cloudily oor Spaans


In a cloudy way.

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The light was thick like milk and it seemed to float cloudily about the room.
La luz era espesa como la leche y parecía flotar hecha una nube por el cuarto.Literature Literature
It was like having a kid brother, he thought, cloudily.
Era como tener un hermano pequeño, pensó, oscuramente.Literature Literature
Cloudily and clearly
Oscuramente y claramenteopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Everything seems so odd, somehow, as if this were a dream. ‘ She stared cloudily before her.
Todo parece tan raro, de algún modo, como si esto fuera un sueño —miró con fijeza y turbios ojos hacia delante de ella—.Literature Literature
Meantime the papers were put before them, and examined—and cloudily an understanding began to arise in their minds.
Entretanto examinaron los documentos, y poco a poco empezaron a comprender.Literature Literature
She did not then ask him who had provoked her; she just began cloudily to accept that she had been.
Ella no le preguntó quién la había provocado, y empezó a aceptar vagamente que así había sido.Literature Literature
Crixus who stood, fat and heavy, by his side, turned his head and looked at him cloudily.
El gordo y lánguido Crixus, que seguía a su lado, se giró para mirarlo con perplejidad.Literature Literature
Marco's face lowered cloudily over mine.
—la cara de Marco descendió oscuramente sobre la mía.Literature Literature
In Spenser's "A Letter of the Authors", he states that the entire epic poem is "cloudily enwrapped in allegorical devises", and that the aim behind The Faerie Queene was to "fashion a gentleman or noble person in virtuous and gentle discipline".
En "A Letter of the Authors" ("Una Carta de los Autores"), Spencer establece que su obra está totalmente cubierta de alegorías ("cloudily enwrapped in allegorical devises") y que el objetivo principal de "La Reina Hada" era poner de moda las virtudes y las conductas gentiles de los nobles y los caballeros ("fashion a gentleman or noble person in virtuous and gentle discipline”).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For a moment, unease slipped cloudily across her face, and then she was looking at him carefully, studiously.
Por un momento, una nube de inquietud le barrió los ojos y entonces lo miró con atención, estudiándolo.Literature Literature
He stared cloudily into space—“writing” meant inventing.
Se quedó mirando al vacío con aire soñador; «escribir» significaba inventar.Literature Literature
Now, by means of astronomical History, we ascertain, cloudily, that some such phænomena have occurred.
Ahora bien, la historia astronómica nos permite afirmar vagamente que estos fenómenos han ocurrido.Literature Literature
The God of Wrath darkened, cloudily; his features began to become transparent.
El Dios de la Ira se oscureció como un nubarrón; sus rasgos comenzaron a volverse transparentes.Literature Literature
It is suitable to do it in a cleared day and cloudily, though this second prevents from seeing the valley, nevertheless if in half of the tour it is started clouding, is a spectacle to see the movement of the clouds for all this zone, since they are ascending.
Es apto para hacer en día despejado como nublado, aunque este segundo impide ver el valle, sin embargo si en mitad del recorrido se empieza a nublar, es un espectáculo ver el movimiento de las nubes por toda esta zona, como van ascendiendo.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Cloudily gave me the key to the dark
Cloudily me dio la llave de la oscuridadParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
15 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.