clearly oor Spaans


/'klɪəlɪ/ bywoord
(manner) In a clear manner.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


in a clear manner
I think to clearly distinguish opinion from fact is important.
Creo que es importante distinguir claramente una opinión de un hecho.


I owed him a favor, one he clearly didn't return to me.
Le debía un favor, uno que evidentemente no me devolvió.


This has clearly raised the overall quality and thus increased the usefulness of the data.
Esto ha mejorado visiblemente la calidad global, aumentando así la utilidad de los datos.

En 25 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

claro · distintamente · indudablemente · evidente · obviamente · expresamente · netamente · naturalmente · abiertamente · con claridad · decididamente · marcadamente · nítidamente · patente · realmente · efectivamente · seguro · sí · limpio · por supuesto · sin duda · comprensiblemente · inteligiblemente · conocidamente · de un modo preciso

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

could you please speak more clearly?
¿podría hacer el favor de hablar más claro?
it's clearly defined
está claramente definido
clearly defined mandate, command structure, time-frame and secure financing
Mandato, estructura de mando, plazo y financiamiento seguros y claramente definidos
clearly defined
try saying it clearly
trata de decirlo con claridad
I heard it very clearly
lo oí con toda claridad
try to say it clearly
trata de decirlo con claridad
definida · definido
please explain yourself more clearly
por favor explíquese más claramente


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Support was also expressed for the suggestion that the draft Guide clearly state the policy reasons that would justify such a right of recovery.
Oops! discúlpeme.Salió bienUN-2 UN-2
(DE) Madam President, as you can see, this is clearly an Austrian issue, and Steiermark, one of our provinces that has been hard hit, is of great concern to us, with its above-average proportion of the population involved in the automotive industry on the one hand and, of course, a disproportionately high percentage of these products being exported on the other.
los gastos de misionesEuroparl8 Europarl8
One country (GBR) has tied its support allowance payment for unemployed persons to clearly defined and agreed responsibilities, such as job-seeking activities, work-related interviews or trainings.
Eso, firma allíUN-2 UN-2
V In my mind’s eye I can still see the house where we lived, as clearly as if it were only a few weeks ago.
No le mentí a nadie.- ¿ En serio?Literature Literature
Highlights the need to position the GPEDC strongly in the context of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda; stresses that the GPEDC should play a strong role in the evidence-based aspects of monitoring and accountability; underlines the need for the GPEDC to provide clearly defined channels for cooperation for specific development actors beyond OECD donors;
Tenemos un problemaeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
The VIN shall be in a clearly visible and accessible position.
para Salónica- Fiumicino, la diferencia es de # euros comparando el precio deAlitalia, SC incluido, con el de Olympic Airlines que propone un vuelo de ida a # euros, es decir, # euros I/V. Esta observación sólo es válida para las salidas desde Grecia, ya que el vuelo con salida desde Italia es más costoso con Alitalia a causa del SC, que genera un coste supletorio de # euros en el vuelo de AlitaliaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
In Parliament’s resolution on the transparency and state of play of the ACTA negotiations of 10 March 2010, we clearly asked the Commission to limit the ACTA negotiations to combating only counterfeiting.
Necesito que te concentres.Oh! Oh!not-set not-set
With regard to his membership of the LTDH, the Swiss Asylum Appeal Commission clearly stated that, apart from the bogus membership card referred to above, his membership did not sufficiently establish that he would run the risk of being subjected to torture.
Pero con cada palabra confirmarás lo que dice la acusaciónUN-2 UN-2
For one thing, he clearly needed to give his ward a lecture on how to conduct an illicit affair.
Aquí están los formularios que Travis firmóLiterature Literature
On 19 March 2013, the Council adopted a Resolution on the EU Customs Action Plan to combat intellectual property rights infringements (2013 to 2017), setting out clear objectives, earmarking appropriate resources and defining result and performance indicators according to a clearly defined road map on:
Bueno, a veces juego a squasheurlex-diff-2017 eurlex-diff-2017
This policy is clearly reflected in the organizational chart of the European Commission (EC) and embedded in the competencies of its Directorates General (DG) for Education and Culture, Interpretation (including training support for interpreters) and Translation.
Entonces usted se va?UN-2 UN-2
Not even the usual advantage of Honor's height let her see clearly, and she clung painfully tight to Paul's hand.
No.No, ésta ha sido la peorLiterature Literature
Well, you're clearly not pregnant, so either you're buying this as a gift, or this is some kind of weird " if you build it, they will come " moment.
Los tipos de base se calculan de conformidad con el capítulo relativo al método para fijar los tipos de referencia y actualización de las Directrices sobre ayudas estatales del Órgano de Vigilancia, en su versión modificada por la Decisión #/#/COL del Órgano de Vigilancia de # de diciembre deOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The marks referred to in 3.1.1 and 3.1.3 and the name referred to in 3.1.2 must be indelible and clearly legible even when the exhaust system is fitted to the motorcycle.
Podría contestar a más preguntas, pero creo que, aunque no veo bien sin gafas, se me ha pasado el tiempo.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
“I remember it very clearly on account of thinking at first Diana had come with her.
No podremos moverlo por unos dos o tres diasLiterature Literature
Clearly, this was a bad idea.
¡ No ha sido un truco!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Although the Constitution clearly states that there is equal treatment under the law, this does not show in the Acts that are passed by Parliament...” (Zinner-Toa & Wano
La mamá llama Johnny y le pregunta: ́¿ Qué ocurrió? ́MultiUn MultiUn
That clearly depends on the availability of a market, right?
Espera un momentoQED QED
Lyu is deeply embarrassed because his protection has shown itself so clearly to be inadequate.
A raíz de esta enseñanza- aprendizaje, nació Apple Computer,la primera compañía de PC de comercio masivoLiterature Literature
It was clearly not enough to adopt an international agreement- it had to be implemented by the States
He tenido pesadillas en donde lo veoMultiUn MultiUn
Additional requirements, weightings and thresholds that are clearly justified may be further specified or complemented in the work programme.
Las ofrecen a Hecate, la Diosa del Bajo Mundonot-set not-set
Review and approval of SSSs and project documents is transparent and based on clearly defined and commonly accepted quality (assessment) criteria
Sí, somos una familia impresionanteUN-2 UN-2
The outer surface may be gray, rough, wrinkled lengthwise and marked with rings clearly visible (ginger gray) or smooth, light yellow (white ginger).
Y firmó la carta como " Tomo Murakoshi "Common crawl Common crawl
· as part of the devolution of responsibilities to external delegations, the responsibilities of those delegations in each of the stages in an aid project cycle should be clearly defined, including as regards financial control;
Un mercado único europeo debe ser considerado como una oportunidad más bien que como una amenaza.not-set not-set
Major policy initiatives are defined as all those presented in the annual policy strategy (APS) or, later, in the Commission’s legislative work programme (CLWP), with some clearly defined exceptions.
Me sabía lascosechas, variedades y denominaciones de memoriaEurLex-2 EurLex-2
209 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.