chimney pot hat oor Spaans

chimney pot hat

Man's silk hat with high cylindrical crown.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Man's silk hat with high cylindrical crown.
Sombrero masculino de seda coronado con un cilindro alto.


Man's silk hat with high cylindrical crown.
Sombrero masculino de seda coronado con un cilindro alto.

sombrero de copa

Man's silk hat with high cylindrical crown.
Sombrero masculino de seda coronado con un cilindro alto.

sombrero de copa alta

Man's silk hat with high cylindrical crown.
Sombrero masculino de seda coronado con un cilindro alto.

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I also went in for a chimney-pot hat costing nineteen shillings—an excessive price in those days.
Adquirí también un sombrero de copa alta por diecinueve chelines, precio excesivo en aquellos días.Literature Literature
When he went outside his shop, which was not often, he wore a funereal chimney-pot hat.
Cuando salía de su tienda, cosa nada habitual, se ponía un fúnebre sombrero de catite.Literature Literature
A bucket, or a chimney pot – no, it was a hat.
Un balde o una olla —no, era un sombrero—.Literature Literature
She could have tossed a stone down the chimney pots of the house next to the hat shop.
Podría haber tirado una piedra por la chimenea de su casa, junto a la sombrerería.Literature Literature
And he looked at her graceful little figure sitting on the proud white beast, at her delicate profile, at the chimney-pot hat, which did not suit her at all and made her look older than her age -- looked at her with joy, with tenderness, with rapture; listened to her, taking in little of what she said, and thought:
Y él miraba su cuerpo pequeño, esbelto, montado en el animal blanco, orgulloso, su perfil fino, su cilindro, que no le iba en absoluto y la hacía más vieja de lo que era, la miraba con júbilo, con ternura, con éxtasis, la escuchaba, la entendía poco y pensaba:ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
He was dressed in a gray suit, and wore a soft, black, wide-brimmed, high-crowned felt hat, narrow at the top like a chimney pot, a hat which hardly any one except an Auvergnat would wear, and which reminded one of a charcoal burner.
Vestía un traje gris y cubría su cabeza un sombrtero negro de fieltro blando, cuya copa, bastante alta, iba estrechándose como un tubo de chimenea; un verdadero sombrero de auvernés, que le daba aspecto de carbonero.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Among traditional souvenirs we have decorative tiles; miniatures of traditional Algarvian houses and chimneys; worked copper cataplanas (traditional Algarvian cooking pots); ragdolls and jute dolls; baskets and hats made out of palm leaves; bobbin lace and crochet; decorative jugs; wooden utensils and furniture, including crosswise stools from Monchique.
Entre los artículos tradicionales tenemos los azulejos trabajados, las miniaturas de casas algarvías y chimeneas; tarteras de cobre trabajado; muñecas de trapo o yute; cestas de mimbre y sombreros de esparto; encajes de bolillos o ganchillo; vasos de barro, muchas veces decorados; utensilios y mobiliario de madera, especialmente los bancos en cruz de MonchiqueParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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