clench oor Spaans


werkwoord, naamwoord
Tight grip.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


Tom clenched his teeth.
Tom apretó los dientes.
Open Multilingual Wordnet


It's a perfect match to what our first vic had clenched in her hand.
Empata perfectamente con lo que la primera victima tenia agarrado en su mano.


Five on clench hand because attention wouldn' t leave the blackboard
Cinco en la mano de presión porque la atención no dejaría la pizarra

En 6 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

presionar · cerrar · prensar · asir · remachar · empuñar

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

to clench one's fists
apretar los puños
clench your fist
aprieta el puño · cierre el puño
clenched fist
puño · puño apretado · puño cerrado
to clench
agarrar · apretar · cerrar · empuñar
to clench one's fist
apretar el puño
strike the ball with a clenched fist
golpear el balón con el puño · golpear la pelota con el puño
clench nail
clavo remachado


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
She clenched her teeth and pursed her lips as if to say, I can take care of myself.
Lo que opino, Leon, es que necesitas concentrarteLiterature Literature
My left hand clenched into a fist inside my sweatshirt pocket while my right hand held the essay.
¿ Anomalía temporal?Literature Literature
Hanna stood there watching Esmeralda’s children, and her husband, who was staring at the priest with his teeth clenched.
Ahora, hay algo que quieras decirle a tus amigos?Literature Literature
Isi does the same, clenching his teeth tight.
Señor Garibaldi, es muy grandeLiterature Literature
As for Jenny... His chest clenched at the memory of their confrontation over dinner.
George, he Ilamado a IraLiterature Literature
Through clenched teeth, Stagger managed to say, “Detective?”
Son Vds. un gran público.Y quisiéramos llevárnoslos a casaLiterature Literature
Maris wanted to answer, but her throat was tight with longing, and her teeth were clenched together.
¡ Pusiste nuestra nación en peligro y la convertiste en un estado tributario!Literature Literature
Often patients will return to the office reporting that they were not aware of how much they clenched their teeth.
Vale, ya sé lo que vamos a hacerLiterature Literature
The young woman stands behind her mother, extremely pale, not reacting, her fists clenched against her mouth.
Estaba perdiendo mucha sangreLiterature Literature
Through clenched teeth between contractions Trudy growled, ‘This is all your son’s fault, you old witch.
Lo siento... escuche, ¿ le molestaría que le haga solo unas preguntas a su familia?Literature Literature
He was sitting frozen between Ivy and me, his jaw clenched with a mix of determination and nausea.
Informe sobre la propuesta de Reglamento del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo por el que se modifica el Reglamento (CE) no #/# del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo por el que se establecen normas comunes para la seguridad de la aviación civil [COM #- C#-#/#- #/#(COD)]- Comisión de Política Regional, Transportes y TurismoLiterature Literature
Then the screens clicked back on line and Ulantus bit down on his teeth, clenching his jaw.
Asimismo, la Comisión considera que las medidas de reestructuración adoptadas por el Estado federado de Hesse en favor de la empresa constituyen ayudas estatales compatibles con el Tratado CELiterature Literature
Sometimes...sometimes James looks over my shoulder, or peers into a room then clenches his teeth.”
Demoraré un rato porque tengo que caminarLiterature Literature
He reveled in the feel of her muscles clenched around him, but he had to know it was for him.
Ahora creo que hay una segunda etapa...... en ese proceso adicional pasando por la psiquis occidental.Pero ocurre en un nivel...... mucho más fundacional...... porque mucha más gente hizo esa clase de...... conexiones...... y han tenido esa clase de experiencias...... que los han integrado a un nivel mucho más profundoLiterature Literature
I clenched Amanda's arm, feeling the warmth of her skin.
¿ Por qué no me deja hacer eso?Literature Literature
"No,"" I went on calmly, as he took a step toward me, his fists clenched."
No tiene por qué ir tan lejosLiterature Literature
When he didn’t, she tried again through clenched teeth.
Mi padre nunca estaba cercaLiterature Literature
The cainine fingers were still tightly clenched.
Me estás volviendo locaLiterature Literature
Still, something in him clenched in fear when he examined the baby properly.
Concentrada, y sin tomar prisionerosLiterature Literature
Seth’s breath whistled through his clenched teeth.
Durante el último año de tu candidatura,...... este grupo te mostró un plano del bien y del mal...... y una dirección profética que tú tenías que comprender y aceptarLiterature Literature
This made Ema so angry that, without thinking, she clenched her fist and punched him in the face.
Déjame probar un poco de esoLiterature Literature
Mason breathed in slowly, holding it before letting it leak out between clenched teeth.
si el Necronomicon cayera en manos de los Deadites, toda la humanidad se consumirá por este mal. ahora quieres reclamar el libro?Literature Literature
The clenched fist, crested by a laurel crown represents Legion... our Legion.
Puedo leer el futuroLiterature Literature
Now all was fulfilled; she could only clench her hands upon the stone and affirm that it must not be.
Gracias por venirLiterature Literature
He did so for fifteen hours before sinking to the cushioned floor, his fingers clenched to his mouth.
Alguna de vosotras esto me consta que lo hace muy bienLiterature Literature
208 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.