cling on to oor Spaans

cling on to

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cling to one's opponent's wheel
pegarse a la rueda del adversario


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I was tiny, clinging on to Mom when we left you and ran away.
Era muy pequeña, iba en brazos de mamá cuando te dejamos allí y
But some radicals remained, clinging on to their posts through ability and cunning.
Sin embargo, quedaban algunos radicales que se aferraban a sus puestos con habilidad y astucia.Literature Literature
Or are you just clinging on to a version of yourself that doesn’t exist any more?
«¿O únicamente te estás aferrando a una versión de ti mismo que ya no existe?».Literature Literature
She was hatless, clinging on to her youth, as if she refused to enter another compartment of life.
Ella estaba sin sombrero, tercamente joven, como si no pudiera ingresar a otro compartimento de la vida.Literature Literature
She had to cling on to that thought.
Debía aferrarse a este pensamiento.Literature Literature
Rachel flinched back, clinging on to Gilmore’s hand to keep herself upright.
Rachel se encogió, aferrándose a la mano de Gilmore para mantenerse derecha.Literature Literature
Shh... let's try to keep them scared, so that they cling on to us for safety, and then...
Shh... hay que intentar a mantenerlas asustadas, así se quedan pegadas a nosotros para seguridad, y luego...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I went down into the darkness, clinging on to the wall as I couldn’t find a light switch.
Bajé los escalones en la oscuridad, agarrándome a la pared, porque no había encontrado el interruptor de la luz.Literature Literature
She wasn’t clinging on to anything, scared of losing anything.
Ella no se aferraba a nada, no tenía miedo de perder nada.Literature Literature
There’s nothing I can cling on to.
No hay nada a lo que pueda aferrarme.Literature Literature
But I was the one clinging on to her, not the other way around.
Fui yo la que me apoyé en ella, y no al contrario.Literature Literature
I said, ‘This could be why Felix is clingy – because he had to cling on to life.
—Este podría ser el motivo por el que Felix es dependiente —le dije—, porque tuvo que aferrarse a la vida.Literature Literature
It was a last, desperate attempt to cling on to life.
Fue un último intento desesperado de aferrarse a la vida.Literature Literature
Now he's " I cling on to my one lame idea " guy. What gives?
Y ahora está empecinado con una de sus ideas flojas. ¿Qué pasa?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You need to cling on to that as long as possible.
Tienes que aferrarte a eso el mayor tiempo posible.Literature Literature
But you're clinging on to him.
Pero tú te aferras a él.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She was like a terrier, clinging on to what she knew to be right.
Era como un terrier, aferrándose a lo que ella sabía que era lo que correcto.Literature Literature
And now you're all just clinging on to each other'cause you need to cling on to something.
Y ahora se aferran los unos a los otros porque necesitan aferrarse a algo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She had to cling on to the banister so as not to lose her balance.
Tuvo que agarrarse a la barandilla de la escalera para no perder el equilibrio.Literature Literature
Is he still clinging on to you pathetically saying that he's ill?
¿Se sigue aferrando a ti patéticamente diciendo que está enfermo?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It is satisfied by the suffering connected with neurosis, and it clings on to illness because of this.
Es satisfecha por el padecer enlazado a la neurosis y se aferra, por tanto, a la enfermedad.Literature Literature
#7 When she orgasms, she clings on to me with her entire body.
Cuando tiene un orgasmo, se aferra a mí con todo su cuerpo.Literature Literature
As we restore, we need to cling on to every morsel of historic fabric...
Al restaurarlo, tenemos que aferrarnos a cada pizca de tejido histórico.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
My landlord, even more dishevelled than usual, was clinging on to one corner in terror.
Mi casero, más desaliñado que de costumbre, estaba agarrado a una esquina, aterrorizado.Literature Literature
Jem meanwhile was clinging on to the creature’s neck, doing something that Tessa could not see.
Mientras tanto, Jem estaba aferrado al cuello del engendro, haciendo algo que Tessa no puedo distinguir.Literature Literature
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