clean barked timber oor Spaans

clean barked timber

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans

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In general, these include the following products: – Forest timbers (forest residues and mulch, felled trees, trunks, timber ridges) – Sawmill by-products: bark and clean chips, cutting wastes, untreated framing wastes) – Industrial timbers (pallets, crates, beams, framework structures) – Solid timber elements, untreated and with metal fittings removed
En general, se trata de los productos siguientes: – Forestal (plaquetas y mulch forestales, tala de árboles, troncos, caballones) – Productos de aserraderos (cortezas y astillas limpias, restos de cortes, restos de carpintería sin tratar) – Industriales (palés, cajas, vigas, estructuras de carpintería) – Elementos de madera maciza sin tratar y sueltosParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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