cleome oor Spaans


Any flowering plant in the genus Cleome.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


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tropical and subtropical annual or perennial herbs or low shrubs

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Spaans


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Miss Cleome Annabelle Hendon sat behind her desk in her private office.
La señorita Cleome Annabelle Hendon se sentaba detrás de su escritorio en su oficina privada.Literature Literature
The bubbles had followed the water down Cleome’s back and run white and ropey over her thighs and calves.
Las pompas seguían el agua por la espalda de Cleome y corrían, blancas y resbaladizas, por sus muslos y pantorrillas.Literature Literature
Cleome had moved out of sight into her tomorrow.
Cleome se había perdido de vista camino de su porvenir.Literature Literature
Cleome said she couldn’t live in any basement.
Cleome dijo que ella no podía vivir en un sótano.Literature Literature
“I’m asking you, please, Miss Ginny,” said Cleome.
—Se lo pido por favor, señorita Ginny —dijo Cleome.Literature Literature
“I aim to get you up some of that pig mush, fix you up just right now,” Cleome said.
—Tengo la intención de servirte un poco de ese pudin de cerdo, ahora mismo te lo preparo —dijo Cleome.Literature Literature
Cleome set down an empty bowl, an empty spoon, and an empty cup in front of me.
Cleome colocó un cuenco vacío, una cuchara vacía y un vaso vacío ante mí.Literature Literature
Linus Lancaster got a sheath for his knife and Cleome a pair of shoes.
Linus Lancaster recibió una vaina para el cuchillo y Cleome un par de zapatos.Literature Literature
When I slapped Cleome I could feel that the water Zinnia had poured on her was cold.
Cuando abofeteé a Cleome, noté que el agua que Zinnia había vertido sobre ella estaba fría.Literature Literature
Cleome was sitting up when I got back.
Cleome estaba sentada cuando regresé.Literature Literature
There were bubbles on Cleome’s ankles.
Había pompas en los tobillos de Cleome.Literature Literature
Zinnia had been pouring the water onto Cleome and the water had streamed off the bubbles Cleome had wiped onto herself.
Zinnia vertía agua sobre Cleome y el agua se llevaba las pompas que Cleome había formado al frotarse.Literature Literature
“I don’t care to take my breakfast just now, Cleome,” I said.
—Ahora mismo no me apetece desayunar, Cleome —dije.Literature Literature
Cleome dished it up and Zinnia set it down and filled the cups and kept them filled.
Cleome la sirvió y Zinnia llevó los platos a la mesa y llenó los vasos y los mantuvo llenos.Literature Literature
“For some seasoning, Mother,” Cleome said, lifting up off her bench.
—Para sazonarte un poco, Madre —dijo Cleome, levantándose del banco.Literature Literature
“Papa, Mama—allow me to present Miss Cleome Hendon, the lady who has agreed to be my wife.”
—Papá, mamá, permíteme presentarte a la señorita Cleome Hendon, la mujer que ha aceptado ser mi esposa.Literature Literature
I told Cleome and Zinnia about it and they made me tell it again and again for the several days after.
Les hablé de eso a Cleome y Zinnia, y ellas me pidieron que se lo contara una y otra vez durante varios días.Literature Literature
Cleome said she would not walk into Linus Lancaster’s room, and who was I to be handing out orders.
Cleome se negó a entrar en la alcoba de Linus Lancaster y dijo que quién era yo para andar dando órdenes.Literature Literature
Cleome’s time came as we were crossing a ditch next to a barley field gone badly to seed.
A Cleome le llegó el momento cuando cruzábamos una zanja junto a un campo de cebada abandonado.Literature Literature
But then she opened her luscious lips and said, “Cleome.
Pero luego abrió sus deliciosos labios y dijo: —Cleome.Literature Literature
It was Cleome and Zinnia had taught me that trick about thinking yourself into someplace else.
Fueron Cleome y Zinnia quienes me enseñaron el truco de pensar que estaba en otro sitio.Literature Literature
I showed it up to Cleome then to Zinnia.
Se lo mostré a Cleome y luego a Zinnia—.Literature Literature
Cleome suffered a great deal during the ride, but she kept talking about letting those rocks drop away.
Cleome sufrió mucho durante el trayecto, pero siguió hablando de desprenderse de las piedras.Literature Literature
After a second, he murmured, “It sounds as if Cleome Hendon takes after her mother.”
"Después de un segundo, murmuró: —Parece que Cleome Hendon sigue a su madre""."Literature Literature
I knew it was Cleome arguing mercy and Zinnia mercy’s opposite.
Sé que Cleome abogaba por la clemencia y Zinnia por lo contrario de la clemencia.Literature Literature
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