clear a minefield oor Spaans

clear a minefield

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despejar un campo minado


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“They’re going to clear a minefield.”
Que ninguna tiranía ha duradoLiterature Literature
The National Guard completed clearing a minefield south of Pyla, outside the United Nations buffer zone
¿ Qué has dicho?MultiUn MultiUn
The National Guard completed clearing a minefield south of Pyla, outside the United Nations buffer zone.
En la escuelaUN-2 UN-2
On # eptember, a flail vehicle operated by the Danish Demining Group hit a mine while clearing a minefield near Shilalo in Sector West, injuring the operator
¡ Y el ganador es " Recórcholis ", de Rowley Jefferson!MultiUn MultiUn
On 29 September, a flail vehicle operated by the Danish Demining Group hit a mine while clearing a minefield near Shilalo in Sector West, injuring the operator.
Dime, ¿ qué hago?UN-2 UN-2
The United States currently uses antipersonnel mines to protect antitank mines, so they are working on antitank mines that can hop around to foil attempts to clear a minefield.
Deberías estar ya bien.¿ Y nuestra vida sexual?jw2019 jw2019
Minefield breaching occurs during battle and is undertaken to enable ones own forces a clear path through a minefield so that they may engage the enemy.
¿ Crees que somos demasiado duros?UN-2 UN-2
Icarus is clearing the minefield, creating a highway for our troops.
Quiero que Rudy alinee en mi lugarOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“German prisoners made to clear their own minefields,” a Guards officer recorded.
Las entidades interesadas podrán presentar observaciones amicus curiae al panel arbitral de conformidad con el reglamento internoLiterature Literature
Developing faster and more efficient methods for clearing minefields is a priority for the EU.
Me lo recomendó uno de los muchachoscordis cordis
On # uly # a Federation Army mine-clearing team activated a mine in a known minefield near Travnik
Y la puta del crimen vino y se llevó tu relojMultiUn MultiUn
On 10 July 2004, a Federation Army mine-clearing team activated a mine in a known minefield near Travnik.
Las entidades sujetas al mantenimiento de reservas mínimas, de conformidad con el artículo #.# de los Estatutos del SEBC, pueden acceder a las facilidades permanentes y participar en las operaciones de mercado abierto instrumentadas mediante subastas estándar y operaciones simplesUN-2 UN-2
if information identifying a safe route is not provided in accordance with sub-paragraph (aa), so far as is necessary and feasible, clear a lane through minefields of MOTAPMs.
Entonces solo me odias a míUN-2 UN-2
Since then, the Centre has cleared a number of minefields of unknown origin, bringing the area of land released to a total of # square metres for the period under review
Informe sobre el proyecto de presupuesto rectificativo no #/# de la Unión Europea para el ejercicio #: Sección # Comisión [#/#- C#-#/#- #/#(BUD)]- Comisión de PresupuestosMultiUn MultiUn
bb) if information identifying a safe route is not provided in accordance with sub-paragraph (aa), so far as is necessary and feasible, clear a lane through minefields of MOTAPMs
¿ Qué está haciendo aquí?MultiUn MultiUn
And then we were sent into the Iraqi minefields to clear a path for the soldiers.
Me encantaría, tengo tantas preguntasOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In case of mechanical failure, you have Capt. Abbott's chart on a clear channel through the minefield.
Presupuesto para #: # millones de HUF (aproximadamente #,# millones de EUR) de recursos estatales complementados con la misma cantidad de contribución de los productoresOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Since then, the Centre has cleared a number of minefields of unknown origin, bringing the area of land released to a total of 415,566 square metres for the period under review.
No tiene que tenerloUN-2 UN-2
Pakistan enjoys a unique record: clearing all its minefields following the three wars in South Asia.
De forma especial cabe citar que la cooperación público-privada se ha revelado muyeficaz para atender situaciones de declive e incluso de crisis turística en aquellos destinos maduros que ven amenazada su continuidad como generadores de riquezaUN-2 UN-2
Pakistan enjoys a unique record of clearing all minefields after the three wars in South Asia.
Hablo muy en serio.- ¿ Detrás de mí?UN-2 UN-2
Oddly enough, it was Omaha, Nebraska’s Warren Buffett who cleared a path for me through this minefield.
Ustedes chicos, por favor vean las secuencias del Secretario Stevens- Lo haremos, JohnLiterature Literature
Pakistan enjoys a unique record of clearing all minefields after the three wars in South Asia.
¿ Dónde aprendió a cabalgar, a tirar?UN-2 UN-2
Pakistan enjoys a unique record of clearing all minefields after the three wars in South Asia.
Le voy a decirUN-2 UN-2
Pakistan enjoys a unique record of clearing all minefields after the three wars in South Asia
Quizá salió a dar un paseoMultiUn MultiUn
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