerezo, con cuatro sillas.Literature Literature
"""They were written on a table of cherry-wood, with a gold bodkin, by an august hand."""
—¿Fueron escritas en una tabla de cerezo con un punzón de oro por una mano augusta?Literature Literature
He affected a costume that was aggressively American, including a coonskin hat and a gnarled cherry-wood cane.
Llevaba un atuendo agresivamente americano, con un sombrero de piel de mapache y un nudoso bastón de cerezo.Literature Literature
This one is constructed with American cherry wood.
Este está construido con madera de cerezo estadounidense.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Dark blue, cherry wood, leather
Azul marino, madera de cerezo, cueroopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
She settled into a glossy cherry wood rocking chair.
Ella se sentó en una mecedora de madera de cerezo.Literature Literature
The detective took his cherry-wood pipe from his pocket and carefully began to fill it.
El detective se sacó del bolsillo su pipa de madera de cerezo y la rellenó cuidadosamenteLiterature Literature
He’d crafted a cherry wood rocking chair for Harley Barnes, assistant director at the Long Beach Public Library.
Había fabricado una mecedora de cerezo para Harley Barnes, el subdirector de la biblioteca pública de Long Beach.Literature Literature
It had magnificent dark cherry wood walls and coffered ceilings.
Tenía magníficas paredes de madera de cerezo oscuro y techo artesonado.Literature Literature
With great flourish, he pulled the blanket away, revealing a gorgeous cherry wood antique cradle.
Clay apartó la manta con gesto ceremonial, dejando al descubierto una preciosa cuna antigua de madera de cerezo.Literature Literature
She had arranged Angelica’s clothing in the child-sized cherry-wood wardrobe.
Había puesto la ropa de Angelica en el infantil armario de madera de cerezo.Literature Literature
The interior was sleek and contemporary, softly lit and paneled in cherry wood.
El interior era elegante y contemporáneo, tenuemente iluminado, con artesonado en madera de cerezo.Literature Literature
He sat down in one of the low-backed cherry-wood chairs that were ranged along the wall.
Se sentó en una de las sillitas de cerezo alineadas a lo largo de la pared.Literature Literature
Once in our rooms, Holmes threw himself down in his wonted chair and lit his cherry-wood pipe.
Una vez en el cuarto, Holmes se desplomó en el sillón de costumbre y encendió la pipa de cerezo.Literature Literature
You will find cherry-wood furniture and marble bathrooms with wood floors.
Dispone de muebles de madera de cerezo, baños de mármol y suelos de madera.Common crawl Common crawl
The white-haired man stands up and reaches his hand out as Perro approaches the cherry-wood desk.
El canoso se pone de pie y le estira la mano mientras el Perro se acerca al escritorio de raíz de cerezo.Literature Literature
The detective took his cherry-wood pipe from his pocket and carefully began to fill it.
El detective se sacó del bolsillo su pipa de madera de cerezo y la rellenó cuidadosamente.Literature Literature
When I had done, he took up his cherry-wood pipe and smoked quietly for several minutes more.
Cuando concluí, tomó su pipa de madera de cerezo y fumó calladamente varios minutos.Literature Literature
“What do you think about cherry wood?
¿Qué te parece la madera de cerezo?Literature Literature
And the polished cherry wood of the pews and the golden tassels on the hymnals.
Los bancos de madera pulida y las borlas de los cantorales.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She was led down a short hallway to a heavily carved cherry-wood door.
La guiaron por un corto pasillo hasta llegar a una puerta de madera de cerezo tallada.Literature Literature
Against the inner wall was a cherry-wood sleigh bed, and to the left was a huge fireplace.
Contra la pared interior había una cama de madera de cerezo y una chimenea enorme a la izquierda.Literature Literature
Heading over to the hall closet, he hung his gray cashmere overcoat on a cherry-wood hanger.
Dirigiéndose al armario del vestíbulo, colgó el abrigo de cachemir gris en una percha de madera de cerezo.Literature Literature
We have seven varieties from aged to cherry wood.
Tenemos siete variedades de edad de madera de cerezo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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